50 Best Kaubôi bibappu: Cowboy Bebop Quotes

Ed: Food food food food foody food food food food, do you have any, yes you don't, no you do.

Spike: I'm not a criminal. Oh that makes me seem even more like a criminal, doesn't it?

Vicious: And you will shed tears of scarlet.

Spike: [Spike gets into his Swordfish II ship] I'm gonna go look.
Jet: You're not!
Spike: I'm gonna go look for *my* woman. You can go look for the other one.
Jet: So you're not gonna help me, are you? That's it! You've really gone too far. Then don't come back, there won't be a place for you.
[Spike then puts his coat in the cockpit of his ship]
Spike: That's your call, pal.
[Jet grunts]
Spike: Anyway, at least you won't be lonely now, not with your weird roommates.
Jet: My roommates? That's why you've been staying here? You're being stupid! It's been three years since I teamed up with you, but I never knew you had such ridiculous ideas about this thing. What a joke! And I thought you were the one who was lonely!
Spike: I'm glad we cleared that up.
Jet: Good riddance!
[walks off, Spike gets into ship]
Jet: At least I'll be able to keep some food in the place now!
[Spike inserts engine key]
Jet: I never did understand you, right to the very end!
Spike: I don't understand, either.

Gren: You said that you didn't need comrades, but I'm attached to that word... to the point of tears...

Faye: I tell ya, instead of being alone in a group, it's better to have real solitude all by yourself.

Edward: Lesson lesson, if you see a stranger, follow him.

Vicious: You should see yourself. Do you have any idea what you look like right at this moment, Spike?
Spike: What?
Vicious: A ravenous beast. The same blood runs through both of us. The blood of a beast who wanders, hunting for the blood of others.
Spike: I've bled all that kind of blood away.

Mad: Hello, gentlemen. I have come to take your lives.

Jet: [after Faye makes a mistake] Shit! Rotten babe!
Faye: I heard that!

Spike: You think I'm Vicious? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT VICIOUS IS!

Vicious: There's nothing in this world to believe in.

Faye: Men are such idiots.

Spike: That's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.

Faye: Maybe its his girlfriend.
Spike: 'Fraid she's too young for that.
Ed: Hot dog bun, not too young.
Faye: Maybe he has a thing.
Spike: She's too old for that.
Ed: Oldey moldy, history mystery.

Jet: There's nothing as pure and cruel as a child.

Roco: How did you do that?
Spike: You're tense, I'm calm. You apply excessive force; I control that force through fluid motion. That means relaxing the whole body so it can react instantly without resistance-no, without thought. Do you see now? It means becoming like clear water.
Roco: Water?
Spike: Right. Water can take any form. It drifts without effort one moment then pounds down in a torrent the very next.

Stella: I... I never got to see Roco once with my own eyes... Hey, what was Rocco like?
Spike: You know better than anyone, without looking. He was a terrific guy. Exactly the person you thought he was.

Ed: Lesson! Lesson! If you see a stranger, follow him.

[usual title card at the end of most episodes]
Title: See You Space Cowboy...

Jet: Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable, we have to face them. It's what being human is all about.

Spike: You said "bell peppers and beef." There's no beef in here. So, you wouldn't really call it "bell peppers and beef" now, would you?
Jet: Yes I would.
Spike: Well, it's not!
Jet: It is when you're broke, all right?
Spike: What happened to the million woolong reward we got for that last guy?
Jet: The repair bill for the cruiser you wrecked... and the one from the shop you trashed... and the medical bill from the cop you injured... KILLED THE DOUGH!

Spike: Shit! This is why I hate pets!

Faye: You told me once to forget the past, cause it doesn't matter, but you're the one still tied to the past, Spike.

Cowboy: Let's have a toast to me, and my reflection in your lovely eyes.

Ed: Ed loves Piyokos.

Spike: Ever heard this story?
Jet: Huh?
Spike: There once was a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived & lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he really didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat which meant he was free. He met a white female cat & the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed & the white cat grew weak & died of old age. The tiger-striped cat cried a million times, & then he died too. Except this time, he didn't come back to life.
Jet: Yeah. That's a good story.
Spike: I hate that story.
Jet: Huh?
Spike: I never liked cats, you know that.
Jet: Oh yeah, that's right.
[Spike and Jet begin laughing together]

bull: Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity...

Faye: You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.

Spike: Look at my eyes, Faye. One of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I've been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. So, I thought I could only see patches of reality, never the whole picture.
Faye: Don't tell things like that. You never told me anything about yourself, so dont tell me now!
Spike: I felt like I was watching a dream I could never wake up from. Before I knew it, the dream was all over.

Ed: This is the father person!
Jet: Huh? You mean your father?
Spike: You have a father?

[last lines]
Spike: Bang!

Faye: Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We decieve or we are decieved. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson.

[final title card of the series]
Title: You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

[Session: Jamming With Edward]
Ed: Ed will introduce Ed. Full name - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th.
Spike: That's a long name.
Faye: Who the hell's this?
Ed: Ed made up that name for Ed, isn't it cool?
Spike: If you made it up, how can you be the 4th?

Vicious: And you will shed tears of scarlet.

[the series' final line]
Spike: BANG.

[after finishing up her flashback to Ein]
Faye: Spike! How long have you been listening for?
Spike: Too long. Your story needs editing.

Faye: You're at it again?
Edward: [tirelessly playing E-chess] Not again, still.
Faye: You've been playing the same game ALL WEEK?

Spike: At this point even Ein looks good enough to eat.

Spike: I'm not going there to die. I'm going to find out if I'm really alive. I have to do it, Faye.

Ed: Ahhh that's the wrong one.
Spike: Huh?
Ed: You got a VHS.
Spike: Huh?
Ed: It won't play Beta.
Spike: Huuuh?

Spike: Hunger is the best spice they say.

Spike: Whatever happens, happens.

Anastasia: It got a little chilly today.

Edward: Faye Faye! Smoke smoke, Faye Faye! Puff puff, Faye Faye!

Edward: Hey Faye, what did you put that stuff on for?
Faye: Beautiful skin can only be maintained by tireless efforts which are ultimately totally futile, understand?
Edward: Mmmmmm, Yes! Futile! Useless!

Jet: I started wailing the blues when the doctor whacked my bottom on the day I was born.

Spike: Are you still in pain?
Jet: [pause] Have you heard this story? A man injures his leg during the hunt. He's in the middle of the savannah, with no means to treat the wound. The leg rots and death approaches. The last minute he's picked up by an airplane. He looks down and sees a land of pure white below him, glistening in the light. It's the summit of a snow-capped mountain, the mountain is Kilimanjaro. As he gazes down he feels the life flowing out of him and he thinks, 'That's where I was headed...
Spike: And?
Jet: I hate stories like that. Men only think about the past right before their death. As if they were searching frantically for proof that they were alive.

Roco: I wonder: If I had met you earlier in my lifetime, do you think that we would have been friends?