The Best Faye Valentine Quotes

Edward: Hey Faye, what did you put that stuff on for?
Faye: Beautiful skin can only be maintained by tireless efforts which are ultimately totally futile, understand?
Edward: Mmmmmm, Yes! Futile! Useless!

Faye: The past is the past and the future is the future. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. The present is the present. I am who I am and you are who you are. That's all there is to it. Does it really matter? Or do we just think it does?

Faye: I tell ya, instead of being alone in a group, it's better to have real solitude all by yourself.

Faye: You told me once to forget the past, cause it doesn't matter, but you're the one still tied to the past, Spike.

Faye: You're at it again?
Edward: [tirelessly playing E-chess] Not again, still.
Faye: You've been playing the same game ALL WEEK?

Faye: Maybe its his girlfriend.
Spike: 'Fraid she's too young for that.
Ed: Hot dog bun, not too young.
Faye: Maybe he has a thing.
Spike: She's too old for that.
Ed: Oldey moldy, history mystery.

Jet: [after Faye makes a mistake] Shit! Rotten babe!
Faye: I heard that!

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.

Spike: Look at my eyes, Faye. One of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I've been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. So, I thought I could only see patches of reality, never the whole picture.
Faye: Don't tell things like that. You never told me anything about yourself, so dont tell me now!
Spike: I felt like I was watching a dream I could never wake up from. Before I knew it, the dream was all over.

Faye: Why do you have to go? Where are you going? What are going to do, just throw your life away like it was nothing?
Spike: I'm not going there to die. I'm going to find out if I'm really alive. I have to do it, Faye.

[after finishing up her flashback to Ein]
Faye: Spike! How long have you been listening for?
Spike: Too long. Your story needs editing.

Faye: Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We decieve or we are decieved. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson.

Faye: You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.

Jet: Betrayal may come easily to women, but men live by iron-clad codes of honor.
Faye: You really believe that?
Jet: I'm trying to, real hard.

Faye: Men are such idiots.

[Session: Jamming With Edward]
Ed: Ed will introduce Ed. Full name - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th.
Spike: That's a long name.
Faye: Who the hell's this?
Ed: Ed made up that name for Ed, isn't it cool?
Spike: If you made it up, how can you be the 4th?