30 Best Robert Axelrod Quotes

Lord: I know what you're thinking, so don't even say it.
Rita: Don't say what? That all your friends are a bunch of losers that couldn't beat a drum if they had to, huh?

Lord: Z-E-D-D! My name is LORD ZEDD!
Rito: Oh, it's "Zedd!" I got it, Ed.

Lord: Blast that worthless Goldar! He couldn't capture the Power Rangers' grandmothers!

Lord: I will throw the world's greatest Halloween bash. It will be magnificent!
Baboo: Do we get to dress up? I've always wanted to be Little Bo Peep!

Spike: Why do you kill off members of your own group,Whats the point of that?
Dr. Londez: I am not forcing anything on anyone.
Dr. Londez: They are merely practicing a faith they decided to believe in of their own free will.
Dr. Londez: Tell me, Why do you think people believe in god ?
Dr. Londez: Because they want to.
Dr. Londez: It's not easy living in an ugly corrupt world.
Dr. Londez: There is no certainty, nothing to hope for
Dr. Londez: People are lost, so they reach out.
Dr. Londez: Don't you get it ?
Dr. Londez: God didn't create humans... No!, Its humans who created god

Rita: What a pretty package wrapped up so nice and neat. And it's not even my birthday.
Lord: Perfect, isn't it? The Aquitian Rangers alone in the center of town, the Power Coins destroyed, what more can we ask for?
Rito: How about a monster attack?
Lord: I can't believe it. Twice in one day your brain is proven operational.

Goldar: [On Earth, trying to snatch a photograph from two kids] Give me that photograph, now!
Lord: [On the moon] You're seven feet tall, lamebrain! Just take it from them!

Finster: Sometimes I really hate being a badguy.

Lord: Ah, now they really *are* power brats

Lord: Walk this way.
Goldar: Okay, but I feel a little stupid.

Lord: I rule over a dominion of losers. None of you know how to defeat the Power Rangers. I'm disgusted with all of you!
Goldar: Me too!
Rita: He's talking about you, Goldbar!

Lord: Everything is going as planned. I have Kimberly's power coin to siphon off Ninjor's power combine it with the Falconzord's technology and bring out new Zords to life. Then all I'll need is six pilots to command them.
Rito: Just like the Power Rangers.
Lord: Yes, of course - the Power Rangers. Rito, being around me is really starting to pay off for you. You've done it again.
Goldar: He has?
Lord: Who better to pilot the new Zords than the Power Rangers themselves?
Rito: Yeah!
Rita: You've been hanging around my brother too long, Zeddy.
Lord: Think with your brain instead of your mouth, for a change.

Lord: Once again you've ruined any chance we had of destroying those meddlesome teenagers.
Rita: Me? Listen, radiator face - If you'd only keep out of it...
Lord: Radiator face? How dare you!
Rita: It's true, you piece of New York rare steak!
Lord: At least I'm not a hog dog like you!

Lord: Rito Revolto, weren't you going to put an end to the Power Rangers?
Goldar: I knew he'd mess it up
Rito: Well, I made a mistake. So sue me.
Goldar: You should be so lucky!

Lord: I take back what I said about your brother. He's not a fool, he's a brainless twit!

Lord: And now, to finish off those pesky Power Rangers! Grow Pirantishead! Grow!

Lord: I am Lord Zedd, Emperor of all I seek!

Tommy: Hey, I thought you knew what you were doing!
Saba: I do.
Tommy: Yeah? You sure could've fooled me.

Master: Excellent, Rito. I knew if I found the proper task, you could do something right.
Rito: Ah, Dad, thanks.
Goldar: We're not sure he didn't mess it up yet.
Master: You will be silenced, Goldar!
[Maser Vile zaps Goldar with a gag over his mouth]
Master: If you're quite through, the hour is upon us. Ultimate power, I command you: Arise and conquer with venomous sinew!
Lord: This sounds like the rerun of a very bad movie. I can't take much more of this.

Lord: Oh, Alpha. You can come out of hiding!
Alpha: I don't like you... Ed.
Lord: It's Zedd, you blinking bucket of bolts! Lord Zedd!

Rita: ZEDD!
Lord: Grah! Blasted woman... that voice of hers could peel paint!

Lord: Ah, look, sheer terror and desperation. I love it. Ha ha, this is better than big-time space wrestling! A monster on Earth and not a Ranger in sight.

Finster: But, my queen, it wasn't my fault!
Rita: I can't believe, you messed up again!
Baboo: [hits Squatt in the head three times] I told you, you should have stayed at home! But, you didn't listen!
Squatt: What about you!
Baboo: What do you mean, me?
Finster: Temper, temper! I have nothing doubt!
[Goldar punches Finster]
Finster: Hey! I warned you!
Goldar: Can't you do anything right, for make me stop?
Rita: Get out of my way, you nitwits! Now, I've got to come up with another plan!

Goldar: [after getting his wings back] Thank you your excellency, you won't regret this.
Lord: See that I don't.

Rita: How long have we been married, anyway?
Lord: My unhappiness is so complete, it feels like a mere matter of moments. Does it feel that way to you my little sour apple?
Rita: Seems more like a century.

Rito: The way I see it, Ed, we need a fool-proof plan to defeat the Rangers.
Lord: Oh, is that the way you see it? And the names Zedd, nitwit!
Rito: Yes, sir. The way to stop the Power Rangers is to turn one of *them* into a monster and use him the destroy the others.
Rita: You blithering bumble head! That is the stupidest idea!
Lord: Hold on, my little chowder head. We have have stumbled on to a plan that might work. In fact, I can smell the Rangers' demise.
Rito: That's why you're the boss, Ed - Smarts.

Rita: She can't steal the coin with those people around.
Lord: We need that coin to get into the Ninjazord.
Rito: Well, create a diversion.
Lord: Brilliant. You've finally proven yourself to be more than just a bag of bones, Rito.
Rito: Well, you know, I'm always trying, Ed.
Lord: It's Zedd, you calcium-head!

Goldar: [on Earth] I am the greatest warrior of all time.
Lord: [on the Moon] I can't believe that dimwit just said that.

Trini: Hey, Rita! You have to better than that if you want to beat us!
Rita: You nincompoop! Your monster was worthless!
Finster: But, I warned you, he wasn't my best work!
Baboo: This is all your fault!
[hits Squatt in the head three times]
Squatt: My fault?
Baboo: I don't know how! But, you've always messed everything up! You do!
Finster: Now now, my queen! Please don't yell at me and turn me into a toad or something! Please, my queen! I beg you!
Baboo: I'm sensitive to dissatisfaction!
Rita: I'm feeling sick again and it's all your fault! And as for you two, shut up! How can anyone conquer the world, with these nitwits?

Rita: Make our monster grow!