The Best King Baldwin Quotes

King: On your knees... lower. I am... Jerusalem. And you, Reynald, will give me the kiss of peace.
[takes off glove]

Bishop,: The things that we have left undone plague us as death comes. That is why to the dying there is no comfort but the Lord.
King: Spare me your sermon. Go and prepare your people for the coronation of my nephew.
Bishop,: Your confession, my lord.
King: I shall confess to God when I see him... not to you. Now, leave me.

Saladin: I pray you pull back your cavalry and leave this matter to me.
King: I pray you retire unharmed to Damascus. Reynald of Chatillon will be punished. I swear it. Withdraw or we will all die here.

King: Come forward. I am glad to meet Godfrey's son. He was one of my greatest teachers. He was there when, playing with the other boys, my arm was cut. It was he, not my father's physicians, who noticed that I felt no pain. He wept when he gave my father the news... that I am a leper. The Saracens say that this disease is God's vengence against the vanity of our kingdom. As wretched as I am, these Arabs believe that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting. If that's true, I call it unfair. Come. Sit.
[they sit down on opposite sides of a chessboard]
King: Do you play?
Balian: No.
King: The whole world is in chess. Any move can be the death of you. Do anything except remain where you started, and you can't be sure of your end. Were you sure of your end once?
Balian: I was.
King: What was it?
Balian: To be buried a hundred yards from where I was born.
King: And now?
Balian: Now I sit in Jerusalem, and look upon a king.
King: [Baldwin chuckles] When I was sixteen, I won a great victory. I felt in that moment I would live to be a hundred. Now I know I shall not see thirty. None of us know our end, really, or what hand will guide us there. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that.
Balian: I will.

King: A King may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus." Or that, "Virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.