The Best Lars Väringer Quotes

Arne: Let's hope - it gets - returned.
Christian: I hope so too.
Pelle: I feel responsible.
Arne: Well, you and - Odd, you can go lookin' for them!
Pelle: Yes.
Arne: Maybe you can redeem this!
Stev: You - are going with the women for the day's activity...
Dani: Oh! Hi.
Stev: [to Christian] And, uh Siv - wants to see you in her house.

Siv: On this, the day of our deity of reciprocity, we gather to give special thanks to our treasured Sun. As an offering for our Father, we will today surrender nine *human* lives. As Hårga takes, so Hårga also gives. Thus, for every newblood sacrificed, we will dedicate one of our own. That is: four newbloods, four from Hårga, and one to be chosen by the Queen. Nine in all, to die, and be reborn, in the great Cycle.
Stev: The four newbloods, have already been supplied. As for our end, we have two already dedicated... And two who have volunteered. Ingemar and Ulf.
[they step forward]
Stev: You have brought outside offerings, thus volunteering your own bodies. You will today be joined in harmony with Everything. And to Pelle, who has brought new blood, and our new May Queen, you will today be honored for your unclouded intuition. And so, for our ninth offering. It is traditional that our fair Queen shall choose, between a preselected newblood, and a specially ordained Hårgan.

Stev: Well. We, um - have something regretful to announce. This morning, the nineteenth book of Rubi Radr was found missin', from the temple. We don't want to - point fingers, and yet we kindly ask that whoever took it return it, to its original place. You can leave it in the temple, which will be left unguarded, unwatched. Nobody need to know, it was you.