The Best Pelle Quotes

Josh: Why 36?
Pelle: Well we think of life like the seasons. So you're a child until you're 18 and that's spring. And then at some point we all do our Pilgrimage, which is between 18 and 36, and that's summer. And then from, eh - 36 to 54, we're working age, which is *fall*. And then finally from 54 to 72 you become a mentor.
Dani: What happens at 72?
[Pelle makes a comical throat slash gesture; Dani laughs]

Pelle: Hey, guys. So these are younger people from my village. They're also returning from the trips outside. Come on over.
[short pause]
Pelle: Hey! These are my friends from America.

Dani: Are these the May Queens?
Pelle: [turning away from Christian] Yeah! Right! Uh eh... You'll actually be here for that.
Josh: And - Who are your May Queens?
Pelle: Eh, every Midsummer we have this dance competition and the winner gets crowned, in this.
Dani: [laughing] Oh! Wow. Beautiful.

Arne: Let's hope - it gets - returned.
Christian: I hope so too.
Pelle: I feel responsible.
Arne: Well, you and - Odd, you can go lookin' for them!
Pelle: Yes.
Arne: Maybe you can redeem this!
Stev: You - are going with the women for the day's activity...
Dani: Oh! Hi.
Stev: [to Christian] And, uh Siv - wants to see you in her house.

Mark: Somebody should tell those girls they're *walkin'* stupid.
Christian: [in hushed tones] How long do they *typically* stand?
Pelle: Uh we're gonna stand until it's - right to sit.

Pelle: He's my good friend and I like him, but... Dani, do you feel held by him? Does he feel like home to you?