The Best Laura Ramsey Quotes

[last lines]
Sarah: [regarding Chase] Where is he?
Caleb: I don't know...

Kate: [turning from her mirror] You know, both Caleb and Reid were checking you out tonight, but if were me, I'd go for Caleb.
Sarah: Why?
Kate: He's just one of those majorly good guys, you know.
Sarah: Well, how do you mean?
Kate: Well, like he could stay here in the dorms and party with the rest of us, but he stays at home to care of his mom.
Sarah: What's wrong with her?
Kate: After Caleb's dad died, she became a bit of an alcoholic.
Sarah: Is he seeing anyone?
Kate: [happy] So we are interested.

Sarah: See? Chivalry isn't dead after all.
Kate: [smiling to Chase] No, it just transferred in.

Kate: They're here.
Sarah: Who?
Kate: The sons of Ipswich.

Sarah: So, who's the fifth?
Kate: What fifth?
Sarah: Well, you said five families.
Kate: They say the fifth was killed off during the Salem witch hunt.

Sarah: [to Kate] So, why do you call them "The Sons of Ipswich"? What are they, like a boy band?
Kate: I like you. You're funny. Not like all the other stuck-up bitches. No, they're supposedly descendants of the five families that settled the Ipswich colony in the 1600's.
Sarah: Old money.

Caleb: [pulls up in front of the house] Our family's first colony house.
Sarah: Wait, someone lives here?
Caleb: Just our caretaker, Gorman.
[a shot rings out, ducks from bullet]
Caleb: Gorman, it's me! It's okay! He doesn't see that well anymore.
Sarah: You think?
Gorman Twoberry: Who's with you?
Caleb: Just a friend! Be right back

Aaron: I think you owe Kyra an apology.
Caleb: Actually, I think it's Kyra who owes Sarah the apology.
[nods from Kyra to Sarah]
Sarah: [Sarah smirks]
Chase: [after cutting in, speaking to Aaron] Sorry, but you were being kind of bitchy.