The Best Chase Collins Quotes

Chase: [At the end, during the battle] You ready to say "uncle"?
Caleb: I'm ready for you to go to hell.

Chase: Did you see my problem here? I like to use a lot. Only no one ever told me about the effects, the damage, the addiction.

Aaron: What the hell are you staring at, faggot?
Chase: That thing between your legs. It's like a penis, but smaller.

Chase: Say it! "I"
Caleb: I
Chase: "will"
Caleb: will
Chase: "you-"
Caleb: you... nothing.

Chase: Okay, I'll admit. I'm a little impressed. Not bad.
Caleb: Thanks!
[pushes Chase with his powers]
Chase: [laughs] Ooh! Woo! Trying to impress your date, huh?

Chase: I'm going to make you my Wee-yotch!

Chase: Come to save little Ms. Muffet, have we? Well, you're too late. A spider came and sat down beside her and frightened Ms. Muffet away!

Chase: Oooooh, witchy! Oops. Did I just say "witch"?

Aaron: I think you owe Kyra an apology.
Caleb: Actually, I think it's Kyra who owes Sarah the apology.
[nods from Kyra to Sarah]
Sarah: [Sarah smirks]
Chase: [after cutting in, speaking to Aaron] Sorry, but you were being kind of bitchy.

Chase: That guy's puking really came at an opportune moment.
Reid: Didn't it, though?