The Best Evelyn Danvers Quotes

Evelyn: [off screen] You're home early.
Caleb: It's after midnight. Mother. What are you still going up?
Evelyn: Thinking about my baby turning 18 this week.
[about his father]
Evelyn: You look so much like him in this light. You know, he was a year younger than you when we met.

Evelyn: For once in your life can you think of anyone besides yourself.
James: I will you my powers.
[Caleb then receives his powers and William dies]

Evelyn: [about his father] I'm so afraid I'll lose you like I did him.
Caleb: How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not him.
Evelyn: That's the same thing he said about his father. You know these... these powers that you and your friends developed when you turned 13 are nothing compared with what you'll get when you ascend. They are a thousand times stronger.