30 Best Taylor Kitsch Quotes

Edgar: I am the key. I am the key! I, Edgar.
[he looks for clues on the mausoleum door]
Edgar: Ed! E... D!
[he presses the letters E-D in 'Inter Mundos' engraved on the mausoleum door, but nothing happens, frustrated Burroughs takes out the telegraph Carter had sent him and reads]
Edgar: 'Dear, Ned'. He never called me Edgar. He called me Ned!
[he presses the letters N-E-D in the 'Inter Mundos' engraved on the mausoleum door and the door opens, Ned is shocked to discover his uncle's body is missing, Matai Shang appears behind him, about to kill him, but Carter appears and shoots him]
John: Hello, Ned.

Reid: [seeing a girl in a short skirt, slapping a twenty on the table] Blue. Cotton.
Tyler: [slapping down a twenty] Pink lace.
Pogue: [slapping down a twenty] Boys, that girl hasn't worn panties since she was twelve.
Pogue: [a gust of wind blows the girl's skirt up, revealing no panties. Pogue walks off with the money, smirking, and hands it to the bartender] Keep the change, man.

Tyler: So what did the Provost want?
Caleb: Someone told him about the fight at Nikki's.
Reid: Feel like elaborating on that?
Pogue: Oh, you got a piece of glass on your face.

Tars: Zodanga, red flags. Helium, blue. Zodanga is winning the war. But I say let red men kill red men until only Tharks remain.
John: That doesn't look like a fair fight.
Tars: Zodanga never fights fair.

Chon: Adrenaline is natures way of telling you 'don't fuck up.'

Pogue: [while talking about Chase Collins] Look, I don't even like the guy. Are you sure you're not imagining this?
Caleb: I'm telling you. His eyes were as black as the night in the pool today.

John: Stand behind me, this might get dangerous.
[John fights the Zodangans. When he loses his sword, Dejah takes it and kills the remaining enemies]
John: Or maybe I ought to get behind you...
Dejah: [Cleans the blood off the sword with John's clothes] You let me know when it gets dangerous.

Dejah: In the Hall of Science.
John: And where's that?
Dejah: [chuckles, while smiling with her head down] Helium.
John: [Carter becomes angry, thinking that Dejah is still trying to convince him to go to Helium] Then quick! Let's just head on turn on back to Helium.
[Carter grabs Dejah's arm in anger]
John: What do you take me for?
Dejah: I take you for a man who's lost!
John: I won't be lost if you just tell me how to work this thing!
Dejah: I will! But everything I need to understand the medallion is in Helium. I'm trying to get you back to your cave of gold. Isn't that what you want?
John: Yes.
John: I won't be lost if you just tell me how to work this thing!
Dejah: No, I don't believe you. We may have been born worlds apart, but I know you, John Carter. From the moment you caught me in the sky, I knew. I felt the heart of a man willing to lay down his life for others. A man willing to fight for a cause, here, on Barsoom.
[Suddenly Carter kisses Dejah, but he has a flashback of his wife and daughter and pulls away from Dejah]
Dejah: Don't you see? Carter, I fled to find another way. You are the other way.
[suddenly they hear Sola calling out to Carter, as they leave the cave they see a tribe of Tharks, led by Matai Shang, shooting at Sola]

Tars: [shouting to his men as Carter points the weapon at Tarkas]
Tars: Don't shoot it! Don't shoot it! Don't shoot it!
[as Tarkas lunges himself onto Carter, one of his soldiers shoots Carter in the butt, after which Tarkas takes him prisoner, straps him to one of their alien horse creatures, along with some Thark hatchlings]
John: [shouting] What is this place? Where am I?
Tars: [subtitled] Virginia. It's okay, just relax.
John: Where's my damn gold?
Young: [one of Tarkas' soldiers walks up to him to inform him about the eggs]
Young: Eighteen have not yet hatched, Jeddak.
Tars: [subtitled] Then they are not our kind. Leave nothing for the white apes.
John: [Carter watches as Tarkas' soldiers shoot the unhatched eggs] Where on earth am I?

James: You sure you can't come?
Ben: I wish, brother, but my S.O. is already asking me questions about my "irregular work hours."
Liz: Well, I would've fired your ass years ago.

Dejah: Homesick for the Thark nursery?
John: I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep. I had that feeling you get suddenly that... you left a light burning or a door open.
John: Go back to bed. I won't be long.
[she kisses his hand and returns to their room and Carter takes Woola for a walk]

John: Fifty millions miles apart, and no way to bridge the gap, no way to return my body and my soul to their true home. Like a fool I'd thrown away my medallion. Then I recalled Matai Shang, his knowledge of earth, of my history. It mean Therns were a presence on this world, the cave in Arizona was proof. There might be other such proofs, other Thern way stations hidden all around the world. I knew now what the cave of gold must be used for. So for ten bitter years I searched, on the trail of rumor and legend, I fared it out every possible evidence of Therns, but I found no medallion. And then it came to me. And once it came, there were many plans I had to make in secret. I could trust no one else. I had long suspected that the Therns were following my movements. Now you'll understand the cause of my sudden death. The reason for my bizarre funeral instructions. Why the door can only be opened from the inside. For if my body dies on earth, then my copy dies on Mars. You are the key, this is the task I entrust to you along with all my fortune. Protect my body, the Therns will attempt to destroy it. In the time it has taken you to read these pages, they may have already done so.

Matai: Increased strength and agility. Simple matter of gravitation and anatomy, one we ought to have foreseen.
John: We?
Matai: No apparent increase in intelligence. Still this will not do at all.
[he holds up the medallion that brought Carter to Mars]
Matai: Your kind of Earthmen projecting themselves over here, leaping about, causing all manner of disruption.
John: You're a Thern.
Matai: Therns are a myth.

John: [voice over] My dear Edgar, I remember how I used to take you on my knee and tell you wild tales, which you always did me the great courtesy of believing. Now you are grown, time and space have parted us, but I reach out across that distance, to that same wide eyed boy and ask him to believe me once more. This wild tale begins thirteen years ago, in the Arizona Territory, between the Pinaleño Mountains and the backside of hell.

[first lines]
Reid: What's up, fellas?
Tyler: Where were you? I stopped by to give you a lift.
Reid: Had things to do. How's the party?
Pogue: Don't know. Just got here.
Reid: Well, hell, boys.
[eyes go black]
Reid: Let's drop in.
[jumps off a cliff]
Tyler: Shit, yeah!
[jumps off the cliff as well]

Chon: Close your legs. It's showing.
O: [uncrossing her ankles and putting her knees together] Oh. Sorry...
Chon: [about Ben] I was talking to him.

Dejah: [to Tars Tarkas] Jeddak of the Tharks. I am Dejah Thoris, regent of the Royal Helium Academy of Science. My research...
Tars: [Pushes her away to John] Your share of the spoils. Sola, tend to Virginia's property.
Sola: Yes, my Jeddak
[Holds Dejah's arms behind her back]
Dejah: [to Tars Tarkas] You know when Sab Than has conquered us, he will turn his weapon upon you!
Tars: I know that Zodanga has found a way to defeat you. And now you seek a mighty weapon of your own. But Virginia fights for us! He will fight the Torquas in the south. The Warhoons in the north! And he will be called Dotar Sojat! "My right arms"!
John: No. I don't fight for anyone.
Tars: [to John] Virginia. You reject this honor, then I can't guarantee you the safety of your red girl.
John: [Looks at Dejah being held captive by Sola] I am... Dotar Sojat.

Kantos: My name is Kantos Kan. I serve Princess Dejah.
John: Dejah?
Kantos: Uh-huh. From what she tells me, you can get us over... there.
[he points to Sab Than's palace]
John: She said I could make that?
Kantos: We could always surrender. Is that what you do on Jarsoom?
[John grabs a hold of Kantos and leaps into the air far enough to grab the palace's stone ledge and tumble into Dejah's bridal suite]

Matai: Ah. American.
John: Who are you, sir?
Matai: "Sir." Definitely from the South. The Carolinas? Virginia? It's Virginia, isn't it? Lovely place.
John: Do you know it?
Matai: Not as well as I should. But I will.

John: Toxin, derived from a puffer fish, simulates death.
[Carter finds the medallion on Matai Shang's body]
Edgar: You never found the medallion?
John: No. That's why I'm so grateful to you for bringing me one.
Edgar: I... I was just bait?
John: No. You're far more than that. I really do need a protector. That is, if you're willing.
[Ned agrees and hugs Carter]
John: Goodbye, Ned.
John: [Carter turns to go into the mausoleum] Oh, and Ned. Take up a cause, fall in love, write a book.
John: [about to close the mausoleum] It's time I went home.
John: [he shuts the door, lays down on the body slab, and says the phrase that will return him to Barsoom] Ak Ohum Oktay Weez...
John: [he sees Dejah saying 'Barsoom' and smiles before repeating the word] Barsoom.

Dejah: [Pointing with a stick at the solar system she drew on the ground] Sun. Then Rasoom.
John: Mercury.
Dejah: [Points to the second planet] Then Cosoom.
John: Venus.
[Points to the third planet]
John: Then Earth. Us.
Dejah: That is Jasoom.
[Points to the next planet]
Dejah: You are on Barsoom, John Carter.
John: Mars? I'm on Mars...
[Gets up, shocked]
John: Good God, I'm on Mars.
Dejah: So your home is Jasoom? And you came on one of your sailing ships across millions of karads of empty space?
John: No. Not like that.
Dejah: Go on. Shock me. How?
John: [Points at the thern medallion kept by Tars Tarkas] That brought me here.
Dejah: Oh. Well, that explains everything then.
John: It does?
Dejah: Yes. You are a thern. And you simply wish to return to your rightful place, isn't that it?
John: Yes.
Dejah: [Begins to walk away] Then let's sort this out right now. Come along!
[John follows]

John: [as the trio arrive the Gates of Iss which looks like a giant umbrella-like rock formation] Professor.
Dejah: Impossible! I've never seen this kind of structure before.
John: I wanna get a better look.
[suddenly Carter grabs Dejah and leaps to the top of the rock formation]
Dejah: Carter, your feet!
[the medallion Carter carries lights up blue and as they look down they notice the center of the rock begins to lower and a set of stairs emerges, the stairs lead into a cave where the walls form blue webbed material]
Dejah: This is not the work of Gods. These are machines. Your medallion.
John: [Carter gives her the medallion and Dejah places it on the glowing spider carving on the cave ground] The spider.
Dejah: [nine blue glowing rays suddenly appear out of the spider symbol] Nine. Nine rays. Nine! The Ninth Ray is real! It can be harnessed, do you see? This entire structure runs on Ninth Ray isolates. The Iss is such power, and somehow Zodanga has it. The Therns, they must be real. And you, you are John Carter of Earth?
John: Yes, ma'am.
Dejah: And the ships that sail on the sea, you've seen them?
[Carter nods his head]
Dejah: That must be a beautiful sight.
John: It truly is.
[as Carter steps on the blue ray light suddenly the set of symbols connects and the solar system appears on the ground]
Dejah: It's our solar system!
John: [Carter steps on the symbol of Earth and a set of symbols connects the planet to Barsoom] What's it saying?
Dejah: I'm not sure.
John: Okay. What do you think it says?
Dejah: It appears to be... a kind of technical diagram. Here is Barsoom, there is Jasoom. This bit here, it's like our symbol for a transcription. A copy, sent along these lines here, between the worlds. Like...
John: A telegram. You're saying I was telegraphed here. I'm a copy of myself.
Dejah: Possibly. Making these words here, the command for travel.
Dejah: [referring to the symbols they've just discovered] I don't like guessing. I need more information, I need charts, codices.
[Carter looks at Dejah with suspicion]
John: Right. And where might we find those?

Tars: [subtitled] Watch. Everyone, step back. Show them, Virginia. Jump. Jump!
John: [spits]
Tars: By Issus, you will jump tomorrow, Virginia.

John: [Seeing the carvings in the temple of the Tharks] Can you read it?
Dejah: It's old scripture.
John: What's it mean?
Dejah: Don't rush me. "To those who seek the solace of eternity, may journey down the river through the sacred Gates of Iss and find everlasting peace in the bosom of Issus".
John: The Gates of Iss.
Dejah: What if I could take you there?
John: What if I didn't trust you?
Dejah: Then we'd be even. I can take you to the gates, to the answers that you seek. A way back to Jasoom.
John: Earth.
Dejah: Earth. So this I can to repay you from getting us out of here. Assuming that you can.
John: Deal.
[Places his hand in front of her. Dejah looks confused]
John: Go on. Shake it. It's a sign of trust.
[Dejah takes his thumb and gives his hand a light shake]
John: Good enough.

Chon: Grow up Ben. You don't change the world, it changes you.

John: [sees Woola] Easy. Nice monster dog.

John: War's a shameful thing.
Dejah: Not when a noble cause is taken by those who can make a difference. You made a difference today, Virginia.
John: Okay. See, my name is John Carter. Virginia is where I'm from.
Dejah: Where did you learn to jump that way?
John: I don't know. How'd you learn to fly?
Dejah: Your ships cannot sail on light in Virginia?
John: No, professor. See, our ships sail on the seas. Endless water everywhere.
Dejah: [Stares at him then begins to walk around him] Skeleton structure normal...
John: What are you doing?
Dejah: [Continues to study him] It must be the density of your bones.
[Spanks him]
Dejah: Jump for me!
Sola: Enough! There will be time for playfulness later!
Dejah: I want no playfulness from him. I want his help. Explain to me how you do it. If it's a skill, teach it to Helium. Name your price.
John: I'm not for hire. I've got a cave of gold of my own. Somewhere
[Begins to walk away]
Dejah: Only a madman would rave about the times of oceans!
John: Is that your expert's view? I'm mad?
Dejah: Or a liar.
Sola: She's a good match for you, Dotar Sojat.
John: Don't call me that.
Dejah: There are no seas on the planet.
John: You said planet...

John: You got me. I surrender.
Tars: [Fist on his chest] Jeddak.
John: Jeddak?
Tars: Jeddak. Tars Tarkas.
John: Tars... Tarkas.
[Tars smiles]
John: Captain John Carter. Virginia.
Tars: Vor... ginya.
[Points at John]
Tars: Vorginya!
John: No. My name is John Carter, I'm from Virginia.
Tars: [Continues to point at John] Virginia.

Chon: I think, basically, you want us to eat your shit and call it caviar.

Telegraph: [on Earth, Carter goes to a telegraph office and places a telegraph on the counter] Ten words a minimum. That's fifty cents, unless you want special delivery.
Telegraph: [Carter places a coin on the counter making the telegraph clerk look up and take the coin] Special delivery it is. Name of sender?
John: Carter. John Carter.