The Best Tardos Mors Quotes

Tardos: [In Zodanga the wedding procession is taking place, Dejah walks towards her father] I know that this is not the fate you'd have chosen for yourself, or for Helium. But choice is a luxury, even for a Jeddak of Barsoom. Even if in your heart...
Dejah: The heart is a luxury.
[Tardos starts walking Dejah down the isle towards Sab Than]
Tardos: Steady.
Matai: [Matai Shang is next to Sab Than as they watch Dejah and her father walk towards them] Remember, she is not the prize. The prize is Barsoom.

Tardos: Dejah, ever since you were a little girl, you've always met the expectations placed on you. It's Sab's terms.
Dejah: What are they?
Tardos: He will spare Helium, if you accept his hand in marriage.
Dejah: No! He is a monster! You must refuse him!
Tardos: He's already on his way here.
Dejah: But all of my work! I just need a little more time!
Tardos: Dejah.
Dejah: How can you...? You can't just bow down to Zodanga!
Tardos: A wedding will save the city!
Dejah: Perhaps! But it could lose you Barsoom!
Tardos: Dejah!
Dejah: With no one to stop Zodanga it will be the beginning of the end!
Tardos: We do not... we do not have the luxury.
Dejah: [shouting] You are the Jeddak of Helium! You must find another way!
Tardos: [shouting] There is no other way!
[Dejah looks away from Tardos]
Tardos: If there were, I would risk anything to cease it. This is the chance we have been given. Perhaps it is the will of the Goddess.
Dejah: No. It is your will. When I was little and we would look up at the stars, and you would tell me of the heroes whose glory was written in the sky. How there was a star up there for me. Is this what you imagined would be written on it?
Tardos: [before Tardos answers her Kantos enters with his men]
Kantos: My Jeddak, Sab Than's Corsair approaches the city. They signal for permission to land.
Tardos: Grant it.
[Dejah turns away from Tardos in disappointment and sadness]
Tardos: And let us prepare ourselves for a wedding.

Tardos: Dejah, ever since you were a little girl you've always met the expectations placed on you...
[Dejah gently places her hand on his]
Tardos: It's Sab's terms.
Dejah: What are they?
Tardos: He will spare Helium if you accept his hand in marriage.
[Places his hand upon hers but Dejah quickly takes it away]
Dejah: No. He is a monster! You must refuse him!
Tardos: He's already on his way here.
Dejah: But all of my work... I just need a little more time.
Tardos: Dejah.
Dejah: How can you... You can't just bow down to Zodanga!
Tardos: A wedding will save the city!
Dejah: Perhaps but it could lose you Barsoom!
Tardos: Dejah.
Dejah: With no one to stop Zodanga will be the beginning of the end! You are a Jeddak of Helium! You must find another way!
Tardos: There is not another way!