The Best Nicholas Woodeson Quotes

Dalton: [Dalton and Burroughs stand outside Carter's tomb] You won't find a keyhole, thing only opens from the inside. He insisted, no embalming, no open coffin, no funeral. Well, you don't acquire the kind of wealth your uncle commanded by being like the rest of us, huh? Come, let's go inside.
[Dalton turns and leave, but Burroughs hesitates, walks towards the tomb and places his hand on the door]

Dalton: [after receiving Carter's telegraph, his nephew Edgar Rice Burroughs arrives at his estate to find out that Carter had died] His death came as a shock to all of us, he was a model of health and vigor. He just dropped dead in his study, not five minutes after sending word for me and the doctor. When I arrived he was already gone.
Dalton: [Burroughs looks around at Carter's office in awe as he sees all the strange and exotic findings from all over the world] The man never stopped digging. All over the world. No sooner he started digging one hole then he was off to Jaava or the Orkney Islands digging another. He said it was pure research, but it always seemed to me like he was looking for something. Well, God granting, he's found it now.
Dalton: [Burroughs picks up a photo of Carter and looks at it] Every inch a Cavalry man, to the very end.
Edgar: My mother always said that Jack never really came back from the war. That it was only his body that went West. He used to tell me the most wondrous stories.
[he turns to Dalton]
Dalton: I'd like to pay my respects.

Dalton: [back at Carter's estate, Dalton reads from Carter's will] And lastly, I hereby direct, that my estate shall be held in trust for twenty five years. The income to benefit my beloved nephew, Edgar Rice Burroughs. At the end of which term, the principal will revert to him, in full.
Edgar: [Burroughs looks shocked] Of course, I always adored him, but it's been so long. Why me?
Dalton: He never offered an explanation, I never asked him for one.
[Dalton passes an old looking journal to Burroughs]
Dalton: It was his private journal. He was most explicit that you, and only you, would read its contents. You might possibly find some kind of explanation in here. I'll leave you now.
[Dalton stands and offers his hand to Burroughs]
Dalton: Again, my condolences.
[Dalton turns and leaves]

Doctor: [Bond enters the interrogation room to take his psychological test, looking toward the one way mirror. M and Mallory stand on the other side with Tanner] I'd like to start with some simple word associations. Just tell me the first word that pops into your head. For example, I say, "Day" and you might say...
James: Wasted.
Doctor: [sighs] All right.
Doctor: Gun.
James: Shot.
Doctor: Agent.
James: Provocateur.
Doctor: Woman?
James: Provocatrix.
Doctor: Heart.
James: Target.
Doctor: Bird.
James: Sky.
Doctor: M.
James: Bitch.
[M sighs from the other side of the interrogation room]
Doctor: Sunlight
James: Swim
Doctor: Moon
James: Dance
Doctor: Murder.
James: Employment.
Doctor: Country.
James: England.
Doctor: Skyfall.
[Bond suddenly pauses]
Doctor: Skyfall.
[Continued pause]
Doctor: Done.
[Bond walks out - looking coldly through the one-way mirror]
Gareth: Hmm, this is going well
[he leaves, M sighs again]