Top 50 Quotes From Daryl Sabara

The: Are you saying that this is all just a... dream?
Hobo: You said it, kid! Not me.

Carmen: [Carmen holds Juni's Fooglie picture and taunts him] What's this supposed to be? A self-portrait?
Juni: [imitating Carmen] What's this supposed to be? A self-portrait?
Carmen: [Gregorio takes the picture off Carmen, and Carmen tells on Juni] Mom! He's mimicking me!
Juni: [imitating Carmen] Mom! He's mimicking me!

Gabriel: Who are you?
Dr. Gregory House: The little ones call me "Uncle Greg."

Carmen: Com systems check. Can you hear me?
Juni: Yeah.
Carmen: Let's try that cave over there.

Gary: Can't let you bust up my dad's machine, Juni. So I guess I'll just have to bust you up!
Juni: We can take 'em! Come on, buddy! We can take 'em! l don't think we can take 'em!

Juni: It needs monsters.

The: You!
Know: You!
Hero: What are you doing here?
Know: Same as you. I'm checking out my Christmas presents making sure I got everything on my list. All I found is one present and all it has is just a bunch of stupid underwear!

Juni: Well, at least we can still laugh.
Carmen: At what?
Juni: At whatever you can imagine Gary and Gerti are doing right about now!

Carmen: We'll be back for you, fellow agents.
Juni: Sknaht!

Fegan: But it's not that simple!
Carmen: Figure it out. We'll be back for you.
Juni: Teach them to be good!

Chandler: Hey, you must be Owen.
Owen: Yeah.
Chandler: I'm Chandler. Hey, I was in the scouts too.
Owen: You were?
Chandler: Yeah, in fact my father was a den-mother.
Owen: Huh?
Chandler: [changing the subject] You know how to use a compass?
Owen: I have a badge in it.
Chandler: You do? That's fantastic!
Owen: You wanna see it?
Chandler: I'd love to, but I gotta get back to talking to your parents. They're telling us all about how they adopted you.
Owen: What?
Chandler: What?

Alexandra: [Juni lifts Alexandra up in a ballet-style leap. She is impressed with Juni's ballet dancing] Well, Juni! I must say, you're a man of many talents!
Juni: [Juni takes Alexandra's hand and is about to twirl her around] One tries.

[crowd chanting "Carmen" and she peek out behind a curtain]
Carmen: I am NOT going out there!
Machete: Oh YES you are! You're a spy, you're undercover, and you have to make THEM think you're a pop star!
Carmen: I can't sing!
Machete: Who can these days? I can't tell you how many artists have used my Machete Miracle Microphone.
[He puts a microphone on Carmen]
Carmen: [with microphone] I can't sing...
[she heard her voice singing]
Machete: This will make you dance like Britney Lopez.
Juni: Hey, what about me?
[He hands Juni a guitar]
Machete: This will make you play like Angus Van Santana!
Juni: Cool.
Machete: Now get out there and ROCK!

Carmen: You skipped a chapter, meathead!
Juni: Better stop calling me names!
Carmen: Pull up, booger breath!
Juni: Stop it, or I'll call you names!
Carmen: Go ahead! You've got nothing on me, warthog!
Juni: Sure I do... diaper lady.

Juni: Eew, gross!
Carmen: What do you see?
Juni: You.
Carmen: Very funny.

Dalton: [back at Carter's estate, Dalton reads from Carter's will] And lastly, I hereby direct, that my estate shall be held in trust for twenty five years. The income to benefit my beloved nephew, Edgar Rice Burroughs. At the end of which term, the principal will revert to him, in full.
Edgar: [Burroughs looks shocked] Of course, I always adored him, but it's been so long. Why me?
Dalton: He never offered an explanation, I never asked him for one.
[Dalton passes an old looking journal to Burroughs]
Dalton: It was his private journal. He was most explicit that you, and only you, would read its contents. You might possibly find some kind of explanation in here. I'll leave you now.
[Dalton stands and offers his hand to Burroughs]
Dalton: Again, my condolences.
[Dalton turns and leaves]

[after he pulling the emergency brake, Lonely Boy gets on the train, Hero Girl shook her head to him and Mr. Conductor opens the door]
The: Who in the blazes applied that emergency brake?
Know: [gets up, points to the Hero Boy] He did!
The: You!
[He comes to the Hero Boy]
The: In case you didn't know, that cord is for emergency purposes only!
[He comes to the window, train whistle blows and closes the window]
The: And in case you weren't aware, tonight is Christmas Eve and in case you hadn't noticed: This train is on a very tight schedule! Now, young man, Christmas may not be important to some people. But, it is very important to the rest of US!
The: But, but...
Hero: He was just trying to stop the train, so that kid could get on!
[Conductor sees that Lonely Boy sitting alone in the next car]
The: I see.
[to Hero Boy]
The: Young man, is that what happened?
[He nods]
The: Well... Let me remind you: we are on a very tight schedule.
[he checks his watch]
The: And I've never been late before and I am certainly not going to be late tonight! Now, everybody, take your seats! Please!
[Everyone sits down]
The: Thank you.

Juni: Skeletons! Dead skeletons!
Carmen: Is there any other kind?

Juni: It needs... children.

Carmen: How can you be eating at a time like this?
Juni: You know that tickling sensation you get when you fall?
Carmen: Of course.
Juni: That pretty much went away after the first hour.

The: Well, ya comin'?
The: Where?
The: Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the Polar Express!
The: North Pole?
The: I see. Hold this, please.
[Hands Hero Boy his lantern]
The: Thank you.
[Picks up a clipboard and holds it out to Hero Boy]
The: Is this you?
[Hero Boy nods]
The: Yeah.
The: Well, it says here... no photo with a department store Santa this year. No *letter* to Santa. And you made your sister put out the milk and cookies by herself.
[clicks tongue disapprovingly]
The: Sounds to me like this is your crucial year.
[Leans closer to Hero Boy]
The: If I were you, I would think about climbing onboard.
[Hero Boy hesitates]
The: Come on, come on. I've got a schedule to keep.
[Conductor checks his watch and quickly groans; Hero Boy steps away]
The: Suit yourself.

Julio: We just wanna help, bro.
Machete: I don't need you help.
Julio: If not us, then who?

Juni: One necklace to rule them all!

Carmen: How long have we been falling?
Juni: I don't know; my watch doesn't tell time!
Carmen: Best guess?

Mr. Alexander Minion: What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be in line with the others.
Juni: [mimicking] You're supposed to be in line with the others.
Mr. Alexander Minion: Stop that.
Juni: Stop that!
Mr. Alexander Minion: Stop that this instance!
Juni: Stop that this instance!
Mr. Alexander Minion: STOP THAT, right now!
Juni: Or what?

Edgar: I am the key. I am the key! I, Edgar.
[he looks for clues on the mausoleum door]
Edgar: Ed! E... D!
[he presses the letters E-D in 'Inter Mundos' engraved on the mausoleum door, but nothing happens, frustrated Burroughs takes out the telegraph Carter had sent him and reads]
Edgar: 'Dear, Ned'. He never called me Edgar. He called me Ned!
[he presses the letters N-E-D in the 'Inter Mundos' engraved on the mausoleum door and the door opens, Ned is shocked to discover his uncle's body is missing, Matai Shang appears behind him, about to kill him, but Carter appears and shoots him]
John: Hello, Ned.

Juni: Our real uncle? Because we've already got a fake uncle.

Juni: What did you do to him?
Carmen: Machete Electroshock Gumballs. It says long lasting. But I don't trust wrappers.

John: Toxin, derived from a puffer fish, simulates death.
[Carter finds the medallion on Matai Shang's body]
Edgar: You never found the medallion?
John: No. That's why I'm so grateful to you for bringing me one.
Edgar: I... I was just bait?
John: No. You're far more than that. I really do need a protector. That is, if you're willing.
[Ned agrees and hugs Carter]
John: Goodbye, Ned.
John: [Carter turns to go into the mausoleum] Oh, and Ned. Take up a cause, fall in love, write a book.
John: [about to close the mausoleum] It's time I went home.
John: [he shuts the door, lays down on the body slab, and says the phrase that will return him to Barsoom] Ak Ohum Oktay Weez...
John: [he sees Dejah saying 'Barsoom' and smiles before repeating the word] Barsoom.

The: Is everything all right? What do we do?
The: Well, considering that we have lost communication with the engineer, and are standing totally exposed on the front of the locomotive, and the train seems to be accelerating, uncontrollably, not to mention that we are headed to Glacier Gulch, which just happens to be the steepest downhill grade in the world, I suggest we all hold on... TIGHTLY!
[the train plunges down the VERY steep downhill tracks and accelerates rapidly]

Hobo: One more thing... do you believe in ghosts?
The: [shakes head no]
Hobo: [in a sinister tone] Interesting...

[repeated line]
The: I believe.

[Carmen and Juni are falling into the volcano]
Carmen: How long have we been falling?
Juni: I don't know, my watch doesn't tell time!
Carmen: Best guess?
Juni: I'd say about three hours.
Carmen: Feels like four.

Gertie: We tried to activate our micrograpplers, but they didn't deploy!
Juni: Nothing works here.
Gary: Yeah, we know that now! Thanks for the update, Carrot Top!
Carmen: Juni, come back! They need our help!
Juni: Oh, I'll help them. l want to get him back over here so l can push him back over myself.

Carmen: Well, there it is.
Juni: How do you know?
Carmen: 'Cause it's big, and weird, and in the middle of the room.
Juni: Good point.

Juni: Don't move. Maybe it's friendly.
[Spider-ape roars]
Carmen: Maybe it's not.
[Spider-ape roars again. The siblings look briefly at each other, then look back at the Spider-ape]
Carmen: Let's go!

Dalton: [after receiving Carter's telegraph, his nephew Edgar Rice Burroughs arrives at his estate to find out that Carter had died] His death came as a shock to all of us, he was a model of health and vigor. He just dropped dead in his study, not five minutes after sending word for me and the doctor. When I arrived he was already gone.
Dalton: [Burroughs looks around at Carter's office in awe as he sees all the strange and exotic findings from all over the world] The man never stopped digging. All over the world. No sooner he started digging one hole then he was off to Jaava or the Orkney Islands digging another. He said it was pure research, but it always seemed to me like he was looking for something. Well, God granting, he's found it now.
Dalton: [Burroughs picks up a photo of Carter and looks at it] Every inch a Cavalry man, to the very end.
Edgar: My mother always said that Jack never really came back from the war. That it was only his body that went West. He used to tell me the most wondrous stories.
[he turns to Dalton]
Dalton: I'd like to pay my respects.

Gregorio: Juni. Juni. Hey. Anybody gives you a hard time in there, remember, you are a Cortez.
Juni: What's so special about being a Cortez?
Gregorio: Lots of things!

Juni: Attention, Spy Kids. You have been activated. I repeat, you have been activated.
Cecil: Is he talking to us?
Juni: At this very moment, the Time Keeper is taking over OSS Headquarters. Your time has come to save the world. Every OSS agent has been frozen. It's up to you to shut down the Armageddon device. Get the necklace back! It's the only thing that can stop him.
Rebecca: And how are we supposed to do that?
Juni: Spy Kids have always been able to beat the bad guys because adults over-think things. But to a kid, everything is possible. Trust me, I know. Just use your imagination and work with each other, not against each other.
Cecil: So no more competing against each other?
Rebecca: Good!

Gary: [Gary and Juni are trying to rescue the President's daughter from being stuck on the Juggler] Over here!
Alexandra: [scared and reluctant] Get away from me!
Juni: [reaching his hand to Alexandra] Alexandra, take my hand!
Alexandra: [doesn't want to be rescued by any of them] Back off! I want my father to come up here and get me.
Juni: But he's the President of the United States!
Alexandra: No, he's my father! He was my father before he *ever* became President, and he should still be my father *now*!
[stamping her foot]
Alexandra: I want *him* up here!
President's: [to the other Secret Service agent] Sir, we have a situation.
President's: She's got the Transmooker.
President's: [into walkie-talkie, to Juni and Gary] This is now a Code Red situation! Get her down, now!
Juni: [to Alexandra] The point is, you and your father need to have a talk.
[referring to the ride]
Juni: Up here may not be the best place. Come with me and I promise the two of you will have that talk.
Alexandra: [not believing Juni] How can you promise that?
Juni: [showing Alexandra his Level 2 OSS Badge and Gary looks at it in shock] I'm Level 2. I can order him to talk to you.
[Alexandra looks at Juni and smiles]

The: I'm looking for a girl.
Hobo: [after a pause; bursts out laughing] Ain't we all?

The: [after sounding the train whistle] I've wanted to do that my whole life!

The: Thank you.
The: No, thank YOU. One thing about trains... it doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on.

Juni: [sees the Giggles are at the OSS dinner] No wonder your buddy's here. Your buddy with the weird laugh.
Carmen: He does NOT have a weird laugh.

Hobo: What exactly is... is your persuasion on the Big Man, since you brought him up?
The: Well, I... I want to believe... but...
Hobo: But you don't want to be bamboozled. You don't want to be led down the primrose path! You don't want to be conned or duped. Have the wool pulled over your eyes. Hoodwinked! You don't want to be taken for a ride. Railroaded!
[Hobo puts out fire with the joe]
Hobo: Seeing is believing. Am I right?

Juni: [Juni notices the Secret Service agents stepping from left to right in time to the music, and notices Alexandra behind them] Alexandra?
Alexandra: [dancing within the agents] Yes?
Juni: What're you doing in there?
Alexandra: [doing a couple of ballet moves and pirouettes] Dancing.
Juni: [noticing the amount of Secret Service agents] Do you always carry this many Secret Service around?
Alexandra: [still doing pirouettes] My dad's idea. He's gotten a little...
[spinning around in a pirouette]
Alexandra: paranoid.
Juni: [asking Alexandra to dance] Well, would you dance with me?
Alexandra: [still dancing] No.
Juni: [to the Secret Service agents] Alright! Hold on a second, guys!
[shows the Level 2 badge]
Juni: Level 2! Break it up!
[the Secret Service agents split and show Alexandra]
Juni: [to Alexandra] Why not?
Alexandra: [the Secret Service agents look at Alexandra] I only dance... ballet.
[they look back at Juni]
Juni: [looking at Alexandra and realizes something] What an incredible coincidence!
[Juni does a ballet leap]
Juni: So do I!
[Alexandra looks at Juni shocked and they both start dancing ballet]

Gary: You take her down, and I'll take this down. That way we both look good.
Juni: I'm not doing this for looks, Gary.

Carmen: Oh, now you've done it!
Juni: I knew this was gonna happen!
Carmen: We're gonna crash if you don't do something!
Carmen: You did this on purpose, you kamikazee!
Juni: But now it's balanced!

Juni: I do not understand you
Carmen: And you never will

Bill: Some little snacks for everybody. Oh, you don't have to eat the sour worms. Those are for Owen.
Colleen: I'll go get him in a second. By the way, you should know we haven't told him he's adopted yet.
Chandler: But kids are so intuitive. Don't you think on some level he already knows?
[Owen comes running in]
Owen: I'm adopted?
Chandler: See? Intuitive!
Bill: What? Where did you hear that?
Owen: [points at Chandler] He told me! And he paid me 50 dollars not to tell.
Chandler: Which technically now you should give back!
Colleen: You told him he's adopted?
Chandler: I'm so sorry, but you should have a sign out there or something. Or at least whisper it to people when they come in the door. "Owen doesn't know he's adopted, and he also thinks that Santa is real."
Owen: He isn't?
Chandler: [to Monica] We have to get out of here, baby!