The Best Cecil Wilson Quotes

Juni: Attention, Spy Kids. You have been activated. I repeat, you have been activated.
Cecil: Is he talking to us?
Juni: At this very moment, the Time Keeper is taking over OSS Headquarters. Your time has come to save the world. Every OSS agent has been frozen. It's up to you to shut down the Armageddon device. Get the necklace back! It's the only thing that can stop him.
Rebecca: And how are we supposed to do that?
Juni: Spy Kids have always been able to beat the bad guys because adults over-think things. But to a kid, everything is possible. Trust me, I know. Just use your imagination and work with each other, not against each other.
Cecil: So no more competing against each other?
Rebecca: Good!

Cecil: Each time, your plan fails. You try it again with another you. But when are you going to learn, you can't change the past. You'll only cause Armageddon.

Cecil: Well, this is obviously the panic room.
Rebecca: Why?
Cecil: 'Cause it's a room, and I'm panicking.