Top 30 Quotes From Alexa PenaVega

[Carmen and Juni are falling into the volcano]
Carmen: How long have we been falling?
Juni: I don't know, my watch doesn't tell time!
Carmen: Best guess?
Juni: I'd say about three hours.
Carmen: Feels like four.

Carmen: We can't let Mom and Dad find us. Or Donnagon wins.
Juni: A big sacrifice.
Carmen: Family is sacrifice.

Juni: What did you do to him?
Carmen: Machete Electroshock Gumballs. It says long lasting. But I don't trust wrappers.

Carmen: Wow. We are definitely gonna be late for school.

Carmen: Oh, now you've done it!
Juni: I knew this was gonna happen!
Carmen: We're gonna crash if you don't do something!
Carmen: You did this on purpose, you kamikazee!
Juni: But now it's balanced!

Carmen: Well, there it is.
Juni: How do you know?
Carmen: 'Cause it's big, and weird, and in the middle of the room.
Juni: Good point.

Carmen: [sees her brother eating a granola bar] How could you think of eating at a time like this?

Carmen: Mom, I've been skipping school, going places, taking ferry rides in the city...
Ingrid: It's OK. It's OK. I know. We'll talk about it when we get home.
Carmen: ...running off to Belize.
Ingrid: What? You went where?
Carmen: You're right. Let's just talk about this when we get home.
Ingrid: No, no, no, no. You can tell me everything now, OK? Is that what you want to be, free from your family? Hey!
Carmen: I used to. Not anymore.

Carmen: How can you be eating at a time like this?
Juni: You know that tickling sensation you get when you fall?
Carmen: Of course.
Juni: That pretty much went away after the first hour.

[crowd chanting "Carmen" and she peek out behind a curtain]
Carmen: I am NOT going out there!
Machete: Oh YES you are! You're a spy, you're undercover, and you have to make THEM think you're a pop star!
Carmen: I can't sing!
Machete: Who can these days? I can't tell you how many artists have used my Machete Miracle Microphone.
[He puts a microphone on Carmen]
Carmen: [with microphone] I can't sing...
[she heard her voice singing]
Machete: This will make you dance like Britney Lopez.
Juni: Hey, what about me?
[He hands Juni a guitar]
Machete: This will make you play like Angus Van Santana!
Juni: Cool.
Machete: Now get out there and ROCK!

Patrick: What's your baby's name?
Lily: Henry. After Matt's dad.
Patrick: Henry. That's a good, strong name. I hate to talk to you about doing the right thing. Doing it is the easy part. Knowing what it is is tough.
Matthew: And let me guess, you know what the right thing to do is?
Patrick: No. No, I don't, Matthew. But, uh, I'm gonna ask you this. In years from now, when, uh, you tell Henry this story, how will it go? Did the three of you take an evil killer off the street or did you play it safe? Is Henry's birthright gonna be one of proud bravery or sensible caution? Tough call.

Gertie: We tried to activate our micrograpplers, but they didn't deploy!
Juni: Nothing works here.
Gary: Yeah, we know that now! Thanks for the update, Carrot Top!
Carmen: Juni, come back! They need our help!
Juni: Oh, I'll help them. l want to get him back over here so l can push him back over myself.

Juni: Don't move. Maybe it's friendly.
[Spider-ape roars]
Carmen: Maybe it's not.
[Spider-ape roars again. The siblings look briefly at each other, then look back at the Spider-ape]
Carmen: Let's go!

Marissa: Where are the kids?
Carmen: Uhhhh, napping?
Marissa: OK, where are they really?

[Felix has betrayed the Cortezes, the family he was assigned to protect, by taking the Transmooker from them]
Carmen: Uncle Felix, how could you?
Felix: I'm not your uncle!
Ingrid: But we treated you like family.
Felix: Donnagon said that if I joined him, he wouldn't get rid of me like he's gonna get rid of you guys.
Donnagon: Can't argue with that.

Carmen: Spy work, that's easy. Keeping a family together, that's difficult. And that's the mission worth fighting for.

Juni: Well, at least we can still laugh.
Carmen: At what?
Juni: At whatever you can imagine Gary and Gerti are doing right about now!

Carmen: How long have we been falling?
Juni: I don't know; my watch doesn't tell time!
Carmen: Best guess?

Carmen: You skipped a chapter, meathead!
Juni: Better stop calling me names!
Carmen: Pull up, booger breath!
Juni: Stop it, or I'll call you names!
Carmen: Go ahead! You've got nothing on me, warthog!
Juni: Sure I do... diaper lady.

Juni: Skeletons! Dead skeletons!
Carmen: Is there any other kind?

Carmen: [to Gary] You're so full of shiitake mushrooms.

Carmen: So, even if your dad is behind all this, you'd still side with him over what's right?
Gertie: Right? How do you ever know what's right?
Carmen: Trust me. When the moment comes, you'll know.
Gertie: I think that moment's come.

Carmen: [Carmen holds Juni's Fooglie picture and taunts him] What's this supposed to be? A self-portrait?
Juni: [imitating Carmen] What's this supposed to be? A self-portrait?
Carmen: [Gregorio takes the picture off Carmen, and Carmen tells on Juni] Mom! He's mimicking me!
Juni: [imitating Carmen] Mom! He's mimicking me!

Carmen: Never send an adult to do a kid's job.

Juni: [sees the Giggles are at the OSS dinner] No wonder your buddy's here. Your buddy with the weird laugh.
Carmen: He does NOT have a weird laugh.

Carmen: Oh shiitake mushrooms.

Fegan: But it's not that simple!
Carmen: Figure it out. We'll be back for you.
Juni: Teach them to be good!

Juni: I do not understand you
Carmen: And you never will

Juni: Eew, gross!
Carmen: What do you see?
Juni: You.
Carmen: Very funny.

Felix: Your parents are international spies. Good ones, but they've been mostly inactive for the last nine years.
Carmen: What are you talking about?
Felix: I was assigned to protect your family, but something's gone wrong. I have to take you to the safe house.
Carmen: My parents can't be spies! They're not cool enough!