Top 30 Quotes From Madeleine Hightower

Special: I thought I'd have a nice quiet day today. But it seems like there's trouble.
Teresa: We lost somebody... We're looking for him.
Special: Then I'm sure you'll find him... Let's talk in my office. Give me half an hour to roll some calls.
Teresa: Yes ma'am.
[Hightower leaves]
Patrick: She likes you. I could tell.
[Lisbon glares at him]

Special: I thought you two trusted each other.
Teresa: So did I.
Patrick: We do. We have trust. I-I didnt' tell her because I didn't want her to be complicit and lie about it later.
Special: Some partnership you got going on here.

Patrick: You're really commited to keeping your temper contained, huh? What's up with that?
Madeleine: You're really commited to testing my temper, huh? What's up with *that*?
[Jane tries to use Hightower to hide himself]
Madeleine: What - what are you doing?
Patrick: Hiding from Attwood.
Madeleine: Why?
Patrick: Because we're going to follow him.

Patrick: You know I should applaud your bravery, but I gotta say - practically speaking I-I-I -what were you thinking? You could've killed me.
Madeleine: Sorry. I got mad. I didn't know what I was thinking.
Patrick: That's some good shooting though. That - leg shot that took him down was very precise.
Madeleine: I was aiming for his head.
Patrick: Oh fantastic.

Madeleine: [to Jane who is lying on his couch in the CBI] So I just talked to judge Fitzwilliam.
Patrick: And?
Madeleine: And she says that if you will apologize for your cavalier manner with which you disrupted here mother's burial she will not pursue disciplinary action against you or Lisbon or myself.
Patrick: Hm. Tell her Jane says she's a self-righteous, embittered old bat and she should thank me.
Madeleine: Oh, God, Jane. Please.
Pauline: You're right, Mr. Jane.
[Jane surprised by Pauline's presence rises up and is now sitting on his couch]
Pauline: I came here for an apology. But I realize now that I was wrong standing on my dignity. I am embittered. And your arrogant, callous, juvenile behavior did reveal the truth, after all. So thank you. Thank you very much.
[Pauline is turning over to Madeleine Hightower]
Pauline: Good evening to you.
Madeleine: Good evening.
[Pauline is turning around and leaving]
Patrick: [to Pauline] Sorry.
[turning over to Madeleine Hightower and rising up]
Patrick: Okay then. Everyone's happy.
[Jane is planting a slight kiss on Hightower's cheek and leaving]

Gale: [to Jane] I'm really trying to allow you the latitude that your rare talent deserves, but you make it difficult.
[to Lisbon and Jane]
Gale: You two may go now. Hightower, stay.
Madeleine: Yes sir.

Madeleine: If you don't point that shotgun away from me, I swear I will use it to beat you like a rented mule.
Patrick: Spoken like a true lunatic killer. You're not giving me much to work with here.
Madeleine: I mean it!
Patrick: [Jane cocks the shotgun] So do I. Did you kill those men? I have to know.

Madeleine: You certain?
Patrick: Well, certainty is the mother of fools.
Madeleine: So all this is just guesswork with you.
Patrick: Pretty much.

Special: You - you're golden. You're safe for anything short of murder. Lisbon, no. You mess up, she's out of here. Any questions?
Patrick: Not that I can think of now.

Patrick: Not that I'm judging. Seeking revenge on men that are responsble for the death of someone you love, it's a hobby I like to dabble in myself.
Madeleine: You think it's true? You think it's true that I killed Johnson and Montero?
Patrick: Let's just say I'm open minded.

Madeleine: There was no reason to treat her disrepectfully.
Patrick: I was probing her. A certain amount of disrespect is necessary. It's uh - it's like getting frisked at the airport.

Madeleine: When Minelli was chief of the CBI, he struck a deal with FBI Director Shultz.
Patrick: What did Shultz want?
Madeleine: She wanted reports, on you. Minelli provided them. When Minelli retired, that became a part of my job. But the intel wasn't going exactly going to the FBI. I found out that Shultz was passing it on to Homeland Security.
Patrick: Bob Kirkland?
Madeleine: Yes.
Patrick: Why?
Madeleine: He thought you were Red John.
Patrick: [realizing] Of course. How long have Homeland Security been watching me?
Madeleine: Eight, nine years. I did what I thought was best at the time. Don't expect me to apologize.
Patrick: No, no, I won't.
Madeleine: Jane, you cannot tell anyone you saw me. Even Lisbon.
Patrick: And I won't. I meant what I said. I'm gonna kill Red John. And you're gonna get your life back.
Madeleine: I hope so. So what's next?
Patrick: Well, I'm gonna go see Bob Kirkland.

Madeleine: I'm not angry.
Patrick: Sure you are. Letting it out will be helpful, I guarantee. Shout. Scream. Hit something - preferably not me. It'll do you wonders.

Hightower: How will you do in 48 hours what you haven't been able to do in months?
Patrick: I will because I have to.

Kimball: Rigsby and I can go. You should stay off that ankle.
Teresa: I'm fine. I'll go.
[Lisbon starts to rise. Hightower enters]
Teresa: Agent Hightower. Hi.
Madeleine: Um, I heard you took a fall.
Teresa: [Lisbon scoffs] I'm fine.
[Lisbon falls]
Teresa: Ow! I'm fine.

Madeleine: Lisbon, what were you thinking?
Teresa: It was - no excuse, ma'am. He asked me to trust him, and I did.
Madeleine: Your job is not to trust him. Your job is to trust *your* judgement, not his.

Special: He closes case. Yes, he does. He's a valuable asset. We cannot afford to lose him. The way I see it... it's *you* that's in a tricky spot.
Teresa: Ma'am?
Special: This bureau has seen some tough times lately. My mission is to turn that around, and make the CBI *the* premiere law enforcement agency in this state. Patrick Jane is a huge part of that goal... If you can't keep him in line, we'll find someone who can.

Patrick: I suggest you rethink what you can and cannot do from this moment forward because I know who the evidence is about to reveal as the killer.
Madeleine: Who?
Patrick: You.

Madeleine: I guess it's you're way of saying you're unhappy with the way I'm handling Lisbon.
Patrick: We spend a lot of time together. And when she's unhappy, uh, I'm less happy. It's human nature.
Madeleine: Yes, it is. I'll tell you what, Patrick. Why don't you let me handle my business my way, and then judge me by the results, and I'll let you handle yours your way... up to a point.
Patrick: That sounds fair... up to a point. Yeah, very fair. We done?

Patrick: She's going to ask you if she can come with us, now obviously that's your call. But I hope you refuse, because I won't work with her. I will quit.
Madeleine: Well, what's you objection, if she can help us, why not?
Patrick: Nothing she says is more than clever guess work.
Madeleine: So, she has the same skill sets as you... without the drama. What's the deal?
Patrick: Red John is mine!

Madeleine: [about her children] I hope they weren't too much trouble.
Teresa: Not at all. I have three nearly feral brothers. Kids are sweethearts.

Madeleine: Betram's all bottom line. He won't let personal issues intrude. Jane's the best asset we have. And Betram knows that.
Teresa: But *Jane* doesn't want to be on the case.
Madeleine: Change his mind! I'm not going to tell Betram we can't control our own people.
Teresa: ...I have an idea as to how to presuade him, but it's kind of unethical.
Madeleine: I don't want to know.

Patrick: So you play bad cop.
Madeleine: I'll be me. Thank you.
Patrick: Right... Exactly what I said.
Madeleine: Funny... So funny

Madeleine: Alex Harrington is the owner of the 7th largest media conglomerate in the world.
Teresa: Yes, ma'am.
Madeleine: And you don't want to disappoint a man who owns 200 TV stations and a national newspaper.
Teresa: No, ma'am.

Patrick: Taking pleasure in this?
Madeleine: Don't get me wrong. You are a pain in the ass.
Patrick: Oh, thank you.
Madeleine: But I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, especially when it would be my fault.
Patrick: I'm sure your conscience is clear now.
Madeleine: It is. Now leave me alone. The next time I hear from you, you'd better be telling me Red John is dead.
Patrick: Deal. That is a deal. Thank you, Madeleine.
Madeleine: [he kisses her cheek] You're welcome, Patrick. Good luck.

Patrick: I was working the case. The rug was a stand-in corpse. I just wanted to see if it was possible for the killer to leave the compound with Abby's body.
Madeleine: And is it possible?
Patrick: Not unless the culprit was a mountain gorilla.
Madeleine: So now you've had your fun to no useful end. And now she's asking me to remove you from the case. Is there any reason why I shouldn't do as she asks?
Patrick: [Jane rises then sighs] She's a suspect.

Madeleine: You know what I am Jane. I'm a single mother with two innocent children at home. There's nothing in the world I would do to compromise their safety or their future. Please Jane.

Patrick: No one can know about this. This has to stay between you and me.
Madeleine: Jane, you should at least tell Lisbon what's going...
Patrick: Nobody! He's too smart that way. He'll sense a trap. I'm better off alone.
Madeleine: Nobody is better off alone.

Madeleine: She likes you, that one.
Patrick: Which one?
Madeleine: The blonde one.
Patrick: What?
Madeleine: And you like her.
Patrick: Wha?I'm not so sure I know where this is headed.
Madeleine: You know exactly where this is headed. Do you ever consider dating again?... Do you?

Madeleine: You solved the triple, right?
Teresa: Yeah.
Madeleine: Nobody got hurt?
Patrick: No.
Madeleine: Then to Hell with him! Got justice done... Keep up the good work.