The Best D.D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles Quotes

D.D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: We're dropping charges against Lawrence Rome.
Kimball: I see.
D.D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: Now, personally I think the alibi is bogus, but we had to interview the store owner again. Now he says, uh, maybe his ID was wrong. Maybe it wasn't Lawrence Rome. Whole thing's gone down the toilet. We had an agreement.
Kimball: I agreed I shouldn't help. Didn't say I wouldn't.
D.D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: From now on, you get nothing from the D.A.'s office. No favors, no help. Not just you, but every agent in this unit. You have screwed things for your people, my friend. Six months from now, Lawrence Rome'll be back inside for ripping off another liquor store, his kid'll be be back in foster care, and the South Side Mafia will be stronger than ever.
Kimball: You're wrong.
D.D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: You want to bet on that?

D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: Just to save time here, I'm sorry but I can't cut your man, Jane, any slack on bail.
Gale: No. No. No. I don't want you to. No, on the contrary. I want you to make sure he stays locked up as long as possible.
D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: Okay, he's your man.
Gale: Don't get me wrong. It's heartbreaking when a good man, a productive employee like Jane goes down in flames. But this is about damage control now. We need to make sure that he is safely out of the way until this media crapstorm passes.

Gale: Listen this girl in the basement changes the game. We can't appear vindictive. Jane has an enormous amount of public sympathy right now.
D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: D.A. has told me to go full speed at him. Vigilante justice can't go unpunished no matter what the sympathetic circumstances might be.
Gale: Oh no. No. Absolutely. A firm line drawn under the episode is best for the bureau. It's best for all concerned. I'm just saying that... no death penalty, right?
D.A. Osvaldo Ardiles: No. that's out now. We are confident that first degree murder will stand up. The facts don't allow for any other verdict.