The Best Jason Wylie Quotes

Kimball: I hear Abbott's in trouble.
Jason: [Lisbon looks at him indignantly] I'm not very good at keeping secrets.
Teresa: Good thing you're in the FBI.
Kimball: What are we doing about it?
Teresa: Jane's coming up with a plan right now. You might want to think twice before getting in on this one. Both of you. I have a feeling we're gonna be pretty far outside the lines.
Kimball: Well, Jane had me pretend to kill a guy once. We going further outside the lines than that?
Teresa: Probably not.
Kimball: Then I'm good.

Kimball: What's up?
Jason: Some surprise, huh? I didn't see the wedding thing coming.
Kimball: Wasn't that hard to guess
[Awkward silence]
Kimball: Something on your mind?
Jason: No
[Cho looks at him]
Jason: Actually, yes. Someone might get in touch with you about me requesting a transfer. I just wanted you to hear it from me first.
Kimball: Transfer where?
Jason: Salt Lake. Office there is starting a cyber crime initiative. It's desk work, but... more my speed, I think.
Jason: Let's face it, I didn't do that well when we were going after Keller. It's not easy being in the bullpen, Michelle's desk is right there, and... anyway, I think a change of pace will be good. Plus, you're going to be rebuilding the team, this'll pretty much give you a blank slate.
Kimball: Come here.
Jason: What?
Kimball: Come here.
[Wiley crosses the room to stand next to Cho. Cho smacks him round the back of the head]
Jason: Ow!
Kimball: Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Jason: I'm not!
Kimball: You are. You made some mistakes going after Keller? Welcome to the club. I bat 300 on a good day. You miss Vega? Then remember who she was. She'd never run from a challenge like this and neither should you.
Kimball: And you're right, I have to rebuild the team, and I want to start with people that I know and trust. So stick around.
Jason: Or what, you'll hit me again?
Kimball: I'm asking you to stay, Wylie.

Kimball: I need you to do something for me.
Jason: Something shady for Jane?
Kimball: Why do you ask?
Jason: Because people only talk to me like this when we're doing something shady for Jane.
Kimball: I need you to create an electronic trail that makes it look like the FBI just released millions of dollars in frozen assets.
Jason: You mean a DNS hijacking?
[Gets a blank look]
Jason: When - when you go to a bank's website, it redirects you to a phony version of the same site. You can make it look like anything you want.
Kimball: Yes - that.
[Slight pause]
Kimball: And yes, it's for Jane.

Jason: Peterson's checked into a hotel just outside Rio Bravo. It's where he worked with Abbott, right?
Teresa: Yeah. Ten years ago.
Jason: I checked his phone record. The only call that stuck out was to a San Antonio Congressman this afternoon. Representative Jules Blatt.
Teresa: I've heard of him. He's a nobody trying to make a name for himself.
Patrick: Well, if he could block Lena Abbott's confirmation, it would buff his reputation in certain circles, wouldn't it?
Teresa: Well, how would Peterson going to Rio Bravo help that?
Patrick: I don't know. The hearings start in four days, so if Peterson wants to make trouble, now is the time to do it.

Jason: Scanning long-range frequencies is like... I don't have a metaphor. It's hard.

Computer: It's 9:00.
Kim: [Passing by] Did you just tell me what time it is?
Jason: [Turns] Excuse me?
Kim: Someone just said the time.
Jason: Oh, my computer.
Computer: It's 9:00.
Jason: I've programmed it to announce the time every quarter-hour. I think it makes me more efficient. A regular reminder of the passage of time seems to have a subtle but definite...
[Gets a blank stare]
Jason: I'll turn the volume down.

Jason: I can't believe they gave me a desk.
Jason: You can call me "The Coyote".
Kimball: I don't think so.
Jason: That's just what they call me downstairs. Don't ask me why, though. They never told me.
[laughs again]
Kimball: Your name's Wylie.
Jason: Yeah.
Kimball: Wile e. Coyote. "Road Runner", the cartoon?
Jason: [Not getting it] No, it's Irish, I think.

Patrick: Oh, this is a problem.
Teresa: Don't you know how to open a safe?
Kimball: Biometrics. We need Peterson's thumbprint to open that.
Teresa: Well, what are we gonna do?
Patrick: Okay, so we go to the backup plan.
Kimball: What's that?
Teresa: We have about forty minutes left.
Patrick: [dialing his phone] If we can't get to Peterson's money, we use our own money.
Teresa: What money?
Patrick: [the line picks up] Uh, Wylie. I need you to get into the evidence room and get us some cash.
Jason: How much?
Patrick: At least a million dollars. Two would be better.
Jason: That's... big. I'm... I'm not sure how I do that.
Patrick: Do your best.

Patrick: [Examining an overcoat from the evidence table] What was the weather like the day of the murder?
Jason: Pretty warm, if I'm not mistaken.
Patrick: [Checks the coat lining] Holes. Hmm. Interesting. You see that, Wylie?
Jason: Uh-huh.
Patrick: Okay, so, if this didn't belong to the victim, you have just solved the case.
Jason: [Slightly confused] I did?
Patrick: Well done. Find out if it belonged to the victim or not.
Jason: Okay?

Jason: This is all the physical evidence from the Elijah Macy murder scene. I sorted it by order of relevance with this end of the table being most relevant.
Patrick: What do you consider relevant?
Jason: Any object that can yield trace evidence of the shooter. If we I. D. the triggerman, we can cut a deal with him to finger Acardo.
Patrick: Yeah, uh, trace evidence, that's the fibers and the hairs and the gooey stuff, yeah?
Jason: That's an oversimplification, but, yes. In the last year alone, there are 17 new methods for extracting DNA evidence from...
Patrick: Yeah, we know that there's a lot of ways to find out what we need, right, Wylie? Hmm?
Jason: Yeah.
Patrick: So, uh, there's the federal way, with the trace evidence, and then there's a more interesting way. Let's go with the more interesting way.

Kimball: What are you doing?
Jason: Waiting for you.
Kimball: To do what?
Jason: Notice me.
Kimball: Who are you?
Jason: Jason Wylie.Uh, junior I.T. analyst. I work in I.T. Analyzing stuff.
Kimball: What do you want, Jason?
Jason: Uh, we were told to focus I.T. support on the Schneiderman case, but I'm my own man at lunch, right?
[laughs nervously]
Jason: So I stole some satellite time to hunt for Patrick Jane. Look what I found.
[There is a spray-painted arrow with "Jane" written after it]
Kimball: This was taken from a satellite over Brooklyn?
Jason: You think it's really Jane? It's not a trick?
Kimball: That's Jane.

Jason: You asked me to keep tabs on Peterson, let you know if he's making any suspicious moves.
Patrick: Yeah. What's he done?
Jason: According to his credit card record, two days ago he bought a plane ticket to Mexico. He flew there this morning.
Patrick: Well, he might have gone down there for work.
Jason: I checked. His office said he's at a conference in St. Paul.
Patrick: Okay. Well, could you look into Peterson's phone records for us? We'll be right in.
Jason: What am I looking for?
Patrick: Well, it's something fishy.