20 Best Kim Fischer Quotes

Kim: You ever wonder what Jane thinks about it?
Kimball: Never.
Kim: Really, why not?
Kimball: My brain would explode.

Teresa: [after Jane is arrested] What's going on?
Marshal: The Attorney General has found your coworker in contempt of court for ignoring a federal subpoena. Teresa Lisbon?
Teresa: Yeah, that's me.
Marshal: You've been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury in Dallas.
Kim: [Coming up to them] What's happening here?
Marshal: Are you Kim Fischer?
Kim: Yes.
Marshal: You've been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury, as well.
[to Jane]
Marshal: Let's go.
Patrick: [to Fischer and Lisbon] Uh, probably best not to ignore those.

Kim: [to Jane] You said you already solved the case. Are you gonna tell us how?
Teresa: Well, ask him and he won't tell you. Pretend you're not interested and he might.

Patrick: Don't worry. I won't escape.
Kim: Oh, I'm not worried. If you walk away this time...
Patrick: I know. I'll end up spending the rest of my life in prison.
Kim: No. I'll shoot you.

Dennis: Jane is making a sincere effort to fit in.
Kim: No, he's not.
Dennis: Look at what he gave me yesterday.
[Shows her a robotic toy]
Kim: A robot.
Dennis: No, this is just not a robot. This is *Voltron*, okay? I used to love this when I was a kid.
Kim: He *ditched* me.
Dennis: That's not cool.
Kim: No, that is far, far from cool.
Dennis: Did Jane have something to say about it afterwards?
Kim: Who knows! He hasn't responded to my texts or my phone calls ever since. Where do we draw the line? How far do we bend for this man?
Teresa: I just got off the phone with Jane. He says he needs a black helicopter, a convoy of vans, and whatever you have that looks most like a tank.

Patrick: I don't need a desk.
Kim: Really, you work standing up.
Patrick: No, lying down.

Patrick: [surprised to see Kim at the FBI office] Kim?
Dennis: Agent Fischer.
Teresa: "Kim"?
Kim: Agent Fischer.
Patrick: [realizing something] Agent Fischer.
Dennis: Mr. Jane will be going to a detention suite.
Kim: I'm sorry to hear that. I'll make the arrangements.
Patrick: Oh, yeah, I'm not fussy. If you have one with a view, I'll take it. If not, uh... whatever. As long as I can make some tea.
Teresa: Who is she and what is a detention suite?
Patrick: Don't worry, Lisbon. It's all under control.

Teresa: How's Jane?
Kim: He is still in detention.
Teresa: I know. They won't deliver my letters. Three months now.
Kim: He's being kept in isolation by design.
Teresa: By design. You mean until he does what you want.
Kim: We want to help him out.
Teresa: You want to use him.
Kim: Is that so bad?
Teresa: In case you haven't noticed, Jane is hardly federal agent material.
Kim: Was he state agent material?
Teresa: No, not really. But he wanted to be there.
Kim: And while he was there, he stopped the ten year reign of a mass murderer and exposed a society of corruption in law enforcement that spread halfway across the country.
Teresa: Yeah, that didn't exactly go down by the books, did it?

Computer: It's 9:00.
Kim: [Passing by] Did you just tell me what time it is?
Jason: [Turns] Excuse me?
Kim: Someone just said the time.
Jason: Oh, my computer.
Computer: It's 9:00.
Jason: I've programmed it to announce the time every quarter-hour. I think it makes me more efficient. A regular reminder of the passage of time seems to have a subtle but definite...
[Gets a blank stare]
Jason: I'll turn the volume down.

Kim: I was so certain I had him figured out.
Teresa: Welcome to my life.

Kim: You really think you can get him to take out a hit on you in one night? Usually, only people who know you want to kill you.

Kim: [about the victim's brother] Hey, what did you say to him that made him so angry that he hit you?
Patrick: Oh, I have a foolproof line.
[he whispers in her ear, and she hits him]
Patrick: [grinning] Foolproof.

Patrick: You guys took your time getting here, didn't you? Another minute, I would have been bobbing around there in the marina like a dead duck.
Kim: Maybe you'll learn your lesson.
Patrick: What lesson is that?
Kim: If you'd actually told about us your plan in advance, we'd have had time to get here.
Teresa: I've been trying to tell him that for years.
Patrick: Oh. Cho, you're with me, aren't you?
Kimball: No. I'm with them. You're a terrible communicator. You're just lucky we found the right boat.

Kim: We just got a call from the Forest Service. They caught a body in Sam Houston National Forest. Abbott wants you guys to go check it out.
Teresa: How far away is that?
Kim: Mm, 100, 120 miles. Is there a problem?
Teresa: No, no.
Patrick: She has plans for tonight. She's worried about getting back in time.
Kim: Really?
Teresa: Actually, it is not a problem.
Patrick: Nonsense. Doesn't the FBI have helicopters? Can't we just take one of those?
Kim: I guess, I-if it's available.
Teresa: That will not be necessary.
Patrick: Nonsense. We'll be up and back in a jiffy. Just tell your agent Pike he owes me a favor.

Kim: You broke into my car.
Patrick: I entered your car without your knowledge. But the good news is tomorrow at around two, this case will be cracked.
Kim: You sound awfully sure of yourself.
Teresa: Always.

Kim: We know how Jane works. And we know he's a risk, but we can't ignore the upside. He closed every case you were ever assigned.
Teresa: Yeah, he had help.
Kim: Which is why I'm here.
Teresa: Well, what do you want from me?
Kim: Help me, Lisbon. There are national security issues at play. Jane won't work with us unless we meet his demands.
Teresa: He has too much pride to back down. You got to give him a win. Meet one of his demands.
Kim: One of his demands is you.
Teresa: Meet another one.

Dennis: We can't arrest people under false pretenses.
Patrick: We can't?
Dennis: No.
Patrick: Why not?
Kim: It's illegal.
Patrick: Oh. Well, that's a problem.

Teresa: What are you doing here?
Patrick: Uh, I'm out on
[Air Quotes]
Patrick: "bail".
Kim: What does "bail" mean?
Teresa: It was a con.
Patrick: Uh, technically the term is "sting".

Dennis: We believe that David Ronaldo was murdered because he had evidence that would clear Luis Cruz. We need to find out what that was. And because they're going to execute Cruz in about...
[Checks watch]
Dennis: ...50 hours, we should hurry up.
Kim: Boss, is there any evidence that the cops or the prosecutors made a mistake?
Dennis: Not that I can point to.
Kim: And this case was fully appealed, right?
Dennis: Yes.
Kim: Then can I ask why we're taking this on? I don't want to sound cold, but it seems to me that the system did what it was supposed to do.
Patrick: No, it didn't. Because Luis Cruz is innocent.
Kim: You're absolutely certain of that?
Patrick: Well, I'm not absolutely certain of anything. But I'm confident enough to know that I'd like to try and help.
Kimball: That's good enough for me.
Teresa: Me too.
Kim: Okay. Let's do it.
Dennis: Fischer, Cho, work Ronaldo. Go to his apartment, see if you can find anything. I'll call the governor's office and let him know what we're up to. Jane, Lisbon, talk to the Feinbergs. Wylie... just keep letting us know what time it is.

Teresa: [about Jane] He is up to something with that woman.
Kim: Yeah, I'll say.
Teresa: No, I mean he knows something that he's not telling us. I've seen it a thousand times.
Kim: I don't know. He seemed pretty interested in her.
Teresa: She's not even his type.
Kim: That's what I said.