The Best Wilbur Wilson Quotes

Wilbur: [4D version only] Hello. As the star of this movie, I've been asked to introduce you to the fourth dimension of cinema, a dimension beyond sight and sound, one of smell. Using the very latest in cutting edge microencapsulation technology, we've managed to capture all the fragrant aromas of this movie and squeeze it onto this little card. Whenever you see the flashing number on screen, simply scratch that number on your card to unleash a symphony of sweet tantalizing scents that will make you feel like you're right there in the movie. But don't scratch the numbers ahead of time, okay? That'd be like skipping to the end of the film, and where does that get you? Back home early washing socks. So remember, "Number, Scratch, Smell." So simple, even a dog could do it.

Marissa: Tick Tock has escaped! Oh, this is not good.
Wilbur: Actually, this is awesome! Could you imagine the promotion I would get if I landed an interview with this guy the Time Holder?
Marissa: Time Keeper.
Wilbur: Not to mention the hero factor for tracking down an international supervillain! Not too shabby!
Marissa: Honey, I think being a hero isn't really what the kids need from you right now.
Wilbur: It's just what they need now. It's what the world needs!