The Best Matai Shang Quotes

John: John Carter of Earth.
[he tosses the medallion over the balcony]
John: Yep. John Carter of Mars sounds much better.
[Carter turns to go back to Dejah, but a guard stops to him to thank him]
Humble: Sire, I must express the deepest of gratitude for saving Helium. Please, the honor is mine.
[suddenly the guard morphs into Matai Shang]
Matai: Fair enough, Earthman. Now it's your move.
[Matai Shang touches Carter, repeats the command phrase and sends Carter back to earth]

Tardos: [In Zodanga the wedding procession is taking place, Dejah walks towards her father] I know that this is not the fate you'd have chosen for yourself, or for Helium. But choice is a luxury, even for a Jeddak of Barsoom. Even if in your heart...
Dejah: The heart is a luxury.
[Tardos starts walking Dejah down the isle towards Sab Than]
Tardos: Steady.
Matai: [Matai Shang is next to Sab Than as they watch Dejah and her father walk towards them] Remember, she is not the prize. The prize is Barsoom.

Matai: We do not cause the destruction of a world, Captain Carter. We simply manage it. Feed off it, if you like.

Matai: [during the battle between Helium and Zodanga, Sab Than's ship gets attacked by a mysterious blue light in the sky, Sab Than notices three figures floating towards him, one of the men, Matai Shang, gives Sab Than a blue arm band which is a special weapon, Sab Than immediately uses this to kill Matai Shang but Shang quickly deflects the attack] Being a fool is a great luxury, Sab Than. Get up.
Sab: [slowly gets up] What are you?
Matai: We serve the Goddess, and she has chosen you to receive this weapon. Do as we command and you will rule all of Barsoom, with none to defy you and nothing to stand in your way.

Matai: Ah. American.
John: Who are you, sir?
Matai: "Sir." Definitely from the South. The Carolinas? Virginia? It's Virginia, isn't it? Lovely place.
John: Do you know it?
Matai: Not as well as I should. But I will.

Matai: Increased strength and agility. Simple matter of gravitation and anatomy, one we ought to have foreseen.
John: We?
Matai: No apparent increase in intelligence. Still this will not do at all.
[he holds up the medallion that brought Carter to Mars]
Matai: Your kind of Earthmen projecting themselves over here, leaping about, causing all manner of disruption.
John: You're a Thern.
Matai: Therns are a myth.