Top 50 Quotes From Steven Strait

Jim: Now I can say I took you in a fight.
Amos: You can say whatever you want.

Jim: How are you feeling?
Chrisjen: [recovering in sick bay] I fucking hate space.
Jim: Well it does take some getting used to. But you already curse like a sailor.

Caleb: [after Tyler jumps off the cliff] TYLER!
Pogue: Come on, Caleb. It's not like it's going to kill us... yet.

Jim: Hey. I never did say it, but thanks. For getting me off Eros. I wouldn't have made it without you.
Joe: Thanks for the lift... and the cancer.

Evelyn: [off screen] You're home early.
Caleb: It's after midnight. Mother. What are you still going up?
Evelyn: Thinking about my baby turning 18 this week.
[about his father]
Evelyn: You look so much like him in this light. You know, he was a year younger than you when we met.

Jim: Thank you. The customary response is "You're welcome."
Naomi: Sorry. I just realized this is the first time I've flown the Roci. First time I ever had to.
Jim: I know what that feels like. Yeah. That's the navigation computer.
Naomi: I see the diagnostic port.

Caleb: [while being chased by the police] Ugh. You gotta pull over.
Reid: Oh, you wanna stop? That'll impress Harvard.
Caleb: Oh, what the hell? Lose 'em. Cut across marblehead. Let's have some fun while we're at it.

Jim: [to Naomi] I'm never going to like what you did. But I can't hate you for doing what you thought was right.

Caleb: My power's greater than yours.
Reid: Not until you ascend.
Caleb: All right. Go for it, tough guy.

Jim: Hey I'm glad that me and Naomi being together isn't an issue for you.
Amos: Oh, no. She's a good person and I like her. But she's like a sister to me.
Jim: Right.
Amos: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd do her if she'd let me.
Jim: [long pause] I'm glad we had this talk.

Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: We want the same thing, you know. We're on the same team.
Jim: That's the thing with all of you. Earth, Mars, the Belt, the OPA. It's all bullshit. There shouldn't be any teams.
Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: That's a beautiful dream, son. And I hope I'm around to see it come true. But in this world that we live in, in order to survive, you have to pick a side.

Chase: Say it! "I"
Caleb: I
Chase: "will"
Caleb: will
Chase: "you-"
Caleb: you... nothing.

Jim: Miller didn't mention it.
Monica: Miller?
Jim: I've been seeing him since the Ring turned on.
Monica: Joe Miller? The guy who died on Venus?
Jim: Maybe he isn't exactly dead.
Amos: Maybe he isn't exactly Miller.

Caleb: [pulls up in front of the house] Our family's first colony house.
Sarah: Wait, someone lives here?
Caleb: Just our caretaker, Gorman.
[a shot rings out, ducks from bullet]
Caleb: Gorman, it's me! It's okay! He doesn't see that well anymore.
Sarah: You think?
Gorman Twoberry: Who's with you?
Caleb: Just a friend! Be right back

Jim: Guys. Guys!
Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: What'd you do?
Jim: There's a button, I pushed it.
Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: Jesus Christ! That's really how you go through live isn't it?

Jim: I wanna know exactly what you know.
Joe: Oh. So you wanna talk about the non-local quantum hologram, the phase-conjugate adaptive waves resonating in micro-tubules in the brain, which of course requires some closed-timeline curves and Lorentzian manifold, and... You catch up, I'll wait.

James: Inaros wasn't all wrong. He was evil, and he was cruel, but he tapped into something real. He was able to do what he did because so many people were angry and frightened. They saw the future, and they weren't in it.

Jim: [on finding two specific people on Ganymede] Well, the first step is getting there. We'll leave the Somnambulist once we dock, and then we'll intermingle with the locals.
Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: And then?
Jim: Then we'll assess the situation and take it from there.
Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: Your plans always this vague?
Amos: This is about average.
Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: You all must be very lucky.
Amos: We've certainly had our fair share.
Jim: Hey!

Tyler: It's not right using it on each other, Caleb.
Caleb: Ugh. Tell it to Reid.

Caleb: [to Reid] What will it take for you to get it? It's addictive, you moron!

Pogue: [while talking about Chase Collins] Look, I don't even like the guy. Are you sure you're not imagining this?
Caleb: I'm telling you. His eyes were as black as the night in the pool today.

Jim: Miller, the one the protomolecule kept beaming into my head... I think it changed my brain and let me see them.
Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: Changed? You mean physically?
Jim: It's like folding a piece of paper. Fold it enough times, even after you unfold it and smooth it out, the creases are still there.
Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: Claiming to have brain damage is not the way to sell me on this, son.

Anderson: The truth is It's never what you expect it to be, eh?
Jim: Mmm. You mean, like, all Earthers aren't scumbags? And some Belters are just full of shit?

Tyler: So what did the Provost want?
Caleb: Someone told him about the fight at Nikki's.
Reid: Feel like elaborating on that?
Pogue: Oh, you got a piece of glass on your face.

Clarissa: I killed a lot of people. Some of them, deserved it. Most of them probably didn't. That is not the point. They all haunt me just the same. Killing someone is a terrible thing, and you can never take it back. Don't ever feel bad about not killing someone.
James: That is a good advice. Thank you!

Caleb: [Caleb gets a phone call from Sarah about Kate being in the hospital; looks at Pogue]
Pogue: What is it?
Caleb: It's Kate. Chase put a spell on her... creation... spiders.
Pogue: [Stands up] What!
Caleb: [Stands up] Relax don't do anything stupid.
Pogue: [Runs upstairs] We're talking about Kate!

Jim: [to Naomi] I need you to remind me of who I am so I can come back.

Captain: You look nervous.
Jim: I get that way when missiles are flying at me.

Amos: In case I have to kill you, I just wanted to say thanks. You made some pretty stupid choices since you've been in charge, but you were always trying to do the right thing.
Jim: Hmm? Yeah.
Amos: That came out bad. I mean, you were always trying to be a good man. Not everybody does. Thank you. It's nice not having to worry about being on the right team.

[on the monitors]
Jim: I'm James Holden, speaking on behalf of the Outer Planets Alliance. Earth and Mars believe the Ring is theirs to investigate, to claim, and are already plotting ways to control it. I'm here to declare for the OPA that Belters are the only legitimate benefactors of the Ring. Whatever it may ultimately prove to be, it belongs to the Belt. And to show you that we will not bargain nor back down from the claim, we've struck at the Inners' vessels, and we will strike again.

Jim: Amos, all we've been through, how many times have I asked you to trust me?
Amos: None?
Jim: I'm asking you now!

Amos: I'm not sure I'm up for a long walk. Especially if we have to carry dead weight.
[glances over at Adolphus]
Jim: That looks climbable. That looks like sky to me. Wait here, I'll check it out. Maybe we can get a signal up there. Oh, and Amos, don't kill him while I'm gone.

Jim: We're on the brink right now because we keep reacting to things we don't understand. We scared, we're hurt, and we're reaching for violence cuz we can't figure out what to do. Just this once, can't we try something else?

Chase: [At the end, during the battle] You ready to say "uncle"?
Caleb: I'm ready for you to go to hell.

Joe: [appearing] It's gonna be a real turd floater, eh?
Jim: Perfect words for every occasion.

Jim: [seeing Amos' leg injury] Do you know what you're doing?
Naomi: I fix ships, not people!

Chase: Okay, I'll admit. I'm a little impressed. Not bad.
Caleb: Thanks!
[pushes Chase with his powers]
Chase: [laughs] Ooh! Woo! Trying to impress your date, huh?

Jim: After all the shit we've been through, I'm starting to wonder if I'm cursed.
Joe: Yeah, why is that? Because out of the whole human race, you're the one flying through the mysterious alien artifact with a dead guy?

Jim: We are in this together. Otherwise we're all lost.

Jim: [in the adjoining cell] Hey, I'm Jim. What are you in for...
Clarissa: [recognizes him and starts chucking]

[last lines]
James 'Jim' R. Holden: You haven't been straight with me, Miller. There's something you're not telling me. Oh, really? After all the pain and death you just flip a switch and we're free to go. Just like that. Nice try. I think you were trying to open the Ring gates from the beginning. That was the plan. And what I want to know now is, are we - I mean humanity - are we part of that plan? I don't believe you did it out of the goodness of your heart. It was never about helping us. We know all of our divisions, all of our hatreds. They didn't just magically disappear the moment you set us free. You've given us a new frontier: 1,300 habitable systems on the other side of those Rings. You know we're gonna go. We won't be able to resist. It's gonna be another blood-soaked gold rush. Am I scared? Yeah, you're goddamn right I'm scared. And I think you know why. When you connected me to the Station, I saw something. The civilization that built the Rings is gone. Wiped out. What could have killed them?
Joe: That's what I'd like to know. Gonna need a ride.

Reid: Move over.
Tyler: But it's my car.
Caleb: Move over, baby boy. Now!

Jim: Your optimism is inspiring.
Joe: Optimism is for assholes and Earthers. And Belters, we know what's up. We know the game's rigged. It's been rigged from the start, always has been.

Adolphus: People like you always forget, civilization has a lag time. Like light delay. You come out here, and you think because you're civilized, civilization comes with you.
Jim: Throw you're gun down, and put your hands on your head. We'll only get this one chance.
Adolphus: You're just walking in the footsteps of history. The ancient frontier. Those post offices, and railroads, and jails, cost thousands of lives to build. This is no different. I am the kind of man the frontier needs. You're the kind that comes after my work is done. You should have stayed at home .. 'til I built a post office.
Jim: I met another guy once who liked using past genocides to justify his bullshit.
Adolphus: You weren't persuaded?
Jim: A friend of mine shot him in the face.

Alex: [groggily at the helm] Boss, I don't think I'm in any condition to...
Alex: You got it!

Jim: Uh, okay. So we broke a few laws of physics here.

Evelyn: [about his father] I'm so afraid I'll lose you like I did him.
Caleb: How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not him.
Evelyn: That's the same thing he said about his father. You know these... these powers that you and your friends developed when you turned 13 are nothing compared with what you'll get when you ascend. They are a thousand times stronger.

Aaron: I think you owe Kyra an apology.
Caleb: Actually, I think it's Kyra who owes Sarah the apology.
[nods from Kyra to Sarah]
Sarah: [Sarah smirks]
Chase: [after cutting in, speaking to Aaron] Sorry, but you were being kind of bitchy.

[last lines]
Sarah: [regarding Chase] Where is he?
Caleb: I don't know...

Naomi: We're an independent ship. We don't fly anyone's flag.
Jim: That's right. But this isn't a fight we can stay out of.