The Best Clarissa Mao Quotes

Amos: You know you just got chewed out, right?
Clarissa: That's the first time he said I was part of the crew.

- They all haunt me just the same.
Clarissa: Killing someone is a terrible thing, and you can never take it back.
- Don't ever feel bad about not killing someone.
- That's good advice.
- Thank you.

Clarissa: I killed a lot of people. Some of them, deserved it. Most of them probably didn't. That is not the point. They all haunt me just the same. Killing someone is a terrible thing, and you can never take it back. Don't ever feel bad about not killing someone.
James: That is a good advice. Thank you!

- We're out of spares.
Amos: All right.
- So Peaches, you got a plan?
- It's gotta be that twitchy power coupling on the mains that keeps pissing us off.
Clarissa: I'm on it.
- Good.

- You sure end up being one a lot.
- Tequeños?
[Bobbie] This is good.
- Thank you.
Clarissa: Not too much salt?
[Bobbie] Mm-mm.
- He can get his own pot.
[Bobbie] Ha.

Clarissa: Good teacher.
- You hurt yourself?
- Poor upbringing.
- Wasn't raised to tension wrenches.
- I'm gonna go grab a bite.
- Sounds good,
- I'll be there in a minute.

[Holden] Clarissa, we have
- UN personnel coming aboard.
- Are they...
[Holden] No, they're not here for you.
- But just go to your quarters and stay there until you hear different from me, okay?
Clarissa: Okay.

Jim: [in the adjoining cell] Hey, I'm Jim. What are you in for...
Clarissa: [recognizes him and starts chucking]

- She's just messing with us,
- I hope.
Clarissa: Hey,
- I made something for you.
- You'd still have the original if you hadn't come visit me.
- And I always liked it, so...
- Did I get it right?
- Yeah, I think you did.

Clarissa: Is he alive?
- No.
- Sit down.
- I'll take care of this.

Clarissa: [In the woods outside a disaster-relief station] There's police there. I don't want to go back to prison.
Amos: Well, there's no prison to go back to. They'll probably just shoot you.
Clarissa: I don't want that either.