The Best Monica Stuart Quotes

Monica: Wow, you give a really good guilt trip.
Chrisjen: I practice a lot - when I'm alone.

- At least this one's part mine.
- We are a regular, working-contract ship, even split, fair quarter-share for everybody.
Monica: Quarter? There's only three of you on board.
- What happened to Naomi nagata?
- Holden: She's on a leave of absence.

Amos: You're pissed. I get it. You want me to feel bad that you're angry. You want me to feel guilty that Cohen is dead. But I don't. And I never will, so let's just skip the bullshit to were you agree to help.
Monica: Help you do what?
Reverend: The station is going to destroy us. All of us. Holden knows how to stop it. You want answers. We have them, and they will save lives. We need you to get the word out.
Monica: [looking back at Amos] You should'a led with that...

Monica: What is it going to take for you to get comfortable with me?
Amos: You being off the ship.
Monica: What are you doing right now?
Amos: This.
[staring steadily and smiling]
Monica: I bet you're one of those tough guys who gets really sentimental and chatty after sex.
Amos: [sniffs her threateningly] I don't shit were I eat.
[walks away]

Monica: Xidawang koyo to ke?
- Is this your cat?
- Ya.
[translated] Yes.
- Her name is Lucky Earther.
- She is fat and lazy, and I give her whatever she wants.

- wanting a chat with our leader.
- Slingshotter's ship make it out to the other side?
- Negafive.
- It's like he went down a rabbit hole.
- This never ends.
Monica: What do you mean, Holden?

Jim: Miller didn't mention it.
Monica: Miller?
Jim: I've been seeing him since the Ring turned on.
Monica: Joe Miller? The guy who died on Venus?
Jim: Maybe he isn't exactly dead.
Amos: Maybe he isn't exactly Miller.

- the moment the belter kid went through the ring.
- And bring up the timestamp.
- Stop there.
Monica: What are you fishing for?
- You've been spying on us every second since you got on this ship.
- It's your job. I get it. Now I want to see your footage of me.