50 Best Wes Chatham Quotes

Amos: I'm on it.
- Holden: Amos!
- Fall back!
- Amos, you're losing air.
- You need to get out of here now.
- Get out of here!
- You're no good to anyone dead.

Alex: [whispering] What are you not telling me?
Amos: I caught him with his arm in the Auto Doc. So I read his...
Alex: What? You didn't.
Amos: Hell yeah, I did. In the interest of the ship.
Alex: You checked out his Auto Doc logs? Amos, shame on you. That is a serious breach of trust, man. Come on... Jesus... So what did the log say?

- Mcrn. They set up a no-fly, but they cleared a black ops ship to land right here. So, we got to figuring, maybe they're looking for the exact same thing that we are, so then the roci and I, we...
Amos: "We"?
- Anyways, uh, I just decided to come on down and rescue y'all.

Amos: [to Joe] You keep picking fights with the wrong people.

- Amos you're pretty messed up.
Amos: The machine keeps trying to switch to "hospice."
- Miller groans

Amos: How do I get one of those suits?
Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: You'd only hurt yourself, peewee.

- Is this how you treat all your guests?
Amos: You're not a guest.
- You're a guide.
- Naomi said that you're coming with us to find your little girl?
- It's a good reason.

Amos: With the Razorback and this junker, we'll have ourselves a convoy.

Amos: I'm not sure I'm up for a long walk. Especially if we have to carry dead weight.
[glances over at Adolphus]
Jim: That looks climbable. That looks like sky to me. Wait here, I'll check it out. Maybe we can get a signal up there. Oh, and Amos, don't kill him while I'm gone.

Chrisjen: Holden, do not put your dick in it, it's fucked enough already.
Amos: That's good advice.

Amos: It's like Earth here, except it's got less pollution and more moons.

Amos: I am that guy.

- You're already friends.
Amos: One to each person.
- One each.
- One per person.
- I said one each. Back off.
- Leave my mother alone.
- You leave her alone.

Amos: The way I see it, there's only three kinds of people in this world, bad ones, ones you follow, and ones you need to protect.
Alex: What, so I'm the one you need to protect? Is that right?
Amos: Yeah, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Jim: Miller didn't mention it.
Monica: Miller?
Jim: I've been seeing him since the Ring turned on.
Monica: Joe Miller? The guy who died on Venus?
Jim: Maybe he isn't exactly dead.
Amos: Maybe he isn't exactly Miller.

- Lean back with my weight on my heel?
- Yes.
Amos: There you go.
- Now you just walk around like you're in pumps.
- How do you know what it's like to walk in pumps?
- I didn't always work in space.

Kenzo: I'm tellin' you, if you guys like okra-infused tank-grown ribs, there's this place on Level Six that's pretty...
Amos: Please! Shut your word hole.

Alex: Your problem is the only person you give a shit about is yourself.
Amos: Isn't that most people's problems? If they're being honest?

Amos: The others don't get it yet but, uh, I know what you are.
Adolphus: Oh? And what is that?
Amos: A killer.
[Takes a drink from Murtry's flask]
Amos: You have all the excuses that make you seem right, but the truth is your dick got hard when you smoked that guy in front of everybody. And you can't wait to do it again.
Adolphus: Speaking from experience?
Amos: Not really. But from one killer to another, you don't wanna try that shit with my people.
Adolphus: Someday I think you and I are going to end up bloody.
Amos: How about now? I'm free right now.

Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: You know a lot about how people die.
Amos: Yeah, I guess I do.

Amos: [teaching her how to walk in mag boots] Okay, lean your foot back to engage it.
Chrisjen: Lean back with my weight on my heels?
[they click on]
Amos: There you go. Now you just walk around like you're in pumps.
Chrisjen: How do you know what it's like to walk around in pumps?
Amos: I didn't always work in space.

Amos: Hello?
- Anyone there?

Jim: Amos, all we've been through, how many times have I asked you to trust me?
Amos: None?
Jim: I'm asking you now!

Brother: [chuckles] You still remember the scriptures you memorized in Catholic school.
Jesse: Well, mostly I remember that the nuns; they didn't like me too much.
Brother: If the nuns liked you too much, you might've rebelled against God and not them.
Jesse: You saying that was strategy?
Brother: I'm saying it worked. You still remember verses. Many drift away, and they forget it all.
Jesse: Nah, I think it's more just habit than belief at this point.

- We're damaged!
- Port PDCs are misfiring!
Amos: Copy that on the PDCs.
- Where are you going?
- I gotta fix 'em.
- In the middle of the fight?
- That's the job, Peaches.
- Everyone brace!

- No. I think something broke out of this.
- Holden: This is anesthetic gas.
- I got a data core.
Amos: The alarm we heard was a depressurization alert.
- Theinnerdoor closed automatically when the outer was breached.
- Something tore the shit out of this airlock.

Amos: [Puts his hand on Prax's gun which was aimed at Dr. Strickland, lowering it] You're not that guy. You're not that guy.
[Prax leaves]
Dr. Strickland: [Standing up from where he was kneeling] Thank you. Thank you.
Amos: I am that guy.

- we're gonna need to rig the roci for an unassisted landing.
- I know a guy on Luna.
[Holden] Give him a call.
Alex: So this guy does mcrn retrofits?
Amos: Uh-huh, works cheap and fast, doesn't ask questions.
- Naomi...
- Whatever happens down there, we'll deal with it together.

Clarissa: [In the woods outside a disaster-relief station] There's police there. I don't want to go back to prison.
Amos: Well, there's no prison to go back to. They'll probably just shoot you.
Clarissa: I don't want that either.

- Why are they setting up an emergency airlock?
- Rescue operation.
- They might have found some survivors, and if we hadn't been stripping the dead, we wouldn't have.
Amos: Blister seal is good.
- We 're pressurized.

Amos: [Chrisjen pours drinks] What's this for?
Chrisjen: For teaching me how to walk in magboots. It comes in handy, especially in this godforsaken place.
Amos: [looks around the office] You and I have very different life experiences, Chrissie.
Chrisjen: Don't call me that. I'm a member of Parliament, not your favourite stripper.
Amos: You could be both.

Amos: In case I have to kill you, I just wanted to say thanks. You made some pretty stupid choices since you've been in charge, but you were always trying to do the right thing.
Jim: Hmm? Yeah.
Amos: That came out bad. I mean, you were always trying to be a good man. Not everybody does. Thank you. It's nice not having to worry about being on the right team.

- Holden: [On radio]
- Amos, Naomi just bypassed the air quality sensors and she's maxing out the co2 scrubbers.
- How close are you to the cutoff?
Amos: Almost there.

Monica: What is it going to take for you to get comfortable with me?
Amos: You being off the ship.
Monica: What are you doing right now?
Amos: This.
[staring steadily and smiling]
Monica: I bet you're one of those tough guys who gets really sentimental and chatty after sex.
Amos: [sniffs her threateningly] I don't shit were I eat.
[walks away]

Amos: You're pissed. I get it. You want me to feel bad that you're angry. You want me to feel guilty that Cohen is dead. But I don't. And I never will, so let's just skip the bullshit to were you agree to help.
Monica: Help you do what?
Reverend: The station is going to destroy us. All of us. Holden knows how to stop it. You want answers. We have them, and they will save lives. We need you to get the word out.
Monica: [looking back at Amos] You should'a led with that...

- And then it was trivial.
- And now here we are, and it's impossible again.
Amos: Pretty sure that's the sun, but I get your point.
- I need to rest.
- Look.

Jim: [on finding two specific people on Ganymede] Well, the first step is getting there. We'll leave the Somnambulist once we dock, and then we'll intermingle with the locals.
Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: And then?
Jim: Then we'll assess the situation and take it from there.
Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: Your plans always this vague?
Amos: This is about average.
Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng: You all must be very lucky.
Amos: We've certainly had our fair share.
Jim: Hey!

Alex: What the hell are you doing here? You live here or something?
Amos: Yeah, I got a flop next door.
Alex: Next door's a brothel.
Amos: Yeah.

- I don't know...they must be hugging one of the rocks!
Amos: PDC3 is jammed!
- PDC5 is also red, power out!
- Scratch one.
Naomi: I see them.
- They're running!
- Firing one.

Amos: [appears at the door]
Adolphus: The suspense is killing me...
Amos: [sitting down in front of him] You lost your leg brace. You all healed up?
Adolphus: Yeah. Tendons finally finished growing. And why do you care?
Amos: I don't wanna beat the shit out of you if you're gimpy.
Adolphus: [getting to his feet] We're fighting, are we?
Amos: [getting up too] You made me kill
Amos: Wei. I liked Wei.
Adolphus: [throws a sucker punch]
Amos: [big smile growing on his face] Thank you.
[throws a hard punch back]

[Prax winces as Amos removes the stitches from his wound]
Praxideke: I thought you said you'd done this before!
Amos: I have. Just not on someone else. I don't want you looking like Frankenstein when Mei sees you.
Praxideke: Frankenstein was the name of the doctor, The monster didn't have a name.

Jim: Hey I'm glad that me and Naomi being together isn't an issue for you.
Amos: Oh, no. She's a good person and I like her. But she's like a sister to me.
Jim: Right.
Amos: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd do her if she'd let me.
Jim: [long pause] I'm glad we had this talk.

Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: What's up?
Amos: I'm not sure. Someone sent me something.
Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: Could you be more vague? Looks like it was all routed through anonymous relays.
Amos: Somebody's trying hard not to leave any tracks.
Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: Hmm.
Prax: Amos. I hope this finds you well. Sorry, that was trite.
Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: That's the plant guy.
Amos: Prax.
Prax: I know you're in the middle of a war. The Free Navy shot a researcher in my lab today. They said she was a spy. Her name was Karvonides. For the past year, we were working on ways to improve crop yields for food grown in the Belt. Karvonides was developing a new strain of yeast with a robust proofing polymerase modified with organelles that mimic the Protomolecule's harvesting structures. It produces a complete digestible protein with micronutrient uptake comparable to unmodified soy.
Amos: Give him a second. He'll get around to it.
Prax: That probably didn't make any sense to you. This yeast could create massive amounts of food out of a little more than spare carbon dioxide and waste energy. You know people with power. Please get this data to them. I think that's what Karvonides was trying to do. Earth could use it now. Don't worry about me or Mei or the rest of us. I can take care of them. I miss you, my friend. I hope this helps.
Amos: He's got a whole new family now. There's nothing in this for him. He's just a good guy.
Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: That's what it always takes.
Amos: If Prax thinks it's important, then it is. Chrissie'll know what to do with it.
Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper: The Old Lady really loves it when you call her that.
Amos: At least I say it to her face.

- Ain't no way I can clean all this up.
Amos: You got that right.
- Holden: We're not asking you to do anything.
- We're just gonna walk out of here real easy. We didn't see each other.
- Look, you stay right where you are!
- Miller, what the hell is going on here? she's gone.
- What, the girl?

Amos: It's better to go down swinging than rolling over.
Alex: Why are you being so much like yourself?

- Rocinante.
- Huh?
- It's spanish--
Amos: For workhorse.
- I like it.
- I knew a lady named rocinante.
- She was good to me.
- Whatever. Punch it.

Amos: He dies, you die.
[Holden] You got three seconds. One...
- Do it, I can't protect you like this.
- Two...
[Murtry] Put your fucking gun down, or I'll shoot you myself!
- What the fuck?

Reverend: No, we're not going to kill her.
Amos: This one won't be grateful for your mercy.
Reverend: Well, it's not about her. It's a about us.

- You did this, so you're gonna have to answer for it.
- I'm gonna ask you this once, and then I'm gonna kill her.
Amos: How do I fix my ship?
- We don't know... [Shushing]
- Let him answer.
- Answer me!

[Holden] All right, just give me the word and I'll put us on the float.
Amos: Aye, aye.
- Fuck!
- Still pissed off about the Pella?
- Aren't you?
- Mm-hmm.