The Best Camina Drummer Quotes

Camina: [on an attackrun] Everybody here is a volunteer.
Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson: That was the old trick. Get them to believe that it's their own idea.

Camina: I drink when I'm angry, not when I'm sad.

Camina: Oy yay! Beltalowda! Listen up! This is your captain. And this is your ship. This is your moment. You may think that you're scared, but you're not. That isn't fear. That's your sharpness. That's your power. We are Belters. Nothing in the Void is foreign to us. The place we go is the place we belong. This is no different. No one has more right to this! None more prepared! Inyalowda go through the Ring, call it their own! But a Belter opened it! We are the Belt! We are strong! We are sharp! And we don't feel fear! This moment belong to us! For Beltalowda!

Camina: If this is another of your teaching moment, I prefer to bleed out in silence.

Camina: The Mormon pictures in my office always made me laugh, celebrating the pride of the Inners, a history of coveting another's homeland and killing to take it. I believed in Fred's vision for an independent Belt, but now that we're free, we're painting those same pictures, murdering innocent people, our own people, in exchange for peace with the Inners.

Camina: [to Dawes] You've been on Ceres too long, eh? You forget how to be a good rock hopper. You're constipated, you suck a stone to get things moving. If it's the other problem, you shove that rock up your ass.

Camina: I'm fine.
Station: You're not fine. And if you keep moving, you could do permanent damage. Regrowing a spinal cord is a delicate procedure, even under the best circumstances

Camina: Being in charge sucks the big falota.
Naomi: You wear it well.

Camina: I don't look away from what I do.