The Best Leslie Bibb Quotes

Sarah: Would you do it the same way now? Would you still cut a deal with Darby?
Nick: This is the job. We have to make choices.
Sarah: But did you make the right choice?
Nick: We made the right choice, right?
Sarah: I don't know. I'm thirty five and there's things and possibilities I'm not going to have now. And its ok. I know it's part of the deal. Don't get me wrong. I love working for you. I just want to make sure I gave up those things for something more than just a high conviction rate.

Grace: You know what they say about men who talk about their rods?

Fake Wonder Woman (segment "Super Hero Speed Dating"): [segment "Superhero Speed Dating"] Why didn't you call me? You said that you were gonna call me.
Fake: What a minute, did I not? I know I - I dialed the number. Did I not hit send?
Fake Wonder Woman (segment "Super Hero Speed Dating"): You said that you were going to stick by me no matter what happened. And then, you're little Bat condom breaks and then you just disappear. Do you know what it's like going to Planned Parenthood, by yourself, when you're Wonder Woman?

Nick: [Referring to Ames' execution] You know you don't have to go to this if you don't want to.
Sarah: Yeah I do, what's it like?
Nick: No biggie. It's like watching someone fall asleep.
Sarah: Except the not waking up part? Does it bother you?
Nick: Not anymore.

Virginia: [after Stark's one night stand with Christine] I have your clothes here; they've been dry cleaned and pressed. And there's a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you'd like to go.
Christine: You must be the famous Pepper Potts.
Virginia: [smiles and nods] Indeed I am.
Christine: After all these years, Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning.
Virginia: I do anything and everything Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash. Will that be all?

Sheldon: I'm picking up radio anomalies outside Mars. It's a rogue comet. Mars' gravity must have knocked it off course. It's headed towards Earth.
Grace: Hey, can you pick up the dry cleaning on the way home?
Sheldon: Yeah, of course.

Grace: Fear is a part of everything, but so is getting through it.

Sheldon: Let's watch the swearing, please.
Grace: Yes, gentlemen, watch the shit you say.

Susan: Listen, I know it's not just you guys. Jerry is worse than all of you - he's very competitive.
Sable: When we were kids, we had a contest to see who could hold their breath underwater the longest. He almost died. I mean, he won, but at what cost?

Grace: Oh, I know shit when I smell it, Larry! Don't wave it under my nose and call it a bouquet!
Larry: Come on, Grace. Be reasonable.
Grace: Oh, "Come on, Grace." Shove it up your ass, Larry, and don't stop until the shit hits your brain if there's room for any more up there!

Grace: Because I'm a dame in a skirt and not some sap with a penis to swing around.
George: Debatable.

Grace: We've been married for 60 years. You don't get to have secrets.

Sheldon: How do you know my code?
Grace: We've been married for 60 years. You don't get to have secrets.
Sheldon: Oh, that's disturbing.

Raikou: Aren't you the one who knows when people are lying?
Grace: Oh, I don't need powers to know when you're full of shit.

[last lines]
Tony: There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop...
Christine: I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that...
Tony: I know that it's confusing. It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero.
Christine: I never said you were a superhero.
Tony: Didn't?
Christine: Mmm-mmm.
Tony: Well, good, because that would be outlandish and, uh, fantastic. I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. With this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public.
Rhodey: [whispers to Tony] Just stick to the cards, man.
Tony: Yeah, okay.
[holds up his notes and pauses]
Tony: The truth is...
[puts cards down]
Tony: I am Iron Man.

Christine: Mr. Stark! Christine Everheart, Vanity Fair magazine. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
Hogan: [whispers to Stark] She's cute.
Tony: [whispers to Hogan] She's alright.
[turns around]
Tony: Hi!
Christine: Hi.
Tony: Yeah. Okay, go.
Christine: You've been called the Da Vinci of our time. What do you say to that?
Tony: Absolutely ridiculous. I don't paint.
Christine: And what do you say to your other nickname, the Merchant of Death?
Tony: That's not bad. Let me guess... Berkeley?
Christine: Brown, actually.
Tony: Well, Ms. Brown. It's an imperfect world, but it's the only one we got. I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace, I'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals.
Christine: Rehearse that much?
Tony: Every night in front of the mirror before bedtime.
Christine: I can see that.
Tony: I'd like to show you firsthand.
Christine: [exasperated] All I'm looking for is a straight answer.
Tony: OK, here's a straight answer. My old man had a philosophy: peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.
Christine: That's a great line, coming from a guy selling the sticks.
Tony: My father helped defeat Nazis. He worked on the Manhattan Project. A lot of people, including your professors at Brown, would call that being a hero.
Christine: And a lot of people would also call that war-profiteering.
Tony: Tell me,
[removing his shades]
Tony: do you plan to report on the millions we've saved by advancing medical technology or kept from starvation with our intelli-crops? All those breakthroughs, military funding, honey.
Christine: Have you ever lost an hour of sleep in your life?
Tony: I'd be prepared to lose a few with you.

Sheldon: Look, he needs to see that there are consequences to his actions.
Grace: This isn't a lesson. This is a punishment.
Sheldon: Since when are those two things mutually exclusive?