Top 50 Quotes From Lieutenant Geordi La Forge

Commander William T. Riker: Bottom line, La Forge.
Lieutenant: Uh, it's not good, sir. The Ferengi force field that holds this ship compensates almost as fast as we can increase power.
Commander William T. Riker: Almost?
Lieutenant: Well, there's a .372 millisecond delay between the use of our power and the neutralizing counterforce of the Ferengi. See, we push and they push back with equal force, sir.
Commander William T. Riker: [wandering over and glancing at the warp core] What's our acceleration delay between slow-reverse impulse and top warp speed?
Lieutenant: Well, that's .300 milliseconds, sir, but there's... ah, I see where you're going. We shift down, then kick hard into warp nine. Yeah, come back fighting! Whoo-ee!
Commander William T. Riker: Can we do it, Geordi?
Lieutenant: Ask me after it's done, sir.

Ensign: [horrified that she spilled hot chocolate on Captain Picard] First impressions, right? Isn't that what they say? First impressions are the most important?
Lieutenant: I'll give you this - it's a meeting the captain won't soon forget.

Pakled: We are strong.
Lieutenant: You're armed to the teeth.
Pakled: Teeth are for chewing.

[last lines]
Captain: Lieutenant, take us out of orbit.
Lieutenant: Aye, sir.
Captain: And Mr. La Forge...
Lieutenant: Sir.
Captain: [gangster accent] Step on it!

Lt. Commander Data: [of the holographic Klingons at the Ascension ceremony] These images have been specifically programmed for Ascension Rites.
Lieutenant: Cute bunch.

Lt. Commander Data: [scanning the planet Minos] No signs of intelligent life forms. Vegetation and animal life only.
Counselor: What happened to all the people?
Lieutenant: War?
Lt. Commander Data: Disease?
Lieutenant: A dissatisfied customer?

Lieutenant: [about the Edo] They're wild in some ways, actually puritanical in others. Neat as pins, ultra-lawful; and they make love at the drop of a hat.
Lieutenant: Any... hat.

Dr. Kate Pulaski: [Pulaski rushes in and begins to examine Ian] What happened? Did he eat anything, did he fall?
Counselor: [shakes her head] No!
Lt. Commander Data: [reads the readout on his tricorder] Commander, the child is the source of the unusual radiation.
Counselor: Ian said he was the reason the ship was in danger.
Lt. Commander Data: That analysis is correct.
Dr. Kate Pulaski: [continues to try to bring Ian around] I'm losing life signs.
Counselor: [holds Ian's lifeless hand] You must save him!
Dr. Kate Pulaski: [Pulaski continues to work, but to no success. She runs her scanner over Ian again, then bows her head] I'm sorry.
[Troi kneels down and begins to weep over the loss of her son. Suddenly, Ian's body disappears and becomes a small, radiant star of energy. The energy star floats into Troi's open hands and Deanna cups her hands around it. Her weeping slowly subsides, then she smiles. Finally, like releasing a dove, she opens her hands and the energy star floats up and through the bulkhead into space]
Lieutenant: [Riker's combadge beeps] Riker here.
Lieutenant: Commander, the containment field has... stabilized!
Commander William T. Riker: Thank you, Lieutenant.
Counselor: Then Ian was right. He was the cause.
Commander William T. Riker: Apparently so.
Counselor: [Deanna shakes her head and looks down for a moment, then looks back up at everyone] He is a life force entity. When we passed each other in space, he was curious about us, so he thought the best way to learn, was to go through the process. To be born, to live as one of us, and in that way, to understand us. He never meant any harm.
Commander William T. Riker: There was a moment, when you smiled.
Counselor: He said "Thank you". I told him, we will miss him.
[looks down again]
Counselor: And, I will.

Lieutenant: Our position reads exactly what it was before this sleigh ride began, sir.
Captain: Cease red alert.
Lt. Commander Data: "Sleigh ride"?
Lieutenant: Or whatever you want to call it, Data. I don't have a proper name for it.

Lt. Commander Data: Please show me spectral analysis, magnification 12k.
Computer: Silicon, germanium.
Lt. Commander Data: Transistor material.
Computer: Gallium arsenide.
Lieutenant: Emits light when charged.
Computer: Cadmium selenide, sulfide.
Lt. Commander Data: Emits charge when lit.
Computer: Water, impurities, sodium salts.
Lieutenant: Conductor.
Lieutenant: [to Data and Geordi] But is it alive?
Computer: Probability: positive.
Lieutenant: I wasn't asking *you*.

Lieutenant: Ever feel like you're not really wanted?

Lt. Commander Data: The firing program was dynamic.
Lieutenant: The firing pr... in what way?
Lt. Commander Data: It adjusted to my tactics. It tracked with me, anticipating. A fixed program could not have done that.

Lieutenant: Relinquishing command, Captain.
Captain: As you were, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: Sir?
Captain: Mr. La Forge, when I left this ship, it was in one piece. I would appreciate your returning it to me in the same condition.

Lt. Cmdr. Data: Do you think I am responsible?
Lt. Geordi La Forge: Responsible? How could you possibly have known.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: My station is on the bridge.
Lt. Geordi La Forge: You can't be on the bridge every second, Data.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: You are wrong, Geordi. I can. I do not need rest or diversion.

[Worf has been "given" a Klingon woman, who is snarling at him]
Lieutenant: Worf, is this your idea of sex?
Lieutenant: This *is* sex. But I have no place for it in my life now!

Doctor: Naturally, I've heard of your case. The VISOR appliance you wear is...
Lieutenant: Is a remarkable piece of bioelectronic engineering by which I quote "see" much of the EM spectrum, ranging from simple heat and infrared through radio waves, et cetera, et cetera, and forgive me if I've said and listened to this a thousand times before.
Doctor: You've been blind all your life?
Lieutenant: Mm-hmm. I was born this way.
Doctor: And you've felt pain all the years that you've used this?
Lieutenant: Hmm. They say it's because I use my natural sensors in different ways.
Doctor: Well, I see two choices. The first is painkillers.
Lieutenant: [putting his VISOR back on] Which would affect how this works.
Doctor: Mm-hmm.
Lieutenant: No. And choice number two?
Doctor: Exploratory surgery. Desensitize the brain areas troubling you.
Lieutenant: Same difference. No, thank you, Doctor.

Lieutenant: I can't help thinking how... or what else might have happened, all because I misspoke a single word.
Captain: [referring to the model of the HMS Victory] I'll assume she'll be shipshape and Bristol fashion.
Lieutenant: "Bristol fashion", sir?
Captain: It's an old navy phrase, meaning everything in perfect order.
Lieutenant: Hm... Yes, sir.
Captain: As are we, Mr. La Forge.
Lieutenant: Yes, sir.

Lieutenant: Clancy, I'll be gone for a while. See that no one touches this.
Ensign: Aye, sir. And where can I reach you?
Lt. Commander Data: He can be reached at 221B Baker Street!
Ensign: Sir?

Lieutenant: So, when we reach that point, whatever happened will happen again; the Enterprise will be destroyed, the other Picard will be sent back to meet with us, then we do it all over again. Sounds like someone's idea of hell to me.

Chief: In view of the present crisis, I believe you should relinquish command to me.
Lieutenant: No.
Chief: I outrank you.
Lieutenant: Mr. Logan, I'm in command.
Chief: The Captain did not anticipate the Enterprise would come under attack. If he had, would he have left the bridge to you?
Lieutenant: If he had, he wouldn't have left the ship!

[on the viewscreen appears a distorted face]
Nagilum: Why're you so alarmed when I've gone to such trouble to look just like you?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Captain, sensors show nothing out there - absolutely nothing.
Lieutenant: Sure is a damned ugly nothing.

Commander William T. Riker: Geordi, can you see Worf?
Lieutenant: I'd see the freckles on his nose if he had them, sir.

Captain: That, right there... What is that?
Lieutenant: That's Commander Riker.
Captain: Ah! To me it's just a... an undefined form standing in a... in a visual frenzy.

Lt. Commander Data: Most interesting. Could this be human joke number 663?
Lieutenant: Negative, Data. That's a Captain's order.

Lieutenant: Did you damage your face, Data?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: It is a beard, Geordi.

Lieutenant: [having the command of the ship] Make it so.

Lieutenant: Any classified weapons knowledge you share with your captors will be considered treason.
Lieutenant: Yeah, but I may have no choice.
Lieutenant: You will die without honor.
Lieutenant: Thanks a lot, Worf.
Lieutenant: You will never attain the 24th level of awareness.
Lieutenant: 24, huh? That's, uh... that's quite a challenge.
Lieutenant: Indeed. 24 is the gateway to heroic salvation.

Lieutenant: So, Data, how was it?
Lt. Commander Data: [gangster accent] It was raining in the city by the bay... a hard rain. Hard enough to wash the slime...
Captain: Data!
Lt. Commander Data: Sorry, sir.

Lt. Commander Data: One of these two logs is a forgery, sir.
Lieutenant: Correction. The log just found aboard the Stargazer is a forgery.
Lt. Commander Data: As I said, that is one of them. Is it not?

[Picard sees Data through La Forge's VISOR]
Captain: There's an aura around him.
Lieutenant: Well, of course, he's an android.

Doctor: Normal all across. Except... why are you perspiring, Lieutenant?
Lt. Geordi La Forge: I suppose because *you* have it too hot in here. What else would it be?
Commander William T. Riker: That doesn't sound like you, Geordi.
Lt. Geordi La Forge: Well, maybe it's not. Maybe she threw her voice.
[Crusher and Riker look at each other, concerned]
Lt. Geordi La Forge: Hey, it was a joke.

Lieutenant: Data, what was the point in going to the holodeck?
Lt. Commander Data: To solve a Sherlock Holmes mystery.
Lieutenant: Exactly, but you've got them all memorized. The first time anyone opens their mouth, you've got it solved. So, there's really no mystery.

Lieutenant: [referring to the Romulans] The last time we encountered them was decades ago. Cost thousands of lives.
Ralph: [looking at the Romulan warbird on the viewscreen] I can believe that!

[Riker has challenged Kolrami to a game of Strategema]
Lieutenant: So, you're gonna beat him, huh?
Commander William T. Riker: No.
Lieutenant: Well, then it's gonna be a close one?
Commander William T. Riker: No.
Lieutenant: But you have got a chance?
Commander William T. Riker: Naah!
Lieutenant: Are you even gonna bother to show up?
Commander William T. Riker: Sure. Kolrami is the best ever at Strategema. Just to get to play him is a privilege.
Lieutenant: So, aside from your being privileged, is there anything else I can look forward to?
Commander William T. Riker: Nope.
Lieutenant: [lame] This is gonna be exciting.

Lt. Commander Data: The citizens of Minos gained fame during the Erselrope Wars as arms merchants. They manufactured sophisticated and highly advanced weaponry.
Lieutenant: Yeah? For which side?
Lt. Commander Data: Both.

Lt. Cmdr. Data: Geordi.
Lieutenant: Yeah.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: May I ask a question?
Lieutenant: I think you just did.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Quite correct. Then may I ask another question after this one?
Lieutenant: You can ask me anything you want.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Why am I lying on the floor in this undignified position, with the four of you standing over me, displaying expressions of conc...
Capt. Picard: I've heard more than enough. You're you again.

Commander William T. Riker: The simulation begins in one hour.
Lieutenant: You'll have warp drive, Captain, though it may not be what you expected.
Commander William T. Riker: I think that deserves some kind of explanation.
Lieutenant: We'll have warp 1 for about...
Wesley: Just under two seconds.
Commander William T. Riker: That's not long enough for an escape, but used as a surprise, it may give us a strategic advantage.
Lieutenant: Sir, all of this is theoretical.
Commander William T. Riker: And if your theory fails to pay off?
Lieutenant: Have you ever driven a Grenthemen water hopper?
Commander William T. Riker: Sure.
Lieutenant: Ever popped the clutch?
Commander William T. Riker: You're saying we're gonna stall the Hathaway?
Wesley: And the Enterprise will waltz right over and pulverize us.

Lt. Commander Data: Geordi, I've just had a strange conversation with your assistant. Although it is three days until we rendezvous with Starship "Victory", she...
Lieutenant: She believes it has already arrived? Not the starship, my friend.
[Geordi shows Data a model of the HMS Victory]
Lieutenant: The original. This is my gift to the Victory's Captain Zimbata.
Lt. Commander Data: Ah, most unusual.
Lieutenant: I served with him as an ensign. Sure wish he'd been in command of this Victory. Wind and sail. That's the proper way to move a ship.
Lt. Commander Data: But Geordi, your Starfleet specialty is antimatter power, dilithium regulators...
Lieutenant: That's exactly why this fascinates me, Data. See, it's human nature to love what we don't have. Simpler days, huh? Anyway, stringing this rigging has made me dream of handling sails...
Lt. Commander Data: This is not a computer simulation?
Lieutenant: Data, the whole point in doing something like this is to make it by hand.

Doctor: This virus mutates every twenty minutes! But we haven't had any fatalities - yet.
Lieutenant: If this continues, there'll be no one left to run the ship.
Doctor: If this continues, Lieutenant La Forge, nobody will be healthy enough to care.

Wesley: I was just talking to Worf.
Lieutenant: Yeah?
Wesley: He's really eccentric at times.
Lieutenant: That's one word for it.

Lieutenant: I think I may sneeze.
Lieutenant: A Klingon sneeze?
Lieutenant: Only kind I know.

Captain: Data, what are you doing?
Lt. Commander Data: [struggling a finger trap] Apologies, Captain. I seem to have reached an odd... functional impasse. I am, uh... stuck.
Captain: Then get unstuck and continue with the briefing.
Lt. Commander Data: [continues to struggle] Yes, sir. That is what I am trying to do, sir, but the... solution eludes me.
Lieutenant: My hero.

[La Forge is staggering and groaning]
Lieutenant: Are you all right?
Lieutenant: If I could see, I'd be seeing stars.

[the crew debates whether to stop the geological disintegration of Drema IV, with regard to the Prime Directive]
Commander William T. Riker: If there is a cosmic plan, is it not the height of hubris to think that we can or should interfere?
Lieutenant: So what're ya saying, that-that the Dremans are-are fated to die?
Commander William T. Riker: I think that's an option that we should be considering.
Lieutenant: Consider it considered and rejected!

[when trying to access the master program, La Forge is hit by an energy surge. Data grabs him from behind and throws him away from the console]
Lieutenant: [lying motionless on the floor] Data?
Lt. Commander Data: Yes?
Lieutenant: What happened?
Lt. Commander Data: Any answer would be mere speculation. This is yet another example of how our actions have random results.
Lieutenant: Thanks, Data. I noticed.

[Geordi is thrown onto the bridge from the turbolift. Riker helps him up]
Lieutenant: Destroy the probe, sir, quickly!
Captain: Worf, target phasers!
Lieutenant: Phasers locked on target.
Captain: Fire!
[the probe is destroyed]
Captain: Welcome to the bridge, Mr. La Forge.

Lieutenant: So, Worf, why the interest in this? It's just routine maintenance on the sensor assemblies.
Lieutenant: Simple, Geordi. Our Captain wants his junior officers to learn, learn, learn.

[last lines]
Captain: Mr. La Forge, take us out of orbit.
Lieutenant: Destination, sir?
Captain: I don't care. Let's just get some distance between us and this system.
Lieutenant: Aye, sir. Course 9-7-0 Mark 3-1-8, speed... warp 3.
Commander William T. Riker: Where will that take us, Mr. La Forge?
Lieutenant: The Opperline system.
Commander William T. Riker: An interesting choice. Why?
Lieutenant: Curiosity. We've never been there.
Captain: Engage.

[last lines]
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Captain, I have attempted to trace the message Remmick was sending. I believe it was aimed at an unexplored sector of our galaxy.
Lieutenant: Any idea what the message was, Data?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: I believe it was a beacon.
Captain: A beacon?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Yes, sir. A homing beacon - sent from Earth.
[in space, the beeping signal of a transmission can be heard, fading out]

Lieutenant: The Pakleds seem pretty... sincere.
Pakled: We want what we want.
Commander William T. Riker: Our computer banks are non-negotiable.
Pakled: We want them.
Lieutenant: Believe me, they're nothing if not... persistent.
Pakled: We want to be nothing if not persistent.
Lieutenant: Nobody ever said they were great conversationalists.