The Best Lindsey Salmon Quotes

Susie: What's that?
Abigail: That's your new hat, sweetie.
Lindsey: Wow, Mom, I thought you'd given up knitting.
Abigail: No, I'm still knitting. You want me to make you one, too?

Lindsey: It doesn't have a siren, you moron. It's a cement mixer.
Abigail: Please don't call your brother a moron.

Len: [about Mr. Harvey] Your father put a hole in the man's back door.
Lindsey: Yeah, he should have put a hole in his head.

Buckley: Are we still a family?
Grandma: Of course we're a family. Your mother's in crisis, your father's a wreck.
Lindsey: What does that make you?
Grandma: I'm in charge.