Top 50 Quotes From Saoirse Ronan

Julie: What about terrorism?
Christine: Don't be a Republican.

Christine: You know, you can touch my boobs, right?
Danny: I know. It's just that I respect you too much for that.
Christine: Cool. Awesome. I totally get that. Thank you.
Danny: You're welcome.
Christine: If you had boobs, I wouldn't touch them either.

Susie: What's that?
Abigail: That's your new hat, sweetie.
Lindsey: Wow, Mom, I thought you'd given up knitting.
Abigail: No, I'm still knitting. You want me to make you one, too?

[first lines]
Susie: [voiceover] I remember being really small; too small to see over the edge of a table. There was a snow globe, and I remember the penguin who lived inside the globe. He was all alone in there, and I worried for him.

Susie: These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence. The connections, sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent., that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it.

Ray: [voiceover] If I had but an hour of love. If that be all is given me. An hour of love upon this earth...
Susie: [reading poem] I would give my love to thee. The Moor.

Father: Lady Bird. Is that your given name?
Christine: Yeah.
Father: Why is it in quotes?
Christine: Well, I gave it to myself. It's given to me, by me.

Hanna: Come and find me.

Christine: Just because something looks ugly doesn't mean that it's morally wrong.
Casey: You think dead children aren't morally wrong?
Christine: No. I'm just saying that, if you took up close pictures of my vagina while I was on my period, it would be disturbing but it doesn't make it wrong.
Casey: Excuse me?
Christine: Listen, if your mother had had the abortion, we wouldn't have to sit through this stupid assembly!

Christine: If Danny and I get married and then his grandma died, I'd inherit the dream house.
Julie: Wouldn't his parents get it?
Christine: Oh yeah, we'd have to kill them. And we'd have to kill his older brothers, too.

Constable: I can't type or stand the sight of blood so... that ruled out secretary for me.

Christine: Are you and Mom gonna get a divorce over this?
Larry: No. We can't afford to.

Susie: I was in the blue horizon between heaven and earth. The days were unchanging and every night I dream the same dream. The smell of damp earth. The scream no one heard. The sound of my heart beating like a hammer against cloth and I would hear them calling, the voices of the dead. I wanted to follow them to find a way out but I would always come back to the same door. And I was afraid. I knew if I went in there I would never come out.

[last lines]
Susie: [voiceover] When my mother came to my room, I realized that all this time, I'd been waiting for her. I had been waiting so long, I was afraid she wouldn't come.
Abigail: [whispering] I love you, Susie.
Susie: [voiceover] Nobody notices when we leave. I mean, the moment when we really choose to go. At best you might feel a whisper, or the wave of a whisper, undulating down. My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name: Susie. I was 14 years old, when I was murdered, on December 6, 1973. I was here for a moment. And then I was gone. I wish you all a long and happy life.

Christine: Why can't you say I look nice?
Marion: I thought you didn't even care what I think.
Christine: I still want you to think I look good.
Marion: Okay, I'm sorry. I was telling you the truth, do you want me to lie?
Christine: No, I mean, I just, I wish that you liked me.
Marion: Of course I love you.
Christine: But do you like me?

Sister: Some of the students were disturbed by your posters.
Christine: It's just a bird head in a lady body, or vice versa.
Sister: I think it's a little upsetting.
Christine: It's my tradition to run for office. Don't worry, I won't win.

Kyle: What you do is very baller. You're very anarchist.
Christine: Yeah. Fuck' em.
Kyle: Don't worry, I'm not gonna snitch on you.
Christine: Well, I hope not 'cause I'd fucking kill your family.
Kyle: What?
Christine: Sorry. I... that was an exaggeration.
Kyle: It's okay. My dad has cancer, so I guess God's doing that for us.

Susie: You realize by the time I see my photos, I'm gonna be middle-aged.

Hanna: Can we still be friends?
Sophie: I don't know. I mean, I don't really know who you are, do I?
Hanna: That's just it. Neither do I.

Agatha: Something's on the back of the...
- Agatha!
- Agatha!
- Are you all right?
- I think so.
- Something's on the back of the picture.

[last lines]
Hanna: [to Marissa] I just missed your heart.

Marissa: Hanna, I can help you.
Hanna: Please. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.
Marissa: I just wanna talk.
Hanna: It's over now, Marissa. Let me go.
[Hanna turns and walks away]
Marissa: [uncharacteristically motherly] Hanna! Don't walk away from me, young lady!

Marion: If you're tired, we can sit down.
Christine: I'm not tired.
Marion: Oh, okay. I just couldn't tell because you were dragging your feet.
Marion: [Lady Bird rolls her eyes] Well, I just couldn't tell.
Christine: Why didn't you just say "pick up your feet"?
Marion: I didn't know if you were tired.
Christine: You're being passive aggressive.
Marion: No, I wasn't.
Christine: You are SO INFURIATING!
Marion: Please stop yelling.
Christine: I'm not yelling.
Christine: [Marion picks out a pink dress] Oh, it's perfect!
Marion: Do you love it?

Christine: The only exciting thing about 2002 is that it's a palindrome.

Agatha: Six.
Dmitri: Hold it.
Dmitri: Six.
- Compliments of Herr Mendl.

Julie: Miss Patty assigned you a role by the way, you just never showed up to claim it.
Christine: What role ?
Julie: The Tempest.
Christine: There is no role of the Tempest!
Julie: It is the titular role!
Christine: No! It's a made-up thing so we all can participate.
Julie: You can't do anything unless you're the center of attention, can you!
Christine: Yeah, well you know, your mom's tits, they're fake! Totally fake!
Julie: She made one bad decision at 19!
Christine: Two bad decisions!

Danny: Your mom is crazy. I'm scared of her.
Christine: She's not crazy. She just, you know, she has a big heart. She's very warm.
Danny: I don't find your mother warm.
Christine: You don't?
Danny: No. No, she's warm, yeah, but she's also kind of scary.
Christine: Well, you can't be scary and warm.
Danny: I think you can, your mom is.
Christine: You're gay!

Susie: [while taking her safari jungle photos in her front yard] For now, I'd have to make do with Grace Tarking.
[Susie snaps a photo of an obese teenager jogging past her house]

Marion: I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.
Christine: What if this is the best version?

Susie: It's so beautiful!
Holly: Of course it's beautiful. It's Heaven!
[Holly jumps and plays with the other souls from the In-Between]

Moroccan: Where do you come from?
Hanna: The forest.

[Lady Bird is angry with Kyle]
Christine: Are we still going to prom together?

Christine: I just don't get why I'm not good at math. My dad is really good at math. Even Miguel has a math degree.
Julie: Maybe it's your mom's fault.

Susie: My murderer was a man from our neighborhood. I took his photo once as he talked to my parents about his border flowers. I was aiming for the bushes when he got in the way. He stepped out of nowhere and ruined the shot. He ruined a lot of things.

Susie: I was slipping away, that's what it felt like, life was leaving me, but I wasn't afraid; then I remembered: "There was something I was meant to do; somewhere I was meant to be."

Hanna: Are we going to kiss now?
Feliciano: Would you like to?
Hanna: Kissing requires a total of 34 facial muscles, and 112 postural muscles. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris muscle, because it is used to pucker the lips.

Susie: When I was alive, I never hated anyone. But now hate was all that I had.

Darlene: You're not supposed to eat the wafers.
Christine: They're not consecrated.

Christine: People go by the names their parents give them, but they don't believe in God.

Susie: Holly said there was a wide, wide heaven beyond everything we knew; where there was no cornfield, no memory, no grave... but I wasn't looking beyond yet, I was still looking back.

Hanna: Adapt or die.
Erik: Think on your feet.
Hanna: Even when I'm sleeping.

Hanna: Why do I need a piece of paper to tell me my name?
Knepfler: Not you. Not you, my dear, but everyone else. We need paper and computers so we don't have to ask people their names or look them in the face. You have a good face. You look just like your father. And you walk like him, too.
[playfully imitating an ape]

Marion: We don't need to buy that.
Christine: It's only three dollars. I'm having a hard week.
Marion: Well, if you wanna read it, we can go down to the public library.
Christine: I wanna read it in bed.
Marion: That's something that rich people do. We're not rich people.

Hanna: [suddenly speaking in Arabic] I like Arabic very much. It's like Japanese, it's big.

Susie: When people asked my mother, she always said she had two children.
[not counting Susie, her third, albeit deceased, child]

Christine: I was on top! Who the fuck is on top their first time!

[last lines]
Christine: Hi, Mom and Dad, it's me, Christine. It's the name you gave me. It's a good one. Dad, this is more for Mom. Hey, Mom, did you feel emotional the first time that you drove in Sacramento? I did and I wanted to tell you, but we weren't really talking when it happened. All those bends I've known my whole life, and stores, and the whole thing. But I wanted to tell you I love you. Thank you, I'm... thank you.

Susie: What's your name?
Holly: Holly. Holly Golightly!
Susie: That's not a real name!
Holly: Yes, it is! I borrowed it! You can do that here.

Susie: My murderer could live in one moment for a long time. He could feed off the memory, over and over again. He was animal. Faceless. Infinite. But then he would feel it, the emptiness returning, and the need would rise in him again.

[first lines]
Christine: [while doing house chores] Do you think I look like I'm from Sacramento?
Marion: You are from Sacramento.
Christine: You don't have to do that.
Marion: Well, it's nice to make things neat and clean. You ready to go home?
Christine: Ready.