The Best Mathieu Amalric Quotes

Louis: [looking at a model kitchen in a department store window] You could have a kitchen like that someday. It costs dearly, but home always does.

Serge X.: There's more.
M. Gustave: Okay...
Serge X.: To the story.
M. Gustave: I get it, go on.
Serge X.: I was the official witness in Madame D's presence to the creation of a second will to be executed only in the event of her death by murder.
M. Gustave: A second will?
Serge X.: Right.
M. Gustave: In case she got bumped off?
Serge X.: Right.
M. Gustave: Uh-huh...
Serge X.: But they destroyed it.
M. Gustave: Oh dear.
Serge X.: However...
M. Gustave: Uh-huh...
Serge X.: I pulled a copy.
M. Gustave: A second copy of the second will?
Serge X.: Right.
M. Gustave: Uh-huh...

Louis: Europe has never been this interesting since Napoleon invaded Russia.

Serge X.: Forgive me, Monsieur Gustave, I never meant to betray you. They threatened my life and now they've murdered my only family.
M. Gustave: No! Who'd they kill this time?
Serge X.: My dear sister.
M. Gustave: The girl with the club foot?
Serge X.: Yes.
M. Gustave: Those fuckers!

Louis: We can locate almost anyone for anyone anywhere, and we are ideologically promiscuous. We love everybody; we hate everybody. I get my feelings confused.