The Best Lucas Hedges Quotes

Christine: You know, you can touch my boobs, right?
Danny: I know. It's just that I respect you too much for that.
Christine: Cool. Awesome. I totally get that. Thank you.
Danny: You're welcome.
Christine: If you had boobs, I wouldn't touch them either.

Danny: Your mom is crazy. I'm scared of her.
Christine: She's not crazy. She just, you know, she has a big heart. She's very warm.
Danny: I don't find your mother warm.
Christine: You don't?
Danny: No. No, she's warm, yeah, but she's also kind of scary.
Christine: Well, you can't be scary and warm.
Danny: I think you can, your mom is.
Christine: You're gay!

Pump: Where you headed, mister?
- Skiing? Sledding?
- Mountain climbing?
- Three Klubecks.