The Best Sister Sarah Joan Quotes

Sister: Six inches for the Holy Spirit.

Sister: Some of the students were disturbed by your posters.
Christine: It's just a bird head in a lady body, or vice versa.
Sister: I think it's a little upsetting.
Christine: It's my tradition to run for office. Don't worry, I won't win.

Sister: You clearly love Sacramento.
Christine: I do?
Sister: You write about Sacramento so affectionately and with such care.
Christine: I was just describing it.
Sister: Well, it comes across as love.
Christine: Sure, I guess I pay attention.
Sister: Don't you think maybe they are the same thing? Love and attention?

Christine: What I'd really like is to be on Math Olympiad.
Sister: But math isn't something you're terribly strong in.
Christine: That we know of yet.