The Best Lucy Quotes

Lucy: Today will not be known as Taco Tuesday. It will be known as freedom Friday, but still on a Tuesday!

[after Batman flies in and saves them]
Batman: Relax, everybody, I'm here.
Emmet: Batman!
[to Lucy]
Batman: What's up, babe?
Lucy: Babe!
Emmet: What?
Lucy: Oh, sorry.
[to Batman]
Lucy: Batman, this is Emmet.
[to Emmet]
Lucy: Emmet, this is my boyfriend. Batman.
Batman: I'm Batman.
Emmet: That's your boyfriend?
[Batman swerves his aircraft to avoid getting hit by Bad Cop as he chases after them]
Emmet: Batman, huh? Where did you guys meet?
Lucy: It's actually a funny story. Right, Bat...?
[she turns to see Batman has disappeared]
Bad: There he is!
Batman: Police to meet you, Bad Cop.
[Bad Cop sees Batman has landed on his vehicle]
Bad: Batman! The pleasure is all mine!
[Bad Cop punches Batman, then they start fighting on top of Bad Cop's vehicle]
Batman: Guess what, you big dumb baby? Your car is a baby carriage.
[Batman transforms Bad Cop's vehicle into a baby carriage and it starts plummeting to the ground]

Emmet: Hey, uh, listen. Do you think you can explain to me why I'm dressed like this? And what those big words in the sky were all about? And, like, where we are... in time?
Lucy: Your home, Bricksburgh, is one of many realms in the universe. There's also this one, Pirates Cove, Knights Club, Vikings Landing, Clown Town, and a bunch of others we don't even mention. Lord Business, or as you think you know him, President Business, stole the Kragl, the most powerful object in the universe...
[in slow dreamy voice]
Lucy: ... blah, blah, blah. Proper name. Place name. Backstory stuff...
Emmet: Mmm-hmmm
Lucy: [in normal voice] ... is the Special. The Special...
[in slow dreamy voice]
Lucy: ... I'm so pretty. I like you. But I'm angry with you for some reason...
Emmet: Mmm-hmmm
Lucy: [in normal voice] ... put the Piece of Resistance onto the Kragl and disarm it forever!
Emmet: Great. I think I got it. But just in case... tell me the whole thing again, I wasn't listening.

Benny: [suddenly appears] Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can build a spaceship. Watch this.
[starts building a spaceship]
Benny: Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship!
Lucy: No! You can't. The skies are surrounded.
Benny: That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. Anyway, that's cool.
[kicks his half built spaceship and it falls apart]

Lucy: [President Business demands the Piece de Resistance which Emmet has] We'd rather he die than give it to you.
Emmet: I... would not rather he died.

Emmet: I'm just gonna come right out, I have no idea what's going on or what this place is at all.
Unikitty: Hi! I am Princess Unikitty, and I welcome you all to Cloud Cuckoo Land!
Emmet: So there are no signs on anything. How does anyone know what not to do?
Unikitty: Here in Cloud Cuckoo Land, there are no rules: There's no government, no baby sitters, no bedtimes, no frowny faces, no bushy mustaches, and no negativity of any kind.
Lucy: You just said the word "no" like a thousand times.
Unikitty: And there's also no consistency.
Batman: [the clown and the lizard man are dancing around him] I hate this place.
Unikitty: Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones. Those we push down deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them!

Vitruvius: We are entering your mind...
Emmet: What?
Vitruvius: To prove that you have the unlocked potential to be a Master Builder.
[Vitruvius and Wyldstyle make chanting noises around Emmet, followed by a big flash of light]
Emmet: [floating in space] Whoa, are we inside my brain right now? It's big. I must be smart.
Vitruvius: I'm not hearing a whole lot of activity in here.
Lucy: I don't think he's ever had an original thought... in his life.
Emmet: [chuckles] That's not true. For instance, one time I wanted a bunch of my friends over to watch TV, not unlike this TV that just showed up magically. And not everybody can fit on my one couch, and I thought to myself, well, what if there's such a thing as a bunkbed but as a couch? Introducing the double decker couch! So everyone could watch TV together and be buddies!
Lucy: That's literally the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Vitruvius: Please, Wyldstyle, let me handle this. That idea is just the worst.

Lucy: [about Batman's song] That's real music, Emmet. It's dark and brooding.
Emmet: Hey, I can be dark and brooding too - Guys, look, a rainbow!

Lucy: [to Emmet] Come with me if you want to not die.