The Best Benny Quotes

Benny: Disable the shield! Come on! You are undermining me!
Computer: Which phrase would you like me to underline?
Benny: Disable the shield!
Metalbeard: Let me try.
[to the computer]
Metalbeard: Be ye disabling of yond shield.
Computer: Disabling shield.
Benny: What?

[repeated line]
Benny: Spaceship!

Vitruvius: My fellow Master Builders. Including but not limited to Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady, Gandalf, Swamp Creature, 1980s Something Space Guy...
Benny: Hello.
Vitruvius: ...The 2002 NBA All Stars and Wonder Woman. You have traveled far to be here for a moment of great import. We have learned that Lord Business plans to unleash a fully-weaponized Kragle on Taco Tuesday to end the world as we know it.
[the crowd gets restless]
Vitruvius: Please calm yourselves Green Ninja, Milhouse, Nice Vampire, Michelangelo, Michelangelo, and Cleopatra. There is yet one hope. The Special has arisen.
Gandalf: Have the young man step forward.
Vitruvius: As you wish, Dubbledore.
Gandalf: I'm Gandalf!
Dumbledore: It's pronounced Dumbledore.
Vitruvius: Dubbledore?
Dumbledore: No, Dumbledore.
Vitruvius: I thought you said Dubbledore.
Gandalf: Vitruvius!
Vitruvius: Ah, we gotta write all that down 'cause I'm not gonna remember any of it, but here we go. The Special will now give an eloquent speech.
[to Emmet]
Vitruvius: Go ahead man, you got this.

Benny: [suddenly appears] Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can build a spaceship. Watch this.
[starts building a spaceship]
Benny: Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship!
Lucy: No! You can't. The skies are surrounded.
Benny: That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. Anyway, that's cool.
[kicks his half built spaceship and it falls apart]