The Best Shaq Quotes

Shaquille: [Trying to saw through his chains] AHHH! This will never work.
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: Of course, he wants us to cut through our feet.
Shaquille: You go first.
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: Bullshit!
Shaquille: Yeah, you're probably not man enough. I guess your momma was right.
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: Never!
[Holds up saw]
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: Who's the coward now, momma?
[Starts cutting through his foot]

Shaq: Y'all ready for this?
Shaq: Oh no! They were ready for that.

[Dr. Phil successfully cuts off his foot]
Shaquille: Oh, my God!
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: I did it. We're saved.
[Shaq points at the sawed off foot]
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: What's wrong?
Shaquille: Wrong foot.
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: Motherfu...

[first lines]
Shaquille: [screaming] Help! Help! Am I dead?
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw: You're not dead. You've been taken against your will.
Shaquille: Kobe?