Top 20 Quotes From Lula

Sailor: Honey, you ain't gonna begin worrying now about what's bad for you? I mean, here you are, crossing state lines with a 'A' number one certified murderer. Murderer.
Lula: A manslaughterer, honey, not murderer. Don't exaggerate.
Sailor: Okay, manslaughterer - who just broke parole and got nothin' in mind but immoral purposes, as far as you're concerned.
Lula: Thank the Lord! Well, you ain't let me down yet Sail'. It's more than I can say for the rest of the world.

Lula: She died right in front of us, Sailor!

Lula: Have you been noticin' the build up in traffic?
Sailor: Here she goes again.
Lula: I'm sorry, Sailor, but that ozone layer' s disappearin'. One of these mornings, the sun's gonna come up and burn a hole clean through the planet like an electrical X-ray.
Sailor: Well that ain't never will happen, honey. At least not in our lifetime. By then, they'll be drivin' Buicks to the moon.

Sailor: [Sailor talking about Lula's Cousin Dell] Too bad he couldn't visit that old Wizard of Oz, and get some good advice.
Lula: Too bad we all can't baby.

Bobby: I gotta take a piss bad, can I use your head?
Lula: Uh... yeah, I guess.
Bobby: I don't mean your head-head. I'm not gonna piss on your head, your hair and all, I'm just gonna piss in the toilet. Y'all take a listen, you'll hear the deep sound comin' down from Bobby Peru.

Lula: It's Night of the Livin' fuckin' Dead!

Lula: Sometimes, Sail', when we're makin' love, you just about take me right over that rainbow. You are so aware of what goes on in me, I mean, you pay attention. And I swear, baby, you got the sweetest cock. It's like it's talking to me when you're inside. Like it's got this little voice all it's own.

Sailor: Let's go dancing, Peanut! I'm ready.
Lula: But we better be careful. Cause Mama's gonna have Johnnie Farragut on us like a duck on a junebug.

Lula: Dell said that trust in the spirit of Christmas was destroyed by ideas being controlled by aliens wearing black gloves. These aliens would get Dell to do all kinds of things. Then he'd carry on about the weather, talk about how rainfall is controlled by aliens on earth. Aunt Rootie told Dell that one day he would realize that the alien wearing the black gloves was him, and him alone.

Lula: When'd you start smoking, Sail?
Sailor: I guess I started smoking when I was about... four. My momma was already dead then from lung cancer.

Lula: You remind me of my daddy, you know. Mama told me he liked skinny women with breasts that stood up and said "Hello".

Sailor: Man, I had a boner with a capital "O". Anyway, I found her lyin' in a room filled with assault weapons and spank house magazines. So, I slid my hand between her legs again, and she closed her thighs on it.
Lula: You're excitin' me, honey. Then what'd she do?
Sailor: Well, her face was half pushed into the pillow, and I remember, she - she looked back over her shoulder at me and said: "I won't suck you. Don't ask me to suck you."
Lula: Oh, poor baby, she don't know what she missed. What color hair she have?
Sailor: Jet black, but gentlemen prefer blondes.

Lula: Uh oh. Baby, you'd better get me back to that hotel. You got me hotter than Georgia asphalt.

Lula: This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top.

Lula: Maybe my Mama cares for me just a little too much.
Sailor: Yeah, maybe.

Lula: I'd go to the far end of the world for you, baby. You know I would.
Sailor: Rockin' good news! Are those toenails about dry yet, sweetheart? We got some dancing to do!

Lula: Baby, I've got a surprise for you!
Sailor: Hey, my snakeskin jacket! Thanks, baby! Did I ever tell you that this here jacket represents a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom?
Lula: About 50,000 times.

Lula: Holy shit!
Sailor: What's up, peanut?
Lula: I can't take no more of this radio! I never heard so much shit in all my life! Sailor Ripley, you get me some music on that radio this instant! I mean it!

Lula: That Johnnie is one clever detective. You know how clever?
Sailor: How clever?
Lula: He told me once he could find an honest man in Washington.

Lula: Cheez Louise! Sailor, baby, you're really somethin'!