The Best Diane Ladd Quotes

Marietta: [stumbling into men's room with a martini] Yoo-hoo! Sailor boy! How would you like to fuck Lula's momma?
Sailor: Uh, no ma'am, I sure don't...
Marietta: Lula's momma would like to fuck you. Come on.
Sailor: Ms. Fortune, I really think you need a cup of coffee. I really do.

Sailor: You're gonna have to kill me to keep me away from Lula.
Marietta: Oh, don't worry about that. And before I do, I'm gonna cut your balls off and feed 'em to ya.

Marietta: Buffalo hunting? I've gone buffalo huntin'? What the fuck does that mean? Buffalo huntin'!

Marcelles: You want me to shoot Sailor... in the brains... with a gun?
Marietta: Yes.
Marcelles: In the forehead?
Marietta: Yes.
Marcelles: Wrong. It's always better to blow a hole through the back of the head, right through to the bridge of the nose. Lots of irreparable brain damage.

Marietta: No tongue! My lipstick.