The Best Quint Quotes

Matt: Quint, the next time you're faced with killing or not killing a white man, you're going to have to make a decision. It's gonna take some courage. The kind I don't think you've had to use before.
Quint: Why should I change? I made my choice when they murdered my Pa.
Matt: [thoughtful pause] Maybe.

Belle: Then, perhaps, you don't see me because I'm not a Comanche woman.
Quint: I believe the fruit you must reach for is better than what falls at your feet.

Asper: Quint, did you kill those men?
Quint: I killed 'em. I killed 'em both.
Asper: They was white men.
Quint: [with contempt] White men.
Asper: But don't forget you're half white. Don't never forget that.
Quint: I ain't forgettin', Pa.

Matt: [seeing Quint wearing cowboy duds] Well, Quint, you look pretty good in those clothes.
Quint: I don't feel so good in them.
Matt: Could get used to them.
Quint: I was used to them once. Never again.
Matt: Quint, you know we're your people, too. Just as much as the Comanches are. Maybe more. A man usually takes after his father.

[last lines]
Quint: What a waste. What a waste.

[last lines]
Matt: Quint, I'll tell you somethin'. As long as I'm breakin' all these laws, I think I'm gonna break another one.
Quint: How's that?
Matt: I'm gonna buy an injun some firewater.
Quint: Well, you're just bound and determined to get us into trouble, aren't ya?
Matt: [laughing, slaps Quint on the back and they set out together for the Longbranch] C'mon.

Matt: What's your name?
Quint: In English it's Quint. Quint Asper.
Matt: You're a half-breed, aren't you?
Quint: I'm Comanche! My Pa was white. And the white man killed him. I've avenged him many times.
Matt: Well, maybe it's time you stopped?
Quint: Never.

Quint: [Explaining to the Comanche chief why he wants to join the tribe] My mother's Comanche. White men murdered my Pa. The two I killed were just a start. I want to go on killing white men.