Top 50 Quotes From Maggie Sawyer

Maggie: What's that?
Alex: It's from my mom. It's... it's kind of silly. I mean, she's... she's always made such a fuss about Valentine's Day. Here I am, 28 years old, and she still sends me cards.
Maggie: I always wondered who bought these. Let me see this.
[taking the card]
Maggie: "Daughter, thank you for being who you are. You will always be my star." Oh, my god...
Alex: I... Yeah, it's-it's kind of cheesy. I mean, Valentine's Day's kind of dumb, right?
Maggie: Well, the ridiculous notion that you need a manfuactured holiday to prove that you care? It just proves that people are patsies willing to throw away money on cheap chocolate and wilted roses. Makes me want to puke. I hate Valentine's Day.
Alex: [covering, as her face falls] Me, too.
Maggie: I knew we were right for each other, Danvers.

Maggie: [playing pool] Oh! I don't get the chance to win my money back?
Alex: Uh, with the rate that you play, we'd be here for hours. Your girlfriend would have to put out an APB.
Maggie: Not likely. We broke up.
Alex: Oh, my god. I'm sorry. What... what happened?
Maggie: She dumped me.
Alex: She dumped you? Who would do that?
Maggie: She did. Convincingly.
Alex: Well, maybe it was just a fight.
Maggie: Well, she said I was hard-headed, insensitive, obsessed with work.
Alex: Well, that's not so bad.
Maggie: Also borderline sociopathic, and, uh, she never wants to see me again. So I'm pretty sure it's over.
Alex: Well, her loss.

Maggie: [watching Supergirl fly away] She'll be okay.
Alex: I hope so.
Maggie: Hey. I know the Danvers girls. You don't break easy.
Alex: Marry me.
Maggie: Excuse me?
Alex: Seriously. Marry me. Please.

Maggie: Are you sure you want to give up on this? You sure you want to do this, give up on something tangible and real, something... us. It's us. For some notion you have of being a mom?
Alex: It's not some notion. Ever since I was little, you know, when I would see a mom and her kids, this thing would happen to me. You know, it... it's... recognition that I was gonna be a mom, too. And it wasn't some, you know, I... "Oh, I... want it. I want that", or "I hope someday that I have that." No, it's just... something that I've always known. Even when everything else, whether it was boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever, when... when that was blurry... the part of me being a mom, that's always been crystal clear.

Winn: [Rick is brought into the DEO] He looks... normal.
Supergirl: He was nice in school. He used to carry Alex's bookbag. Why is he doing this to her?
J'onn: I tried reading his mind, but he seems to be blocking me somehow.
Maggie: Let me in there. I can talk to him.

Alex: It is not a personal attack on your taste.
Maggie: Oh, I wasn't even thinking that until you just suggested it.
Alex: It's a fact! Okay? Winn.
Winn: Hmm?
Alex: Back me up.
Winn: I don't think I should get involved.
Maggie: Because you're on my side, aren't you?
Alex: Oh, yeah, right.
Winn: Well...
Alex: What? Wait... Winn, how could... I saved your life!
Winn: Yeah, but, like, so has everybody else here.

[saying their final goodbyes]
Alex: You know, I didn't, uh... I didn't know I had it in me to be happy. Or to be accepting of myself. I never would have gotten... I never would have gotten here without you.
Maggie: You made me deal with my own stuff. Confronted my past. Stopped covering up the things I didn't wanna look at. I'm strong... I'm stronger for it, you know. I'm really grateful. Thank you.
Alex: Can I?
Maggie: Yeah, you can.
[they hug, then Maggie turns to leave]
Maggie: See you around, Danvers.
Alex: Yeah. See you, Mags.
Maggie: You're gonna be a great mom.

Maggie: How are you doing with all that?
[referring to Alex coming out]
Alex: I just... I don't know what to do now. I mean, I'm almost 30, and I feel like a kid again.
Maggie: Well, everyone's experience is different. I can only tell you what I did.
Alex: Which was what?
Maggie: I came out to my family.
Alex: How did they take it?
Maggie: Well, um, my dad isn't exactly known for his open-mindedness, but he was pretty good. And so was my mum.
Alex: Maybe it's just a phase? You know, maybe it isn't real?
Maggie: No, it's real. You're real, and you deserve to have a real, full, happy life. Okay? Tell your family. This is the biggest thing that's ever happened to you, and you shouldn't have to do it alone.
Alex: I have you.
Maggie: Yeah, you do. And I'm good for a drink when you come out.
Alex: You promise?
Maggie: Cross my heart.

Maggie: [saving Roulette from getting beaten up] You're under arrest.
Veronica: For what?
Maggie: [handcuffing her] For operating without a liquor license, for starters.
Supergirl: I'm sure you figured it out by now, but it's not a good idea to bet against me.

Maggie: I told a girl at school that I liked her, and my parents found out. I came home that day; it was winter, and my dad was there with a suitcase. And he told me to get into the car, and, um... we drove in silence, and I just stared out the window looking at the icicles on the trees. And I was terrified to say anything, but finally I said, um... I said "Papi, what did I do?". And then he just looked at me with such contempt and said, um, "You shamed me." And then he pulled up to my aunt's house and left me with my suitcase. That was the last thing that my father said to me.
Eliza: The only thing shameful about that story is how your father treated you, Maggie.

Maggie: Malverne still thinks he's in control. He's not acting like someone who just lost. He didn't even flinch. It's like he expected this.
Kara: No, no, we are not listening to that psycho. Every minute we wait matters.
Maggie: I want to get her as badly as you do, but we can't punch our way out of this. We gotta get it right.
Kara: If the shoe were on the other foot, Alex would already be out the door. I'm not waiting.
Maggie: You're not the only one who cares about her.
Kara: I'm going!

Supergirl: He set the fire to join a cult that... worships me. The man who leads it, this guy named Coville, thinks that being saved by Supergirl anoints you. So he set the fire so that I would save him.
Maggie: What if you weren't here?
Supergirl: Coville's telling people to put themselves at risk. He needs to be arrested.
Maggie: Unless Coville specifically told that kid to harm himself and others, he's protected. It's freedom of speech.
Supergirl: But he holds sway over these people as their pastor.
Maggie: People can worship whatever they want. It's called freedom of religion.
Supergirl: There's got to be something you can do before this escalates.
Maggie: Until Coville breaks the law, my hands are tied. I'm sorry.

Oscar: So, um, you're a homicide detective?
Maggie: Yeah. Among other things.
Oscar: That cold case you cracked sounded very interesting, the Marshall murder.
Maggie: You know about that?
Oscar: Well, I'm an old man, but I know how to Google. I follow all your cases. Tell me something. For eighteen years, they didn't have a single lead. How did you solve that?
Maggie: I went back to the scene of the crime, studied the ordinary details everyone dismissed, like you taught me. You used to say "The key to most mysteries is in the mundane."
Oscar: You remember that.
Maggie: I remember everything you taught me.

Winn: You're a good egg, Sawyer.
Maggie: Leave before I hold you into holding for fun.
Winn: I have better places to go.
Maggie: Think I scared him?
Alex: Almost as good as I do.

Maggie: Eliza, the lasagna is incredible. Alex and I order in so much, I forgot what real food tastes like.

Mon: How's my girlfriend, guys, huh?
Kara: What?
Mon: Bank robbers, zero. Supergirl, two. What do you even need cops for in this city?
Alex: [Maggie is insulted] He's from a different planet. He doesn't even know what he's saying.
Maggie: No, he's right. Why bother trying to talk a guy down when Supergirl can just swoop in and force him down? Seventeen hours of "What do you want, how can I help you?", good old-fashioned hostage negotiation wasted.
Kara: You're not upset that I caught the bad guys and got everyone out safely, are you?

Supergirl: What happened to you? I remember when Alex had the chicken pox, I was eating lunch by myself. And you came and sat with me.
Rick: I was fourteen. And I didn't have the nice house or the perfect family that you and your sister had.
Supergirl: You think we had it easy? You have no idea what Alex sacrificed for me. Or what I was going through!
Rick: Why, because you had to hide your superpowers? I was hiding bruises! Do you have any idea what it's like to have your mother tell you you're garbage every single night? A belt whenever you had the wrong opinion? And then I found a lifeline. A dad that my mom kept from me. And he saved me from her and he moved me away from Midvale. And even though he was always struggling, he always made sure there was food on the table, and he got me enough money to go to college. And then three years ago, the State took him away from me.
Maggie: Your father killed two people. He confessed.
Rick: They had it coming. And now I'm gonna rescue him like he rescued me. I can't believe that we're still talking about me! You have 24 hours and eleven minutes. Come on, Kara, show us some of that rah-rah Midvale Junior High spirit. FREE MY DAD! Or your sister dies.

Maggie: I told you not to rush in. Now you've made things worse.
Supergirl: I did what I thought was right...
Maggie: I should have been heard. I should have been listened to. I'm her girlfriend.
Supergirl: I'm her sister!
Maggie: And you think that trumps me. That you know what's right for her. I... I got her to be herself, Kara. I have just as much to lose as you. You should've listened to me.

Alex: Dad, this is my girlfriend, Maggie.
Jeremiah: Well, things have changed.
[Alex chuckles nervously]
Jeremiah: There's no man... on Earth good enough for Alex Danvers,
[to: ]
Jeremiah: so it would have to be someone like you.
Maggie: Oh. Flattery.
Maggie: And you're right, Alex does deserve the best.

Supergirl: I'm giving him one minute, then I'm going back in there.
Maggie: No. Let him sweat it a while. We got what we wanted.
Supergirl: What? All we know is how he knows my identity.
Maggie: We know that Rick's pinned his whole sense of self-worth on Peter Thompson. Thompson is the key to getting Alex back.

Maggie: Hola, papi. Soy yo Margarita. Como esta? I'm living in National City now. Oh, tio told you. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a... I'm a cop. I like it. It's good. So, um... anyway, I'm calling because I'm getting married. No, it's, um... it's not a... her name is Alex. Anyway, we're having a party, a wedding shower, on Sunday and I, um... you probably can't make it, but I thought maybe I would, um, invite you. See, I'd like it if you came. Anyway, I hope you and mom are good.
[bidding goodbye in Spanish, she hangs up; looking around, she sees Alex in bed watching her]
Maggie: Why'd I do that?

Maggie: You're all the family I need.
Alex: I'm happy for you. And I'm glad that you're getting closure. It's good for you. And who knows? It might make you feel differently about things.
Maggie: Do you mean kids?
Alex: Yeah.
Maggie: Sweetie, my not wanting kids has nothing to do with my parents or my childhood. My feelings for you are deeper than anything I've ever known. I can picture our life together. And it's full and it's rich, and... amazing. But there aren't kids in that picture. You're all that I need, Alex. I guess you gotta let me know if you feel the same way.
Alex: I do. Of course I do.

Rick: Detective Sawyer. And they say there's never a cop around when you need one.
Maggie: So you know me?
Rick: Of course. I took a whole year planning this. Watching Alex, preparing. I know everything.
Supergirl: How did you know I was Supergirl?
Rick: A day at the beach. Before you started wearing glasses. Back then, I had no idea that Alex would end up playing for the other team, so to speak. I was just happy she showed up on the date. Then there was a crash. And Alex's kid sister walked away without a scratch. People at school said it was adrenaline, but, uh...
Maggie: But you didn't believe that.
Rick: I saw Kara Danvers do something amazing. And it stayed with me. I knew Kara was living in National City, and then Supergirl showed up in National City... I put two and two together. I knew it was you.

Maggie: I'm sorry. So sorry. I was too busy nursing my old wounds, and I forgot to look at the gorgeous woman in front of me and consider her feelings. You deserved all of this as a girl, the pomp and the fuss. And you deserve an amazing romance with the woman who is absolutely crazy about you.
Alex: Don't you hate all this?
Maggie: Alex, you're the one woman that could make me like Valentine's Day.

Maggie: [rescuing Alex] You held on.
Alex: I held on.

Alex: Thank you for coming.
Maggie: I almost didn't. I just... I don't... I don't think you're ready for this.
Alex: No. No, no, no. I am. I am. Okay? I'm... I just... I just kinda went crazy, and... I just... I... I feel like the... the universe is just magically smacking me down from being happy.
Maggie: That's it? You gotta give me more than that.
Alex: I have always felt so... responsible. Like weight of the world responsible. And my parents, they always relied on me to watch over my sister. So the few times that I ever did anything for myself, it... ended badly. And then Supergirl went missing, and I just... I blew a gasket.
Maggie: Because Supergirl is your sister.
Alex: [feigning ignorance] What are you talking about?
Maggie: Come on. Look, I... I know you. The only person you get that torn up over is Kara. Plus, the glasses don't help.
Alex: I always said that, too. It's kind of ridiculous, but... I'm... I'm glad that you know. 'Cause I don't want there to be any secrets.
Maggie: Bad stuff happens. In our line of work, it happens all the time. How do I know you're not gonna run next time it does?
Alex: I won't. I'm sorry. I... I just... I want to be happy, with you.
Maggie: You get one, Alex.
Alex: It's understood.
[they hug]
Alex: Thank you.

J'onn: So this person who says they've kidnapped Alex, what exactly did they say on the call?
Kara: He said he would kill Alex if I didn't break Peter Thompson out of Albatross Bay. He said he knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl. He's targeting Alex because she's my sister.
Mon: This might be stating the obvious here, but why don't we just spring Peter Thompson and bring Alex home?
J'onn: The DEO does not negotiate with terrorists.
Mon: But this is Alex.
J'onn: If we do it once, we'll open the floodgates. Every bad guy will know Supergirl can be controlled.
Maggie: And even if we do what he wants, it doesn't guarantee he'll release her. She's his insurance.
J'onn: All right, people, let's get to work!

Maggie: I need to thank you.
Kara: Thank me? For what?
Maggie: I was so afraid of losing her that I wasn't thinking. And I almost...
Kara: Yeah, but you did the right thing. And that was all you. All I did was remind you of everything you've been telling me the whole time.
Maggie: You and me made a pretty good team, didn't we?
Kara: Well, we both love her.
Maggie: Yeah.
[she offers a handshake]
Kara: [giving her a sisterly hug] What? No, get in here.

Rick: Under two hours. The clock is ticking fast.
Maggie: I know. And if it ticks down completely, we both lose. And I don't think you want to lose.
Rick: Neither do you. I was wrong about Kara. She's too much of a Girl Scout to do what I need her to do. I misjudged her. But I may have discounted you. You're a cop. You can just walk into that prison and break my father free if you want to. You care for her. I've seen that.
Maggie: Stalking us.
Rick: The way you look at her. The way your hand touches her hand when you're walking down the street. Love can make people do things that they don't normally do. So, please, help us bring back the people we love.

Brian: I wish I had what you two have.
Alex: Go away, Brian.
Maggie: Get out of here.

Maggie: I appreciate the beer and the pool, but I think I need to go home and drink something a little harder and lose my cool. See you later.
Alex: Okay. Well, hey, feel better.

J'onn: Mr. Thompson. Hank Henshaw, FBI. This is Detective Sawyer from NCPD, and Ms. Danvers from CatCo magazine.
Peter: The feds, a pig, and a journo. To what do I owe this confusing pleasure?
Maggie: Your jacket's a thrilling read. Three home invasions, two DUIs, two counts of felony murder.
Peter: You all didn't come down here just to flatter me, did you?
Maggie: This morning, we got a call from an anonymous source, asking that you be released from prison.
Peter: Someone wants me out of jail? Not used to that. People usually want to keep me behind bars.
J'onn: A life sentence can't be all that easy, being in here all by yourself. You ever keep in contact with anyone on the outside?
Peter: Just last week, Mr. JC Penny sent me a letter. He said there was a sale on galoshes. It's just that I don't have anywhere to wear them.

Alex: You're wearing my T-shirt.
Maggie: Yeah. Is that okay?
Alex: That's amazing. I mean, like, you're in my apartment and it's... it's morning and you slept in my apartment and... and now you're wearing my T-shirt and making coffee, and I can't believe this is happening, and everything coming out of my mouth is very cliché.
Maggie: It's called being happy. Get used to it, Danvers.

Alex: You were never really gonna tell me you cheated on her, were you?
Maggie: That wa... that was a long time ago. I did a horrible thing, and I already feel bad about it. You want to bring it up so I can feel worse?
Alex: No, no, no. Look, this isn't about the fact that you cheated, okay? We have all done dumb things. This is about the fact that you don't trust me enough to tell me the truth.
Maggie: I wanted to.
Alex: Listen, I've thought a lot about this, okay? You have a pattern of keeping things to yourself. You hid the truth about Emily, you made her seem like the bad guy, and then before that, you didn't tell me what really happened when you came out to your parents and how badly they reacted. You don't like to talk about you.
Maggie: I know.
Alex: So I think that when your parents didn't accept you, you stopped trusting people that are closest to you. And I totally get that. But Maggie, you don't have to be guarded with me, okay? I'm not here to judge you for things that happened in the past. I am here to help you heal.
Maggie: You don't think I'm a bad person?
Alex: No. Actually, I always thought that you were perfect, but it's really nice to see that you have problems, too.

Maggie: I wish you would have called and told me you were coming. I would have picked you up at the airport.
Oscar: The bus was fine.
Maggie: Is mom...?
Oscar: No, your... your mother isn't coming. She doesn't like to fly...
Maggie: Oh, you don't have to explain.
[awkward silence]
Maggie: Are you hungry? We... we could grab a bite.
Oscar: That party of yours is soon, no?
Maggie: Well, in a couple of hours, but we have time.
Oscar: I can wait.

Maggie: I do like aliens more than most humans.
Alex: Why?
Maggie: I relate to them, I guess. Growing up a non-white, non-straight girl in Blue Springs, Nebraska... might as well have been from Mars. I was an outcast and felt like it.

Alex: Black coffee, a sesame seed bagel, dry, double toasted. Gross.
Maggie: Thanks, Danvers. You know me well.

Maggie: [meeting up outside club] You clean up nice.
Alex: I do?
Alex: Well, you do too, with the shoes and the hair and all the...
Maggie: [chuckles] I'm not all business
Alex: But this is, right? I mean, what are we doing here?
Maggie: Wait for it. Here.
[hands Alex a mask]

Alex: What is this place?
Maggie: It's a safe haven. Place for off-world'ers to hang out, have a drink. Not feel so alone for a minute.
Alex: So, this is where you get all your information about the alien populace in National City.
Maggie: They also make mean peach mojito.

Mon: Alex, don't be embarrassed. The first time I tried to microwave macaroni and cheese, they had to evacuate three city blocks.
Kara: That's an exaggeration, but I have seen less terrifying nuclear explosions.
Maggie: Well, I like pizza better than paella anyway.

Maggie: That was really clever, with the whole Navy SEAL thing with your pants. What was that?
Alex: Well, I knew I just had to buy a couple seconds. I knew you were coming. You didn't let me finish before, but I, um...
Maggie: What?
Alex: I just really have to say it now.
Maggie: Alex...
Alex: [sitting up] Just... it's okay. It's okay. Okay. Those firsts that you talked about...
Maggie: Mm-hmm?
Alex: I want to have all them all with you. I never want to stop having firsts with you. I love you, Maggie Sawyer.
Maggie: I love you, Alex Danvers.
Alex: Yeah?
Maggie: Yeah.

Alex: I just thought that we could go and have some fun. Keep each other company.
Maggie: You and me?
Alex: Yes. Why? Why, what's-what's wrong with that?
Maggie: Nothing, I just... I think I read you wrong.
Alex: What do you mean?
Maggie: I... I didn't know you were into girls.
Alex: I'm not.
Maggie: Oh. My bad, then. Sorry.
Alex: No, no, no. I mean, no offense, Maggie. I...
Maggie: No, I get it. You're not gay.
Alex: Right.
Maggie: You'd be surprised how many gay women I've heard that from.

Kara: Maggie, Winn found Alex.
Maggie: What? How?
Kara: [to Rick, then to Maggie] I guess you underestimated my sister. Let's go.
Rick: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Kara: You're delusional. And the second we get back here with Alex, you're going to prison with your dad.
Rick: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Maggie: [seeing a news report about Supergirl saving the day again] She does know that the cops are occasionally capable of doing their jobs, right?

Maggie: Never seen an arsonist so excited to get caught.

Maggie: She hit two banks back to back.
Supergirl: Where are the guards?
Alex: Unconscious on the floor.
Supergirl: Any leads on how she took 'em out?
Winn: Well, we thought it might be gas.
Maggie: But toxicity came back negative.
J'onn: According to reports, she walked right in the front door. No weapons of any kind. Everyone just cleared out of the way and let her take whatever she wanted.

Alex: Look, what your family did to you was incredibly hurtful. But sometimes parents can do really stupid thing when they're up against something that they don't understand. What if you invited them to the shower?
Maggie: Are you kidding?
Alex: Well, it's the perfect excuse to reach out.
Maggie: Yeah, right. "You kicked me out because I'm gay, but hey, come to my gay shower".
Alex: It was a long time ago. Okay? The world has changed. Maybe they have, too.
Maggie: I don't think so. Babe, look, I love you, just please drop it.

Maggie: I was hoping you'd take longer getting home.
Alex: I thought about it. But it's only gonna get harder.
Maggie: I don't want to feel like this. I love you.
Alex: Yeah, I love... I love you back. I, uh...
Maggie: This can't be it. This is stupid. This is...
Alex: We've talked this through, right?
Maggie: Mm-hmm.
Alex: I mean, for days. Now, can you do that again? Can... can you go another couple rounds? Because I can't. Are you ever gonna want to have kids?
Maggie: I want you.
Alex: Yeah, I know, babe. But I want kids. I am always gonna want kids.
Maggie: Then there's nothing else left. You have to say it.
Alex: Maggie...
Maggie: You have to say it out loud. Please.
Alex: We can't be together.

Alex: I know you're upset about earlier, but I really... I just want you and Kara to get along.
Maggie: Kara and I get along great. It's Supergirl that I sometimes have trouble with.
Alex: Okay, just keep trying. Okay?
Maggie: Okay, for you, yeah.
Alex: Great.
Maggie: [Alex starts to put on her coat] Where are you going?
Alex: To catch up with Kara and tell her to try, too. She's just as stubborn as you are.

Alex: It's late. You got a case or something? Oh, god, I could really use a good, old-fashioned murder right now.
Maggie: You know, I... I didn't come here for work. I... I just... I really needed to... see you, and talk to you.
Alex: Is everything okay?
Maggie: Mm... um... well, here's the thing. I... I almost died.
Alex: Uh, yeah, no I would not have let that happen.
Maggie: Wait. I know that. But, um... it got me thinking that I... I was so stupid. I... I thought that it... and, I guess I was kind of right, that you... you came out for me, and that scared me. Um... but, um... but life is too short, and... to be who we are, and we should kiss the girls that we want to kiss, and I really just... I... I want to kiss you.
[whispers grabbing Alex's face]
Maggie: I just...
[they kiss]
Alex: So you're saying you like me? That's... that's what I got.
Maggie: Of course. You're not gonna go crazy on me, are you?
Alex: Probably, yeah.