The Best Dr. Jeremiah Danvers Quotes

Lillian: "The Overman shall be the meaning of the Earth. Remain faithful to the Earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes."
Jeremiah: Nietzsche.
Lillian: Who better? His Superman was about us humans believing in ourselves instead of looking up the gods. This time, you're the only Superman we need.

Kara: You've ignored what I need from moment one today. I asked for privacy and time, and you ignored that. And I asked you to give Jermiah the benefit of the doubt, and you ignored that too. So I don't...
Mon: Okay, okay, hey! I'm sorry. That, that is two strikes on me, okay, but let's just...
Kara: Oh my god...
Mon: Let's just let it go...
Kara: I am not baseball! And until you can learn that what I say counts, this isn't going to work.
Dr. Jeremiah Danvers: Why don't I show you out?
Kara: I think that's a really good idea.

Jeremiah: Listen... doing what you do makes you special. But it's not safe. Those kids, their parents, they're all wondering how a little girl pulled off that rescue today. We told them that you got lucky, but that excuse will work once.
Young: I'm sorry.
Jeremiah: I know you were only trying to help. But the world already has a Superman. All you need to be is Kara Danvers.

Alex: Dad, this is my girlfriend, Maggie.
Jeremiah: Well, things have changed.
[Alex chuckles nervously]
Jeremiah: There's no man... on Earth good enough for Alex Danvers,
[to: ]
Jeremiah: so it would have to be someone like you.
Maggie: Oh. Flattery.
Maggie: And you're right, Alex does deserve the best.

Lillian: You're as naive as your daughter.
Jeremiah: I'll take that as a compliment.

Jeremiah: Thank you for saving my life again. Thank you for keeping your promise to watch over my girls.
J'onn: It was an honor.

Jeremiah: Last time I saw you two set a table, it was only after we took your phones away.
Alex: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Kara: Yeah, we were perfect angels.
Eliza: Oh, really? That's the party line?
Jeremiah: I seem to remember a lot of grumbling.
Alex: Well, times have changed, dad.
Kara: Yes, we have embraced being helpful.
Jeremiah: On scales both large and small.