The Best Young Kara Zor-El Quotes

Zor: Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's. You will follow him to Earth.
Young: I'm not afraid, father.
Alura: The trip is long, but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams. You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin, Kal-El. Because of the Earth's yellow sun, you'll have great powers on this planet. You will do extraordinary things.
Young: I won't fail Kal-El, or you.
Alura: [kissing her goodbye] I love you, Kara. You must go, now.

Young: Why were you working so late?
Alura: Oh, another criminal was brought to the Citadel.
Young: What kind?
Alura: He is not from Krypton. His people are called Hellgrammites.
Young: And you stopped him?
Alura: Well, the Military Guild arrested him. It is my job as ajudicator to get justice for his victims, and make sure he never hurts anyone ever again.
Young: I want to help people just like you someday.
Alura: You will, Kara.
Young: How do you know?
Alura: Because you have the heart of a hero.

Jeremiah: Listen... doing what you do makes you special. But it's not safe. Those kids, their parents, they're all wondering how a little girl pulled off that rescue today. We told them that you got lucky, but that excuse will work once.
Young: I'm sorry.
Jeremiah: I know you were only trying to help. But the world already has a Superman. All you need to be is Kara Danvers.

Rick: [as young Kara stares up into sky] Your new sister is kind of weird.
Young: [rushing over] Stop! Everybody's staring at you.
Young: I'm sorry. We didn't have birds on my planet.
Young: Don't say that stuff out loud.

Young: [children out the window, onto the roof] Wait, Kara.
Young: It'll be fine.
Young: I don't think this is a good idea. You're not supposed to...
Young: Come on, Alex. It'll be so much fun.
[rises up, hovers, invites Alex to come along]

Alura: Shouldn't you be sleeping?
Young: I wanted to see you.
Alura: I'm sorry I could not be home sooner.
Young: Father made dinner.
Alura: Then I am truly sorry. Zor-El has many fine qualities. Sadly, cooking is not among them.

Eliza: I'm so disappointed in you, Alex.
Young: It wasn't her idea. I made her do it.
Eliza: That's not the point, Kara. You're new to Earth, you're still learning.
[to: ]
Eliza: But you're her big sister now, it's your job to make sure she doesn't put herself in danger.