The Best Maj. Tom Doggett Quotes

Doggett: [to Sharpe, after the Prince of Orange has foolishly given the order to charge] Have you ever ridden in a cavalry charge before, sir?
Richard: Just stay on your horse, Tom, and try *not* to chop its bloody ears off!

Doggett: [as Sharpe comes storming out of the Prince of Orange's headquarters] You're hurrying, sir?
Richard: I am, Tom! I could not stay in there another minute without I hit him... What do you do with Silly Billy?
Doggett: I'm a serious officer, sir, and I want to learn all I can...
Richard: Well, you won't learn anything from him. He's not worth his silk stocking full of shit!
Doggett: [later, after another blunder, to the Prince of Orange's face] Sharpe was right... You, sir, are a silk stocking full of shit!

Doggett: [on the Prince of Orange] He did it again. How many more men will he kill? That's my commission gone to the blazes I dare say, but it had to be said.
Richard: [choking with grief] Daniel Hagman... Harris... He won't kill anymore!
Patrick: [to Doggett] Oh now you have caused trouble!
[rides after Sharpe]

Doggett: [to the Prince of Orange] You, sir, are a silk stocking full of shit.

Doggett: [to the Prince of Orange] You did it again! Colonel Sharpe said you would do it again, and you did! All those men dead because you wanted to get out? You coward!
Rebeque: Doggett! His Royal Highness cannot be called a coward.
Doggett: No, dammnit. No, not cowardice, not that. Just so he can dance and prance, and make high cockalorum, while men die? Horribly? It is too much, I declare, too much! I shall say it!
Doggett: [after a second] You sir, are a silk stocking full of shit!