The Best Man in Black Quotes

Man: When you bury me... no priests!

Man: I will give you one hundred guineas in gold, and safe passage to America.
Patrick: America? That'd be nice. But you see, the King of England, owes me last month's wages. And I'd never sleep easy in America knowing that that bastard owes me a shilling!
Man: You would die for a shilling?
Patrick: That's what I signed on to do.
Man: You will have to do it.
Patrick: [hefts his rifle] It's a grand day for it!

Man: You say you are an Irishman. Why should you be loyal to the British dogs, who want to take you to Lisbon to shoot you?
Patrick: Jesus, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Man: I can help you. Give me the box?
Patrick: And if I do?
Man: You will be rich.
Patrick: And if I don't?
Man: You will be dead.
Patrick: Hmm... well, you're having the best of the argument so far.

Man: There are two Spains, Lieutenant. My brother's Spain is a monastery - Silence and superstition. My Spain is a court - Science and scholarship. If you were Spanish, which would you choose?
Richard: I'm neither monk nor prince. So I would choose a tavern.