The Best Marc John Jefferies Quotes

Will: Wow, this is cool. All my brother does is jam crayons up his nose!

[Etrigan, now a diaper-wearing infant, randomly attacks the League with his fire breath until Wonder Woman wisely picks him up and burps him]
Young: See? That's all he needed.
Young: [sniffs the air] Oh, man. That ain't all he needs.
Young: Now *that* is a job for Superman.

Amazed: [after two kids see Peter use his "spider" reflexes] How'd you do that?
Peter: Uh... Work out, plenty of rest. You know, eat your green vegetables.
Amazed: That's what my mom is always saying. I just actually never believed her.

[Stuart has started the plane by accident; George and Will are playing a video game upstairs]
Will: Hey, what's that noise?
George: Sounds like a lawn mower.
Will: Inside the house?
Will,29282: [alarmed] Stuart!
[the boys rush downstairs to find the plane has started with Stuart in the cockpit]
George: Stuart, what are you doing?
Stuart: I'm not doing anything!
George: Pull the break!
[Stuart pulls the break, and flies to another part of the house]
Stuart: [to George] Get the book!
Will: This is cool. All my brother does is jam crayons up his nose.
George: [reading the instruction booklet] It says here, "On takeoff, pull back on the throttle".
Stuart: "Take off"? I'm already in the air!
[Stuart flies over George and Will's heads]
Stuart: Snowbell, get out of the way!
Snowbell: [running] Please don't hurt me!
[Mr. Little is upstairs]
Fredrick: [to George and Will] What's going on?
Will: Oh, nothing. Stuart is just flying in the house.
[Mr. Little sighs, but then becomes alarmed]
Fredrick: [shouting] Flying in the house?
George: At least he's indoors, nothing bad can happen.
Stuart: Watch out! Hit the dirt!
[Stuart flies over the boys' heads again, as Mrs. Little opens the door, holding a bouquet of flowers]
Mrs. Little: [as Stuart crashes into the flowers] Stuart!

[League members have been reduced to children by Morgan LeFay. Wonder Woman, appearing more mature than her male counterparts, begins giving orders]
Young: Your girlfriend sure is bossy.
Young: [Whines] Shut up!

[Will discovers that George is in trouble with Mrs. Little]
Will: What are you going to do now?
George: Which way's Canada?

Will: [as Stuart is flying] This is cool. All my brother does is jam crayons up his nose.

Young: [sees Lantern squinting] What's wrong?
Young: I wore glasses as a kid. Guess I need 'em again.
[a pair of big, square glasses appear over his eyes]
Young: Wow! I didn't even try to make these.
Young: [as Superman bursts out laughing] I hope not.

Young: I guess I'll go with Clark.
[to Batman, flirting]
Young: Unless I should go with you.
Young: Whatever.
Young: I'm fine to go with Diana.
Young: So Bruce and I are good to go?
Young: I changed my mind. I'll go with Bruce and John can go with Clark.
Young: [Getting annoyed] What*ever*.
[They take off]
Young: What's with them?
Young: Man, for someone with like, fifty different kinds of vision, you are so blind.
[he takes off]
Young: [still confused] What?