The Best Mrs. Little Quotes

Stuart: Little high, little low!
Mrs. Little: [from a distance] Little hey, little hoe.
Margalo: What the heck was that?
Stuart: Oh, that's just how we greet each other.
Margalo: Interesting.
Snowbell: Nauseating is more like it.

[the Littles have just discovered Stuart's red roadster stripped]
Mrs. Little: Who would do such a thing?
Fredrick: Tiny little vandals!

Mrs. Little: Did you hear that! She said "Bla Bla"!

Mrs. Little: George, have you seen Stuart?
George: He's down here with me.
Mr. Little: [whispering out] What are you doing to him?

[Mr. Little is struggling to get a jar of pickles open]
Mrs. Little: Do you need...
Fredrick: Could you?
[Mrs. Little pops the top off the pickle jar]
Fredrick: [Martha throws her dish on the floor]
Mrs. Little: [grabbing Martha from her high chair] OK, that's it for you.
Mrs. Little: [to Snowbell] Snow, food.
Snowbell: [running down the stairs] "Food"? Is it tuna or herring? Or dare I say it, is it lox? Oh, please be lox!
Mrs. Little: [to Snowbell; Picks up the bowl leaving the food] Snow, that's for you.
Fredrick: How about it, boys? Are you ready to play some soccer?
Stuart: You bet, Dad!
Snowbell: [disgusted] Oh, it's glop. Look what I'm reduced to. I'm a handy wipe with hair.

Mr. Little: You must never harmed Stuart. You understand?
Mrs. Little: Never, or out you go, Mr. Snow.
Mr. Little: Stuart is one of the family now. We do not eat family members.

[at breakfast]
Mrs. Little: [hands Stuart his plate] Here you go.
Stuart: Thanks, Mom.
Mrs. Little: Stuart, don't forget your water bottle. George...
Fredrick: ...don't forget your cleats.
Fredrick: [to Mrs. Little] My, you're looking lovely this morning.
Mrs. Little: [as her husband kisses her] Well, some people just know how to wear oatmeal.
Mrs. Little: [feeding Martha] OK, open up.
Martha: Blah... blah.
Mrs. Little: [surprised, sharing the news to the other family members] Did you hear that? She said "Blah... blah"! I can't believe it! Her first word!
[George rolls his eyes at Stuart, as Stuart gives smile to George]
Mrs. Little: Where's the baby book? I'm writing it down.
Fredrick: [as he's packing food] I'm not sure that's technically, you know, a word.
Mrs. Little: Well, of course it is. But you know, Uncle Crenshaw says that every Little starts talking by 9 months.
Fredrick: Or in Uncle Crenshaw's case, never stops.
Stuart: Are you both coming to the game?
Fredrick: Wouldn't miss it!
Mrs. Little: [to Mr. Little] Frederick, this soccer game is making me very...
Fredrick: Proud?
Mrs. Little: Anxious... especially about...
[Stuart grabs some jelly from the jar and slips]
Stuart: I'm fine.
Fredrick: He's fine.
Mrs. Little: All those boys stomping around in cleats. What if someone...
[makes a smashing gesture]
Fredrick: Oh, Honey. He's a Little. All Littles are natural athletes.

Stuart: So, what do I call you?
Mrs. Little: Mom.
Mr. Little: And Dad.
Mrs. Little: We haven't told you the best news of all.
Mr. Little: You have a brother, named George.
Stuart: What do I call him?
Mrs. Little: George.

Mrs. Little: He hates us.
Mr. Little: We've never been hated before...

[Stuart has started the plane by accident; George and Will are playing a video game upstairs]
Will: Hey, what's that noise?
George: Sounds like a lawn mower.
Will: Inside the house?
Will,29282: [alarmed] Stuart!
[the boys rush downstairs to find the plane has started with Stuart in the cockpit]
George: Stuart, what are you doing?
Stuart: I'm not doing anything!
George: Pull the break!
[Stuart pulls the break, and flies to another part of the house]
Stuart: [to George] Get the book!
Will: This is cool. All my brother does is jam crayons up his nose.
George: [reading the instruction booklet] It says here, "On takeoff, pull back on the throttle".
Stuart: "Take off"? I'm already in the air!
[Stuart flies over George and Will's heads]
Stuart: Snowbell, get out of the way!
Snowbell: [running] Please don't hurt me!
[Mr. Little is upstairs]
Fredrick: [to George and Will] What's going on?
Will: Oh, nothing. Stuart is just flying in the house.
[Mr. Little sighs, but then becomes alarmed]
Fredrick: [shouting] Flying in the house?
George: At least he's indoors, nothing bad can happen.
Stuart: Watch out! Hit the dirt!
[Stuart flies over the boys' heads again, as Mrs. Little opens the door, holding a bouquet of flowers]
Mrs. Little: [as Stuart crashes into the flowers] Stuart!

Mrs. Little: Is he going to be alright?
Dr. Beechwood: Well, a lad that size swallowing all that detergent. Amazingly, I think he's gonna be fine. Also, he's very clean.

Mrs. Little: Does Ben always dress this way?
Salesman: No no no madame! There are many moods of Ben! It all depends on the occasion.
Mrs. Little: What if the occasion was a family party?
Salesman: I think I have just the thing.