The Best Marie Angelique Quotes

Marie: Having been the daughter to a soldier, I care little for the profession.

Marie: [First lines] You, soldier. Dance with me.
Richard: I do not dance.
Marie: Do not, sir? Or cannot?
Richard: Will not.

Marie: You are rude and ignorant and an uncouth brute!
Richard: And you, madam, are a spoiled, willful, petulant, and selfish young fool!

Marie: You are rude, sir! You are a rude and ignorant and uncouth brute!
Richard: And you, madam, are a spoiled, willful, petulant and selfish young fool! - Now get on your mount and follow me back! Or will you have me *carry* you?
Marie: You would not dare...
[sees the look on Sharpe's face]
Marie: - I was done with my ride anyway!

Richard: Stay here and keep outside.
Marie: I will do no such thing!
Richard: For once in your life, do as you're told!
[after she disobeyed him and followed him, so he had to save her from attackers]
Richard: I told you to *stay put*!

Marie: You mean to leave me here? In the company of common soldiers!
Richard: Good practice, I'd have thought. You're set to marry one aren't you?
Marie: Major Joubert is a gentleman.
Richard: Aye, well God help him.

Marie: Have you killed many men? - Did they deserve it?
Richard: Some. But most were just poor soldiers who happened to wear a different uniform from me.
Marie: But in a just cause?
Richard: I'm not sure I ever heard of one! - War is the business of kings, Miss. Kings and governments. However they dress it, in the end, the whys and the wherefores come down to one thing: Loot. Booty. Treasure. - Us soldiers, we just do the dying for them!

Richard: He won you at cards?
Marie: An unusual way to find a husband, I grant, but... a shooish reputation does not encourage eligible suitors to a woman's door!
Richard: 'Headstrong', maybe. But 'shooish', no. I would not call you *that*.
Marie: You called me *worse*!

Marie: At least I won't be kept awake by your snoring.
Richard: I don't snore.
Marie: Like a cart horse!

Richard: Where the hell do you think you're about?
Marie: I wanted to ride.
Richard: I can see that!