The Best Mark Quotes

[Mark goes out to the field, where Ray and Karin are watching the players]
Mark: So, I thought you were going to watch some game?
Ray: Well, it's more of a practice since there's only eight of them.
Mark: Eight of what?
Ray: [motioning toward the players] Them.
Mark: [looking around at the field, unable to see the players] Who them?
Ray: [emphatically, not realizing that Mark can't see the players] Them them.

Mark: And who is this?
Ray: That's Terence Mann.
Mark: Hi. How're you doing? I'm the Easter Bunny.

[after Dr. Graham crosses the foul line to help save Karin]
Mark: [suddenly able to see the White Sox players] Where did all of these baseball players come from?

Mark: Admit it, Ray. You've never liked farming.
Ray: That's not true.
Mark: It is true. You don't know the first thing about farming.
Ray: Yes I do. I know a lot about farming. I know more than you think I know.
Mark: Then how could you plow under your major crop?
Ray: [feigning puzzlement at this word] What's a crop?