20 Best Marsha Mason Quotes

Pat: Are you okay, honey?
Frankie: She's fine. Right, Sue? Aren't you fine?
Sue: Yep! Yep. Super fine. I'm gonna go to my room now for normal reasons.

Daphne: Can we offer you a drink?
Sherry: Well, actually, since it's a special occasion, I brought some bubbly. Let's crack it open!
[tosses the bag containing a bottle to Niles]
Niles: Yes, why not? Oh look Frasier--Cold Duck!
Sherry: You ever had it?
Frasier: Just once!

Sherry: Good news! I found a guy who can sculpt an exact replica of Marty's police badge out of six pounds of liverwurst.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Oh, how reminiscent of the cream cheese gavel they gave Thurgood Marshall on his eightieth!

Dr. Niles Crane: Hello, Daphne, Sherry.
[to waitress]
Dr. Niles Crane: Double latte, please.
Dr. Niles Crane: Is Frasier with you?
Sherry: No, he's out shopping for your dad.
Dr. Niles Crane: That jackal!
[Niles races out of the café. A minute later, Frasier comes in]
Daphne: Dr. Crane, did you find something?
Dr. Frasier Crane: Yes, I did. It took me most of the afternoon but I finally came up with something I think is just about perfect!
Sherry: Oh, Niles forgot his coffee.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Niles was here?
Sherry: Yes, but you know, when I mentioned that you were out shopping for your dad he just shot out of here like a bullet...
Dr. Frasier Crane: That little worm!
[Frasier grabs his shopping bag and exits]

Frasier: All right, all right, fine, it's like the Roman emperor Tiberius, his mother Livia, and his wife Vipsania.
Martin: What?
Sherry: Huh?
Daphne: Who?
Niles: Go on.

Tag: I asked you to do one thing. Pack my gingko biloba.
Pat: They're your gingko biloba. You want 'em, you gotta pack 'em. You're a grown man, for God's sake.
Tag: They're for my memory! How the hell am I supposed to remember 'em if I don't take 'em?

Sherry: [to Martin] Fine, I will never mention the word "chopsticks" again.
[she then walks over to the piano and starts playing "Chopsticks"]

Pat: I brought fudge.
Axl: Awesome.
Sue: Thanks, Grandma.
Frankie: Okay, guys, just a couple.
Pat: Oh, Frankie. It's fudge. It's Christmas.
Axl: Oh, Mom gets out-mommed by Grandma. Merry Christmas to me.

[after the waitress tells Roz that her friend John had to cancel]
Waitress: Roz Doyle, right?
Roz: Yeah.
Waitress: Sorry, you don't look anything like he described on the phone.
Roz: All right, before I do anything crazy - like, go to the airport, fly to Wisconsin, and crash a wedding - did I really look that bad the other day?
[Sherry enters]
Sherry: Hi, boys!
[to Roz]
Sherry: Say, you look familiar. Did I meet your older sister in here the other day? Oh, she must be jealous of you!
[Roz marches out of the cafe]
Roz: TAXI!

[Frasier is trying to mend fences between Martin and Sherry]
Frasier: Wait, can you just stay for a few minutes? I think I can straighten this whole thing out.
Sherry: Oh, it sure didn't look like he wanted to.
Frasier: Oh, he's just being his old stubborn, ornery self!
Sherry: [wistfully] I do miss that.

Daphne: [to Sherry] You know, I keep meaning to ask, what's that lovely perfume you're wearing?
Frasier: Yes, I've been wondering that myself.
Sherry: It's called Milady's Boudoir. You wouldn't believe what a bargain it is. For a hundred bucks, I can buy enough to drown myself in.
Niles: [to Frasier] I've got 60.
Frasier: Yeah.

Tag: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I-I didn't get my turn. I was gonna tell a story about how when I was stationed in Korea...
Pat: You were a file clerk.
Tag: Hey, there was a lot of tension in that office!

Sherry: My mom always used to say to me, "Honey, the only way to get over someone is to get under someone."
[Niles slides down in his chair, to Martin]
Sherry: I really got him going, didn't I? Well, Mama had lots of sayings like that.
Niles: [timidly] Oh, I wasn't aware Mae West had children.

Grace: You don't have a stove? But you love to cook.
Arlene: I do, but I also love not cleaning up. And they really encourage you to eat in the dining hall.
Grace: So, you eat all your meals at, like communal tables?
Frankie: Grace has weird boundary issues. Try talking to her when she's in the tub.

Daphne: You've had your big conk in my business all day!
Sherry: That better mean "nose"!
Daphne: And what if it doesn't?

Pat: Well, you don't cut back at Christmas. It's Christmas!
Frankie: Who are you people? When I was a kid, for my allowance I got one cent for every year of my life. That means when I was twelve, I got twelve pennies. Twelve pennies!
Pat: Well, back then we were parents. Now we're grandparents. We have to be grand. It's in the title.

Elizabeth: My job is to understand people. Judge what they're capable of. My old job. Part of it.
Dr. Kinsey Sherman: So you let yourself down?
Elizabeth: And my country.

Sherry: Morning, handsome! Did I say that before?
Martin: Before, and after!
Frasier: [They laugh while Daphne looks disgusted] Please, would you two spare me the single entendre this morning?

Sherry: [to Frasier and Niles] Boys, hi! Don't you look handsome in your best bib and tucker. Come and give Aunt Sherry a great big kiss!
Niles: Perhaps just a friendly wave from across the room.

Sherry: Well, I really thought I'd hit the jackpot with Marty. It isn't easy finding someone you think the world of.
[to Frasier]
Sherry: Oh, I know, you go tom-catting around with a different girl every night, but you can't find happiness that way.
Frasier: I haven't so far.