The Best Marv Quotes

[first lines]
Marv: Metal screams. Something hits me square in the chest. There's no up or down. I don't weigh a thing.

Marv: [waking up next to a crashed car and a group of dead bodies] How did I get here? What have I done?

Marv: [to Nancy] I hope you don't mind me saying this, but... you look hot.

Marv: [seeing Nancy covered in scars] Just give me a name.
[long pause]
Nancy: ...Roark.

Nancy: Looks like trouble.
Marv: Looks like Christmas.

Marv: How did I get here? What have I done, and why? I can't remember for the life of me.

Marv: What have I done, and why? I must have forgotten my medicine. I've got a condition. It's bad to forget your medicine when you've got a condition.

Marv: [takes a punch] Just another Saturday night...

Marv: Remember when you did, remember what you did.

Marv: Why'd he call me "Bernie"?

Marv: [to Dwight] Here we are pal. All of sudden this doesn't look like the brightest idea you ever had, huh?

Marv: [observes Ava] That right there is a dame to kill for...